  • VictortheMonarch

    Victor the Crusader
    “This one shall do.” The voice said, as I looked around. I have to be dreaming, as before me I saw a void. Not a void like a dark chasm, or some cliffside, but a pure, dark void. Everywhere was the eternally sailing darkness, roaming the expanse for lightyears, if not more... The voice, though disbodies, repeated once more; “This one shall do.”

    I felt a tug, as if a rope was tied to me, and with a pull, I descended. Violently I was dragged down, clawing at anything, anything at all that could save me, but to no avail, and then, there was nought but light.


    *Line Break*


    I Opened my eyes only to flinch back, the sun broke through the windows and as I moved about in my bed, I felt… weak, frail, even. As I moved my hand to my face, I felt claws… twisted and turned, as if my hand was from some horrid creature, I flinched back as I saw the old wrinkled skin on my hand, and as I looked down at my body, I saw the differences.

    No longer wearing blue jeans and a Romanov text shirt, but a long silky black and white doublet, with red three headed dragons stitched onto it. My once managed beard is now no longer blonde, but a pale white, long and horridly reaching my knees. I reached for my face to find changes all along my jaw. No longer was there a roundish jaw, but a far squarer jawline, though barely noticeable, for the arm length hair cascading like a nightmare down my head.

    As I got out of the bed, I found that moving toes was impossible, the nails having long curled together into a horrible mess. I looked around the room, and saw it all. Dark Red stone that shone in the sun, which had long extended upwards, flattening out a good ten yards up. What truly struck me was the lone Mirror in the room, not far from the Balcony, and decorated with a darkened metal, with Rubies adorning it.

    I had to know, I had to know for not knowing could spell the end of me. And for that I walked. I walked to the mirror and stood agape at what I saw.

    It was as if staring at the face of a seventy year old man, cruel a gaze with a streak of madness, deep trenches that dug deep… long hair that descended to my waist and a beard that extended longer. With clawed hands I touched my face. No longer was there the soft skin I had grown use to, no longer was my hair a light blonde, nor were my eyes a cerulean blue. I was him, I was Aerys the Mad.

    A deep pain in my guts extended out, and thus I puked up a dark mass, and let out a scream.

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    The White Bull

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    In all his life, he hated his King. It was his duty to serve the King, to Honor the King, to be loyal to the King. But never to like his King. Oh yes, he had like Jaehaerys, and Aerys was a good king… until Duskendale.

    Duskendale changed Aerys, no longer was he a good man, who wanted nothing more than to bring Westeros to new heights, no… now he was a craven man, who burned children for his own pleasure, and raped his own wife. The number of times that Gerold had wanted to step into that room, to put a stop to it… but his duty is what stopped him. Duty to the King, and that does not include harming the King.

    Gerold sighed to himself, the white helmet atop his head was heavy, but it mattered not. He would guard this man, even if it drags him to the seven hells.

    Even if he had to watch Kings Landing burn.

    Suddenly a scream was let out from the Kings room, Gerold looked to Lewyn Martell, who nodded back, and they slammed open the door. With swords drawn and shields at the ready, they entered the room to a fanciful sight. There, on the ground laid the king, hacking up a dark liquid, that upon meeting the sun's light, sizzled under the sun's cruel critique.

    The King looked up to them, and to their horror they saw his face, at first, Gerold thought it to be poison, but after a mere moment, his look of horror changed to sheer shock. The wrinkles on his face receded, and his matted grotesque hair changed back to it’s fine golden white tone. The Cruel and Crazed look receded, and the kind gaze of before Duskendale was back, to it’s old glory. It was as if looking at the King before Duskendale, before the madness…

    The King looked back to him, and smiled, “Ser Gerold, call the small council.” Gerold let out a nod. “But first, send for a groomsmen, I need to get ready…” As Gerold walked away, he knew that something had happened, and whatever it was, the King was different.

    ++++Line Break++++


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    With my nails clipped, my hair cut down to a long crew cut, and my beard clipped and made into a Verdi[1], I walked to the small council, and looked around the room. There was a long table, dark of wood and as long as a minivan. Seats were placed around it, and of course seated in said seats were the small council.

    From Tywin to Varys, the table was clustered. They all looked agape, save Tywin and Varys, It makes sense, for Aerys had never truly gotten his hair cut, nor did he have his nails clipped. Beyond that, the near change in me was different. I felt as If I was still in my old body, before… whatever this was.

    “You’ve been groomed…?” Tywin asked, as I nodded. I had a plan for how to explain a sudden change in personality, one that should hopefully give me a clean slate. “That is not all. As you all may have know, I have been… paranoid and honestly quite deranged the past few years. I’ve regained my body… but at the cost of it, three years of my life were stolen, three years a demon controlled me, and ran amok.”

    “A demon?” Lord Velaryon asked, I nodded once more. “Less a demon, and more a dark god. The Red Faith of R'hllor, the demon that possessed me. With aid from Serala of Myr, R’hllor possessed me, and although I saw all he did, I was powerless to stop it.” I said, and looked downtrodden. “I regained control over my body this morning, and kicked the damned fire god out of my body, and as you can see, I am all the better for it.” I said, as many of the small council nodded.

    I disliked the red faith from the story, how the burned children, assassinated people through ill-begotten means… I intend to rip the fabric from that faith, and stamp it out, even if it means I will die. “Tywin, I want them out of the Kingdom.” I said, looking at him. “Send them away, back to Essos, willingly or not. I will not have a follower of that fire demon in my kingdom.” I said, and he looked at me, for a moment, before replying.

    “It will be done, but before that, I want something from you.” He said, likely testing me. “What is it, Tywin?” I asked, as stared at me, rather blankly, “I want something from you, I only ask that you accept a betrothal between Viserys and Cersei.”

    Now that was something… something for another time. “I shall think about it. But for now I want the Red Faith gone, see to it.” I said, walking out from the room. “And please, do not kill them, only expel them to Essos.” I said, walking out from the room. I need to find my wife... and fast.


    1- A type of beard, think Nicholas II and his sexy beard

    2- Fire god, you prolly know who he is.