What If? Aliens contact us with shocking information

And that’s why I would model resistance on the Quit India Movement...
Well they aren't exactly selling anything to us. We have nothing we could use as payment anyway, their literally just dropping stuff off, building it, and plugging it in. Sure, you can refuse medical care, but that doesn't hurt them. In fact, there's no real way to hurt them economically either.
Well they aren't exactly selling anything to us. We have nothing we could use as payment anyway, their literally just dropping stuff off, building it, and plugging it in. Sure, you can refuse medical care, but that doesn't hurt them. In fact, there's no real way to hurt them economically either.

You seem to not understand the importance of Swaraj, Self-Rule, and Swadeshi, Self-Sufficiency, to the human mind, to the human spirit. You are talking about the destruction of our traditions and cultures by a power of perfect totalitarianism. There is only one comparable event to the circumstances that you describe: The Prophesied Rule of the Anti-Christ. You are talking about the wickedest civilisation which has ever existed. They are literally monitoring everything you do from the hour of your birth, controlling your government, determining your moral choices for you. We can trust nothing that they say, we cannot trust their medicine or food to put in our bodies, we must assume they are faithless monsters. We may, indeed, assume they are literally the incarnation of what the Anti-Christ is expected to be for Christians, of what al-Dajjal is for Muslims, of what the destruction of Kali is for Hindus at the very end of the World. There may be this group of demoralised western people who passively wait to receive the Mark of the Beast from these aliens, but most people will be ready and willing to defend their culture, because this fits a very current narrative: Anti-Colonialism.

The aliens are blatantly imposing a late-Imperialist structure of "we are uplifting you for your own good"; they are blatantly taking on "the White Man's Burden". For this imposition against our culture and freedom, we have the inestimable example of Mahatma Gandhi to resist where no armed struggle is possible.

Welcome to the Quit Earth Movement.

We can sit where they drop things by the tens of thousands so we die when they drop them, while millions more chant "Drop something here too, so we may also be martyred!"

"You are Masters in Someone Else's Home."

We can block the spaceports by the hundreds of thousands. We can choke cities with people refusing to do anything except shut down all commerce and economy.

Women can organise spinning, as it was during Gandhi's day. We can refuse the goods of their nation and make "khadi", simple homespun, instead. We will win and destroy their power with our spinning wheels.

Men and women alike can go out in the street and create a General Strike; nobody will work and nobody will occupy or use what they send to us. Those demoralised elites who take advantage of it will be ostracized.

We will beat these monstrous aliens who have come with the power of the antichrist against us, with homespun. Everything they give us, WE WILL BURN!

Swaraj! Swadeshi! We will accept nothing else!

If you come against us with power we cannot fight -- then we will meet you with Satyagraha, until you must kill more of us than you claim to have saved! Let you kill a hundred million of us, a billion, five billions! We will still resist. We will refuse to play your game.

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You seem to not understand the importance of Swaraj, Self-Rule, and Swadeshi, Self-Sufficiency, to the human mind, to the human spirit. You are talking about the destruction of our traditions and cultures by a power of perfect totalitarianism. There is only one comparable event to the circumstances that you describe: The Prophesied Rule of the Anti-Christ. You are talking about the wickedest civilisation which has ever existed. They are literally monitoring everything you do from the hour of your birth, controlling your government, determining your moral choices for you. We can trust nothing that they say, we cannot trust their medicine or food to put in our bodies, we must assume they are faithless monsters. We may, indeed, assume they are literally the incarnation of what the Anti-Christ is expected to be for Christians, of what al-Dajjal is for Muslims, of what the destruction of Kali is for Hindus at the very end of the World. There may be this group of demoralised western people who passively wait to receive the Mark of the Beast from these aliens, but most people will be ready and willing to defend their culture, because this fits a very current narrative: Anti-Colonialism.

The aliens are blatantly imposing a late-Imperialist structure of "we are uplifting you for your own good"; they are blatantly taking on "the White Man's Burden". For this imposition against our culture and freedom, we have the inestimable example of Mahatma Gandhi to resist where no armed struggle is possible.

Welcome to the Quit Earth Movement.

We can sit where they drop things by the tens of thousands so we die when they drop them, while millions more chant "Drop something here too, so we may also be martyred!"

"You are Masters in Someone Else's Home."

We can block the spaceports by the hundreds of thousands. We can choke cities with people refusing to do anything except shut down all commerce and economy.

Women can organise spinning, as it was during Gandhi's day. We can refuse the goods of their nation and make "khadi", simple homespun, instead. We will win and destroy their power with our spinning wheels.

Men and women alike can go out in the street and create a General Strike; nobody will work and nobody will occupy or use what they send to us. Those demoralised elites who take advantage of it will be ostracized.

We will beat these monstrous aliens who have come with the power of the antichrist against us, with homespun. Everything they give us, WE WILL BURN!

Swaraj! Swadeshi! We will accept nothing else!

If you come against us with power we cannot fight -- then we will meet you with Satyagraha, until you must kill more of us than you claim to have saved! Let you kill a hundred million of us, a billion, five billions! We will still resist. We will refuse to play your game.

You assume that everyone would be willing to follow you in this endeavor. That everyone will see eye to eye in this scenario and will protest the arrival of the aliens. Not everyone has faith in their government or what it does. These aliens bring no ill intentions for humanity.

You also make the mistake of comparing us to India under the rule of the British Empire. That is far from accurate, as we aren't under their control or economy. There is no benefit from them doing what they are. Protesting in cities will only hurt said city, not them. They can choose to land anywhere to perform their duties and can very easily ensure no one puts themselves in harm's way.

In the end, they not only bring the technology we need to save our biosphere, but eradicate every disease, and lift everyone out of poverty. That's something Britain never could or would do in India. The comparison isn't the same. They only save footage of those who commit heinous crime, not of every being on Earth. Normal everyday actions and occurrences are ignored and deleted. The same goes for politicans who have done nothing wrong. They do not rule us, nor do they intend to. We already do that ourselves.

Or to put it another way; You assume that the government of whatever country you happen to be protesting agrees with you. Like with countless millions around the world, there will be governments who openly accept this aid. And short of police and military forces using lethal force against protesters, the aliens do not need to intervene in such matters. You can choke city streets until the government decides enough is enough and orders you out of them.
Gandhi didn't need everyone to participate in Satyagraha to bring down the Angrezi Raj. And what you describe is so horrible on its face that I am sure the participation rate, world-wide, will be much higher than it was for the Satyagraha. People will know one thing very clearly: The Aliens have come to reimpose Colonialism. You can insist otherwise, but that's what it looks like to me, especially putting myself in the perspective of someone on that Earth, who isn't going to automatically trust your authorial fiat, because you're not there as God to tell them so.
Gandhi didn't need everyone to participate in Satyagraha to bring down the Angrezi Raj. And what you describe is so horrible on its face that I am sure the participation rate, world-wide, will be much higher than it was for the Satyagraha. People will know one thing very clearly: The Aliens have come to reimpose Colonialism. You can insist otherwise, but that's what it looks like to me, especially putting myself in the perspective of someone on that Earth, who isn't going to automatically trust your authorial fiat, because you're not there as God to tell them so.
Even still, they won't just up and leave. They still have defense forces stationed around the solar system for protection, they'll still process our criminal elements, carbon absorbers will still be working in the atmosphere to clean up and repair the ozone, and medical and energy infrastructure will still be deployed. They don't care if we like them or not, but they'll still be giving it to us. Protesting won't really change that, because at the end of the day, they have no reason to leave. The galaxy is a dangerous place. They won't blatantly send down drones or personnel anywhere they aren't wanted. Those who need and want the help will be assisted in getting to it. But they won't set up in the middle of cities either. They'll be out of the way of local commerce, which they have nothing to do with.
Even still, they won't just up and leave. They still have defense forces stationed around the solar system for protection, they'll still process our criminal elements, carbon absorbers will still be working in the atmosphere to clean up and repair the ozone, and medical and energy infrastructure will still be deployed. They don't care if we like them or not, but they'll still be giving it to us. Protesting won't really change that, because at the end of the day, they have no reason to leave. The galaxy is a dangerous place. They won't blatantly send down drones or personnel anywhere they aren't wanted. Those who need and want the help will be assisted in getting to it. But they won't set up in the middle of cities either. They'll be out of the way of local commerce, which they have nothing to do with.

Then you have provided the answer. We prove that they are harming us by meddling in our affairs and in a sense killing us. If they are as you say, then such beings can be defeated through the use of logic and reason. They can easily stick to protecting us from the shadows and allowing us to grow on our own terms, if they truly care, and wait for when we can enter willingly into a relationship with them, one that will be decided by a mutual decision.
Sooner or later someone will escape and get to these so-called “enemies” who they are “protecting” us from to ask for guns and arms to drive them out with. It’s just a matter of time...
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That isn't possible. Your asking them to let us run systems that we'd have no hope in hell of understand, but also control a monitoring system that's controlled by an AI for good reason. Letting living beings be in charge of the surveillance system would open the door for blackmail and corruption.

A comparison to a prison doesn't really work either. We aren't forbidden to leave our world so we wish. Rights aren't being withheld from us. They aren't restricting us from going on with our normal lives.

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