AI/Automation Megathread


Based AI.
I can't help but notice the person complaining about it happens to be a blue haired woman... just like what AI drew.
Here's a new AI generated Star Trek show. This is interesting as it shows how AI-produced animation has come a long way (obligatory mocking of people who said this was impossible a couple of months ago). Compared with the Seinfeld show it's got far better animation, albeit it still has a long way to go to get to modern standards. Characters move in ways that match their statements and it switches POV depending on the speaker. It still has issues there with the random background events it's throwing in, like the bearded female crewman who tries to walk through Mr. Skopp here.

It's also overcome some of the short-term memory problems of previous AI, this one seems to be able to hold onto the plot and remember its own threads for around five minutes or so before it drops the ball.

In this episode it seems the Crew has discovered an ancient artifact powered by the substance... chocolate milk? What? Hmm, still better than human-written Treks we've been getting lately.
In this episode it seems the Crew has discovered an ancient artifact powered by the substance... chocolate milk? What? Hmm, still better than human-written Treks we've been getting lately.
huh. all the women have facial hair.
one woman has a moustach
the other has a beard. the woman with the beard is referred to as he

... ok, then the next skit the girls don't have facial hair anymore.
then a skit after they have it again but referred to as she.

looks like this AI doesn't know what the definition of a woman is.
... it would fit in perfectly on the supreme court
is this skit set in an evil starfleet timeline and the joke of all the evil characters having facial hair got in somehow?
Sorta, yes.

As far as I can tell it is many different skits, each skit a few minutes long. Shown one after the other.

Some of the skits are in an evil timeline where everyone is evil and they literally call their captain Evil

In the evil skits everyone has facial hair. but it is not a goatee. you got moustaches by themselves, or neckbeards. no evil goatee. That threw me off and I failed to realize it was the evil facial hair meme and thought it was just the AI being confused about women and facial hair

go to around 7:39 there’s a new ai can “imagine” it’s own creatures and things and art styles the whole video is cool but that one specificly is amazing
This is interesting. Midjourney, despite being trained on 2D images, actually figured out that our world is 3D on its own and incorporates this understanding into its creation of images. This isn't super surprising, other programs have figured out that the world is 3D before like StyleGAN some five years ago, but it still goes to interesting places that AI is actually learning and intuiting things about the real world well beyond what was in the database we gave it.

I figure this is a better space to place these videos than the hate news threads

The new pentagon replicator program

a ai driven dune buggy being tested by darpa

on a more fun note listen to how good some of this ai generated music is getting

music examples start at 3:30
I figure this is a better space to place these videos than the hate news threads

The new pentagon replicator program

a ai driven dune buggy being tested by darpa

on a more fun note listen to how good some of this ai generated music is getting

music examples start at 3:30

…between this and the political plot of the Prequels, I am really starting to think Lucas might have had the gift of prophecy on this one.

Major Tripwire – Homeland Security Publishes Guidance for Using Artificial Intelligence as Tool for Surveillance, Monitoring and Tracking of American Citizens

You might ask, why is the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) in the business of conducting widescale surveillance, monitoring and tracking of American citizens.

Unfortunately, if you are asking that question, then you likely don't know the first, fourth and fifth amendment to the U.S. constitution were usurped by the 2001 Patriot Act.

George W Bush and Dick Cheney created the domestic surveillance system under the auspices of DHS and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Barack Obama and Joe Biden then took that DHS surveillance system and modified the dials (Justice Dept., FBI) so the surveillance only applied to their ideological enemies.

If you have followed my outlines on this issue [Category Here], you will note exactly where this latest development falls on the continuum. The 2024 election is right around the corner. Previously I stated the artificial intelligence (AI) component to the internet surveilllance system was going to launch toward the end of this year. Well, DHS has just announced exactly that [SEE HERE].

I find it very interesting the DHS memo was issued on August 8th, but only published for the general public yesterday. July and August were when I first identified AI spider crawls were already underway. Pay very, very close attention to the two underlined words in the following paragraph:

Take out the word "improper" and the admission is, DHS uses AI to profile, target and discriminate. In the second sentence, DHS currently participates in systemic, indiscriminate and/or large-scale monitoring, surveillance, or tracking of individuals. The only thing those sentences in the paragraph say, is that DHS will not allow AI to create improper outcomes within a system they outline that already exists.

Stop and reread that last sentence as much as needed. Inasmuch as this DHS guidance is telling us the rules for Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) as they use AI, they are also outlining what current processes of surveillance would be enhanced by it.

DHS' AI task force is coordinating with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on how the department can partner with critical infrastructure organizations "on safeguarding their uses of AI and strengthening their cybersecurity practices writ large to defend against evolving threats."

What are those critical infrastructure organizations? They include voting systems. Who or what are those evolving threats? You!

Federal News Network – […] The report also recommends DHS encourage pursing off-the-shelf commercial solutions instead of "building everything in-house."

Mayorkas emphasized the need for DHS to adopt AI quickly, regardless of whether it's commercially acquired or internally developed technology.

"We have got to change the procurement capabilities of a government agency to actually move quickly and nimbly, so that when we're dealing in a very dynamic environment, we can actually move with dynamism," Mayorkas said. "I'm not suggesting moving to a sole source model, but we just have to be quick."

He also stressed the need for DHS to prioritize where it will use AI, rather than attempting to adopt it across every mission and use case. The report points to combatting both fentanyl and human trafficking as use cases that could be "accelerated and championed" across DHS. But it also suggests DHS "integrate AI/ML into as many areas of the DHS mission as possible."

"We're going to need to prioritize what aspect of our mission should we really double down on to harness AI because I worry about diluting our focus too much," Mayorkas said. "And I really do want to demonstrate, as quickly as is responsible, how this could really be a game changer for us in advancing our mission . . . we have to pick our spots here, in my view, somewhat surgically." (more)

Notice the emphasis on speed. Get this AI system launched into DHS surveillance, tracking and monitoring systems as quickly as possible.

Now do you see my point about how radical and fast everything is going to change? It's the 2024 election targeting.

Remember, the Dept of Defense (DoD) will now conduct online monitoring operations, using enhanced AI to protect the U.S. internet from "disinformation" under the auspices of national security. {link}

I share this information with you so that you understand what is being constructed and what is about to be deployed on a large scale throughout the U.S. internet operating system. The U.S. internet will be different. The social media restrictions became more prevalent and noticeable in the past several years; now it is time for DHS to expand that process to the entire U.S. internet.

When I wrote about Jack's Magic Coffee shop, people initially thought I was crazy – but the guys inside the coffee shop didn't. Eventually DHS control over Twitter was revealed in the Twitter files. The same background is true here. The entire American online apparatus is going to change, quite soon.

I'm alone out here, but I'm not wrong.

More will follow….
…between this and the political plot of the Prequels, I am really starting to think Lucas might have had the gift of prophecy on this one.

Honestly, though, there are times when I wonder if we're living through our own "Rise of the Empire Era" right now.

Say what you will about the Prequels, but they're looking more and more prescient every day. In fact, I half expect future generations to treat them as an inadvertent warning of what was to come, rather than the mixed bag most SW fans think of them as nowadays.
In that case, who wants to bet we'll have our own "Separatist Crisis" spearheaded by disaffected Red States right about mid-century?

There may not be enough will or animosity for it now, but considering where trends are pointing and how the battle lines are being drawn as we speak, part of me wonders if the "Clone Wars" — whether ACW II, World War III, or another Russian Revolution — are just around the corner. Those, I'll probably live to witness, though whether I'll last long enough to see A New Hope emerge is anyone's guess. 🤷
It's not a total 1/1 comparison because the Confederacy of Independent Systems were essentially just a bunch of megacorps thinking that with the automation technologies they possessed, if not for the monopoly of force of Republic law and its jedi enforcers getting in their way, they could build a murderbot army and rule the galaxy. Our megacorps already run our civilization by the much cheaper and safer means of bribing our elected politicians, they have no reason to launch a revolution when they're already winning.

A real-world equivalent would probably be Zyobot's prophesied Caesar figure being our "Palpatine". A populist with the politics of;
  • The system's accepted measures of reform don't work, that's why they're accepted. Winning elections don't give enough power to challenge the actual ruling status quo of rogue intelligence agencies and billionaires and populists who try get kennedyed. It'd take a dictator to fix things*.
  • Make me dictator and I'll crush the megacorps and their robots as they pose a threat to my authority. This also benefits you since they're also your enemies and without them, they'll be jobs again and no threat of robot-owning extremists**.
  • Of course, I'm going to keep all the authority you give me, proclaim myself the first American Emperor and probably try to reenact Napoleon's rampage to keep funneling loot to my military supporters to maintain their loyalty, but that's still better than what the previous status quo was doing.
Also, they'll probably be some minor populist politician or an ex-glowie who was radicalized by the situation rather than a machiavellian mastermind who'd been puppeteering everything from the start.

Reactionary Philosophy In An Enormous Planet-Sized Nutshell said:
Everyone realizes our current model of government is screwed up and corrupt. We keep electing fresh new Washington Outsiders who promise with bright eyes to unupscrew and decorruptify it. And then they keep being exactly as screwed up and corrupt as the last group, because if you hire a new actor to play the same role, the lines are still going to come out exactly the same. Want reform? The lines to “Act V: An Attempt To Reform The System” are already written and have been delivered dozens of times already. How is changing the actors and actresses going to help?

A Czar could actually get stuff done. Imperial Decree 1: End all corporate welfare. Imperial Decree 2: Close all tax loopholes. Imperial Decree 3: Health care system that doesn’t suck. You get the idea.

Would the Czar be corrupt and greedy and tyrannical? Yes, probably. Let’s say he decided to use our tax money to build himself a mansion ten times bigger than the Palace of Versailles. The Internet suggests that building Versailles today would cost somewhere between $200M and $1B, so let’s dectuple the high range of that estimate and say the Czar built himself a $10 billion dollar palace. And he wants it plated in solid gold, so that’s another $10 billion. Fine. Corporate welfare is $200B per year. If the Czar were to tell us “I am going to take your tax money and spend it on a giant palace ten times the size of Versailles covered in solid gold”, the proper response would be “Great, but what are we going to do with the other $180 billion dollars you’re saving us?”
War of the Worlds by The Honest Sorcerer said:
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you know, maybe it's wrong of me, but I used to feel sorry for artist and then I remember how the OVERWHELMING majority of them that were vocal basically told laborers to learn to code "Because the future was coming!" and treated them like they were uncultured uneducated hicks and now that AI has come for THIER jobs...they still treat laborers like uncultured uneducated hicks because we are now experimenting with AI art programs some of which can provide better quality looking pictures then most of "artist". So no these people can bite me. They did not respect the labor and crafts of my family and friends why should I show respect for their craft and kowtow to their demands? Funny enough I do support an artist. his name is Nacho. he's the one that is doing my Spiderman fan comic.

Note: as mentined a couple of replies later. m not saying "All artist." I'm mainly talking about the artist constantly griping on social media and hurrling insults like. "If you like AI art U R gay!" yeah cause that's real mature.
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you know, maybe it's wrong of me, but I used to feel sorry for artist and then I remember how the OVERWHELMING majority of them that were vocal basically told laborers to learn to code "Because the future was coming!" and treated them like they were uncultured uneducated hicks and now that AI has come for THIER jobs...they still treat laborers like uncultured uneducated hicks because we are now experimenting with AI art programs some of which can provide better quality looking pictures then most of "artist". So no these people can bite me. They did not respect the labor and crafts of my family and friends why should I show respect for their craft and kowtow to their demands? Funny enough I do support an artist. his name is Nacho. he's the one that is doing my Spiderman fan comic.
AI might not be "real art"
But I sure am happy it is putting artists out of business.

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