Bloomberg 2020, the (Five) Hundred Million Dollar Man!


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.

Michael Bloomberg as we all know is the candidate whose been terrorizing the Superbowl, internet and television with a hundred million dollars worth of advertising so that he can buy his way into polling and now the DNC is apparently changing their debate rules to allow him on the debate stage as well.


Probably because Michael Bloomberg has COURAGEOUSLY decided not to take any donations from BILLIONAIRES, or THOUSAND DOLLAR A PLATE FUNDRAISERS or SUPERPACS or SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS or CORPORATIONS.

Granted he is a billionaire whose done fundraisers, superpacs, special interest groups and in charge of corporations but still... now that Michael Bloomberg is in the double digits in polling, surpassing clearly inferior minority candidates like Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang who are hawking for donations largely from small time donors, is this a sign of what is to come.

I'm not sure how much money Trump used for financing his campaign but I don't think it was that much IIRC. Bloomberg meanwhile hasn't taken any donations. He just needs ads and polling results... taken via ads. This is a good insight into the future dystopias of science fiction where giant banners advertising Coca-Cola and Google and Bloomberg for President will haunt the commercialized airwaves.
He's actually in for around $200 million so far.

Oh man I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with the updates to how many hundreds of millions he's going to spend. It's all moving so fast!
I never thought I'd be rooting for Bernie to beat anyone but between him and Bloomberg the man is the lesser of two evils.
Oh Bloomberg would probably be less bad for the country than Sanders. Bloomberg at least has some understanding of how money works.
I never thought I'd be rooting for Bernie to beat anyone but between him and Bloomberg the man is the lesser of two evils.
Bloomberg is also probably the embodiment of the nanny state. He'll tell you how to run your life, because he's smarter than you and knows what's best.

Sanders may raise my taxes, but he won't ban me from having a coca cola, at least not that I know of.

Exactly. I'd rather mainline socialism from Bernie--at least that would make it brutally clear in the pocketbook what the consequences of the election were--than see more creeping totalitarianism which Bloomberg would bring.
Exactly. I'd rather mainline socialism from Bernie--at least that would make it brutally clear in the pocketbook what the consequences of the election were--than see more creeping totalitarianism which Bloomberg would bring.

I honestly think China would have done way worse if they stayed with full communism than the compromise, which made them even worse and more influential and controlling
I honestly think China would have done way worse if they stayed with full communism than the compromise, which made them even worse and more influential and controlling

More influential on the international scene you mean? That is an intriguing thought.
I never thought I'd be rooting for Bernie to beat anyone but between him and Bloomberg the man is the lesser of two evils.
I actually have a weird kind of respect for Bernie Sanders. Sure, many of the policies he supports would be ruinous if he enacted them, but I think he really does believe in those policies and actually wants to help people. He kind of represents an older era of the American left when they wanted to help poor people instead of hating on white men all the time.

Bloomberg, on the other hand, just seems like a power hungry, corrupt, control freak. I’d take Bernie over him any day.

Though the Democrat Party is a hive of scum and villainy, they’ll give Bloomberg entry and advantages while shutting out Tulsi Gabbard and undermining Bernie. The Democrat establishment torpedoed Bernie once before when he was up against Clinton, when they probably didn’t even need to. Now Bernie looks to be in the lead and the Democrats are under closer scrutiny from the alternative media. I wonder if there could be a civil war brewing within the Democrat Party.
I wonder if there could be a civil war brewing within the Democrat Party.

There already is a civil war inside the Democrat Party. It will just get worse going forward. Their best chance to head one off is for Sanders to win the nomination and then to get crushed in the general by Trump. That will very likely lead to the majority of the party ejecting the crazy left almost wholesale and returning to something that could at least be a reasonable facsimile of sane policies.

Biden winning the nomination in any way except the clearest of clear cut wins in the primaries will cause the Sanders supporters to revolt against the party, especially if Biden loses to Trump.
There already is a civil war inside the Democrat Party. It will just get worse going forward. Their best chance to head one off is for Sanders to win the nomination and then to get crushed in the general by Trump. That will very likely lead to the majority of the party ejecting the crazy left almost wholesale and returning to something that could at least be a reasonable facsimile of sane policies.

Biden winning the nomination in any way except the clearest of clear cut wins in the primaries will cause the Sanders supporters to revolt against the party, especially if Biden loses to Trump.
Though the thing about Bernie is that he doesn’t represent the crazy left. While many of his policies are misguided and/or extreme, he is trying to address issues that actually do matter to most Americans. Our health care system is a completely disaster, higher education costs and student debt are out of control, our foreign policies are bankrupting us and causing chaos around the world, and the middle and working classes are in many ways getting relatively poorer. Bernie talks about tackling these issues even if his proposed solutions may not be the best.

I would contrast him with the actual crazies in the Democrat Party - the Social Justice Warriors. The people who think that all white people are racist oppressors, who want to castrate little boys who like girly cartoons or toys, who believe in patriarchy and privilege, who want reparations for slavery, who think that all heterosexual sex is rape, who want to doxx dissenters and destroy their careers or even their lives, who believe in assaulting people they call Nazis, who think that any of their preferred groups who are underrepresented in some field are victims of persecution, who think that women are only shorter than men because parents starve baby girls, who see every aspect of life in terms of identity. Basically, the raging bigots and hate mongers. They are the crazy part of the Democratic Party and they are increasingly powerful both in the Democrat Party and in society over all. The really sad thing is that they are winning.
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Though the thing about Bernie is that he doesn’t represent the crazy left. While many of his policies are misguided and/or extreme, he is trying to address issues that actually do matter to most Americans. Our health care system is a completely disaster, higher education costs and student debt are out of control, our foreign policies are bankrupting us and causing chaos around the world, and the middle and working classes are in many ways getting relatively poorer. Bernie talks about tackling these issues even if his proposed solutions may not be the best.

Health care costs skyrocketing is the direct result of government interference with the market. This is a policy the Democrats pushed.

Increasing tuition costs is the direct result of government interference with the market. Decreased utility of degrees is also partially a result of this. This is a policy the Democrats pushed.

Foreign policy problems is more of a bipartisan failure, but Bernie would have had us surrendering to the soviets, so he has no credibility there.

Basically, every one of these problems you've listed, Bernie's solution to the problem is to do more of what created the problem in the first place. IE, make it worse.

At his age, with his amount of time in government, the only question is whether it's willful ignorance, or active malignance. Probably ignorance, but either way, he gets no credit for campaigning on policies that will make things worse.
In the wake of the Iowa caucuses debacle, Bloomberg is, literally, doubling-down on ad spending.

So...For any of you in the blast radius of his advertising blitzkrieg, you brave souls in ragged uniforms who've already been subjected to Bloomberg-Television bombardment even when you're not watching his channel...Prepare for another walking barrage of Bloomberg advertisements made in the hopes of softening your political position for the ineviteable bayonet-charge by his crazed, Apple-computer wielding staffers hoping to recruit you into the Bloomberg military.

Dude is apparently set on proving the whole 'elections can be bought' criticism of the Citizens United decision right in the most literal sense he can. I don't think he can, still....But this whole primary seems even questionably-concluded than the yabo of an (R) one four years ago that ended up with Trump winning things.
Honestly...It kind've looks like the guy is angling/hoping for a contested convention. Whether that's to benefit himself or to shut-out the Sanders wing of things could be argued but...I kind of assume that's his motivation at the moment.
He's actually in for around $200 million so far.

Thread updated a third time since yesterday. He's actually invested 300 million into ads since November.

I'm sorry. It's hard to keep up. He's spending faster then I can read and type! 🥵

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