Are there any other forums with a conservative lean where alternate history is discussed? If so, which ones?

Baen Books used run a forum with a wild array of ideologies called Baens Bar which hosted several alternate history authors, (Some good and some bad with the later including Kratman.) but last year someone wrote a scathing article with high accusations of it being a hotbed of advocating political violence and the publisher was forced to close it for a few months. When it finally reopened they implemented a policy of making the forum restricted to only registered buyers of their media with the exclusion of those already members who are grandfathered in, making it partly pay to even enter.

Do you remember who exactly wrote that article? Sounds like a rat, to be honest! :(
What does the politics sub-forum there involve?
It frequently turns into a right-wing echo chamber, with some very poor responses to criticism.

(Someone went off the rails so badly that he started calling people who disagreed with him Child Molesters. That it took this level of abuse to earn a ban is not encouraging) General Discussion. It's not great, but it's someplace to look.

It's huge, and its size means that it moves like lightning compared to SB and that you can find people whose interests in history are both varied and studied (though they are not necessarily the same posters - there are a lot of people with very strong opinions and not nearly so many with well-considered opinions). You want to post a 'What if'? It might get three pages (at 50 responses per page) by lunch, if it really gets traction.

The downside is that its huge, so there's a lot of competition for eyeballs, thread responses move so quickly that less-popular threads can get off the first page in a few minutes, and there are a lot of 'tards so the signal-to-noise ratio isn't good (The ability to 'like' a post cuts down on an ENORMOUS amount of useless responses on forums, and it does not exist on Arfcom).

And as the name implies, it's a gun-focused website (though GD is heavy on the political and news threads) so it's not like a place where everyone is in it for the same type of entertainment interests like it is here (or the constellation of sites related to Spacebattles).

I am trying to join there to have a discussion about making scifi guns but for the life of me it doesn't accept my email. @Large_Farva suggestions?
I believe this one has had some Alternate history content before and is solidly conservative, though it isn't the most user friendly or diverse.
It should also be noted they lean more to the right than this forum in many areas.
If you can't find their AH content then you should check out their conspiracy theories which range from crazy but all in good fun to at least somewhat plausible.
I haven't been active on it and have only recently found the site.
I am trying to join there to have a discussion about making scifi guns but for the life of me it doesn't accept my email. @Large_Farva suggestions?
Try emailing site staff, maybe? Either that or sign up for an email account with a different service, then use that to try and register. Don't know how well it'll work, since they're trying to cut back on trolls/agent provocateurs.

This is apparently a conservative forum, although gun-centered. Just see one of the replies and you will see HOW much conservative they are.

Lol holy fuck what a bunch of fuckin' boomers. "What would a good future gun be?" "A bunch of antiquated shit!"
Try emailing site staff, maybe? Either that or sign up for an email account with a different service, then use that to try and register. Don't know how well it'll work, since they're trying to cut back on trolls/agent provocateurs.

Lol holy fuck what a bunch of fuckin' boomers. "What would a good future gun be?" "A bunch of antiquated shit!"

I tried 5 different emails !

I was more speaking of the God fearing.
This forum.

  1. Space Battles is North American leftwingers.
  2. Alternate history Is in a similar situation but tamer.
  3. Sufficient Velocity Is even worse than the two.

That's a question of perspective.
People at Sufficient Velocity at
https://forums.sufficientvelocity.c...e-history-youve-ever-read.47523/post-21430649 and describe this forum as far-right and a counterpart to that forum as this one is a right-wing split from Space Battles and that one is a left-wing split.
I did read at Sea Lion Press, which is to the left of, that Sufficient Velocity is pretty far to the left.
I also get the impression that this forum is pretty far to the right.
I also get the impression that this forum is pretty far to the right.

Pretty far to the right relative to what would be the key question, as you say it's a matter of a perspective.

For example, take the media bias chart (which is accurate enough for this in terms of the left/right scale, the Y axis is a lost cause):

People tend to assume thier position is the same, reasonable, obvious position, because of course it is, if it wasn't the sane position then they wouldn't hold it, and they define the spectrum in those terms, not in terms of the objective center. And they understand their neighbors on that spectrum much better when compared to the farther reaches. I can explain the difference between the National Review, Fox, Daily Caller, Reason, and the Federalist pretty well, and then on the left wing side I have a mental boxs labeled "liars" and "dirty commie liars" and sort one of the two*.

Mapping forums onto this chart:

I would put the average discourse as somewhere in the "The Blaze" or "Daily Caller" range, solidly right wing and opinionated, but mostly based on facts or principles.

SB is somewhere in the Daily Kos range, which is more based on feelings and opinions and then you grab facts to back them up.

SV isn't on here, because I guess Pravda was so far left it didn't fit on the chart.

*This is a joke, but only just (there's only one box).
Ah, good old SV. They are rather passionate about social justice. Given that I do stuff over there, it's a miracle I haven't been burnt at the stake yet.

If you avoid talking about certain things, you can survive in all forums.
In, you must never get into an argument with the mods, especially not Ian the Admin, and never post in certain topics such as Israel/Palestine and cancel culture. Ian hates Israel and is very much opposed to cancel culture, especially as it has been done to him with a picture of him wearing a T-shirt saying "Slaves get it done".
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