Alternate History ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ November 2, 1976: President Nelson Rockefeller wins election to full 4-year term and the aftermath

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  • A.) YES

    Votes: 15 88.2%
  • B.) NO

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C.) TBD

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
Chapter 19: Fallout of the 1984 Democratic Party Presidential Primaries
3:00 PM CST, Sunday, 10 June 1984
Minnesota House of Representatives Chambers
Minnesota State Capitol Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota
*1984 will be the Battle between President Bush vs Governor Babbitt: Boring, Bland Campaign according to political analysts
*Mondale exits campaign, pledging to support Babbitt; Not ruling out potential comeback for United States Senator in 1988.
*Babbitt reaffirms running as Moderate Democrat, Third Way Approach, but will listen to Liberals on some issues.

Following the end of the Primary/Caucuses Season, former US Ambassador to Canada
Walter Mondale didn't address the public at the end of primary night, an ad-hoc press statement was announced for Sunday afternoon inside the Minnesota State Capitol Building. The Democratic hopeful spoke following consultations with his campaign team and party leadership.

Ambassador Mondale: "Thank you everyone for coming here this afternoon, and welcome to the People's Capitol: Saint Paul. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have summoned all of you here today to officially announce the formal suspension of my campaign for the Presidency. After the latest round of primary contests and our defeats, it's becoming quite evident that our path to winning the Democratic presidential nomination has officially closed. Just a few minutes ago, I called Governor Bruce Babbitt of Arizona to inform him of my decision. I congratulated him on a stunning streak of success and an impressive campaign which was rarely seen in American politics. I pledged to him and his supporters to fully get behind his efforts to reclaim the White House in November. This is our goal right now. My campaign was never about my personal ambitions, it always about bringing America together and offering a different vision than President Bush. I believe that together we can move forward a win the future with a vision of economic prosperity, which will benefit all Americans, putting the People's President back into the White House; efficient government that does perform the basic duties rather than ignoring the domestic needs of America by using ruthless budget cuts impacting major programs and initiatives; pursuing a nuclear freeze on nuclear weapons to preventing an all-out nuclear war and making the tough decisions such as raising taxes on specific policy proposals. These are the goals I will keep fighting for in the private sector as a citizen of this great country of ours. Thank you all again for your lasting support. It was a great honor of fighting for you. Thank you very much once again."
Chapter 19: Campaign 84 Kickoff (Summer 1984: I)

By the early part of June, Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt reached the point he could not have never thought possible. Although he didn't formally collect the necessary delegates yet, he was basically left as the sole contender for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. The two-term Democratic Governor of Arizona briefly following Ambassador Mondale's speech about the latter's decision to quit. "I have great respect for Ambassador Mondale's decision and will continue to talk to him and work with him as we're seeking to offer a different vision for America," he told reporters, "we did have strong disagreements, but in the end, we come together and for a specific greater goal. That's what its all about."

Babbitt declined on whether he's already considering Vice Presidential candidates or Cabinet appointments. However, Babbitt reaffirmed to run as a Moderate Democrat in the general election, referring to his successful tenure as Arizona State Attorney General and Governor of Arizona. However, he pledged to reach out to liberals within his own party and work to earning their support. Babbitt is already scheduled to meet with a group of liberal lawmakers the following week. A dinner with United States Senator
Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) was also announced for the weeks to come.


George HW Bush just returned from a nearly week-long international trip which included stops in Ireland (June 1st-4th: where he addressed the Irish Parliament in a Joint Session Address); France (where he attended the commemorative ceremonies of the 40th anniversary of the Allied Landing in Normandy) and the United Kingdom, where he recently attended the 10th G-7 Summit (June 7th-June 9th) when he was notified that Ambassador Mondale suspended his campaign. "I heard about it on board Air Force One," the President told reporters on Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland. "The coming months we will have a tough, but fair fought battle over the future of this great country. I believe Vice President Baker and I have such a future, while my opponent is more interested in reviving the 1960s. I want to build a bridge to the 1990s and the New Millennium."

Sources from within the Bush reelection campaign reaffirmed that painting Babbitt, as a figure of the ancient past, remains the main strategy of the President's reelection bid. However, some voices warned that its not enough, given Babbitt's strong showing against Bush in the latest round of polling surveys. It's no big secret that Republicans strongly preferred facing Ambassador Mondale, whom many Bush loyalists viewed as way too liberal and many head-to-head match-ups showed Bush trouncing Mondale by 39 percentage points. Bush is favored to win his first full four-year term, but Babbitt will indeed, give him a real hard run for his money as the general election approaches.

Ad-Hoc polling surveys post Babbitt nomination

*Tuesday, 12 June 1984: Gallup conducted a number of polling surveys after Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt de-facto secured the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Not just a new national poll is out, but all 51 States have been polled for their presidential preferences. Less than six months before the general election, the outcome appears like this:
Presidential Election, Nationally (12 June 1984)

President George HW Bush: 54%

Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt: 37%
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Chapter 19: The VP Shortlist for Governor Babbitt (Summer 1984: II)

Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt hasn't been making any ton of newsworthy comments since clinching the Democratic Party presidential nomination in early June, other than saying he is looking for a "governing partner". He cited several examples such as then-President Lyndon Johnson and then-Vice President Hubert Humphrey as a specific role model, who served together from 1965 to 1969. Both Rev. Jesse Jackson and United States Senator Gary Hart (D-CO) strongly flatly rejected any roles in a future Babbitt administration altogether. Others, who also turned down potential consideration for the Vice Presidency: United States Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA), who explained that he didn't want to give California Governor George Deukmejian the satisfaction of appointing a Republican to his US Senate seat; New York State Governor Mario Cuomo and Texas Governor Mark Wells White, Jr., each cited having won their respective Governorships in 1982 as major factors in turning down requests to serve as Vice President and United States Senator Juan H. Cintron Garcia (D-PR) also declined, citing the need of helping elect Democrats to the United States Senate in 1984.

Various sources have been indicating the following individuals under consideration to be Governor Babbitt's pick for the Vice Presidency in the 1984 presidential election:

United States Senator
Dale Bumpers (D-AR)
Why is he being considered? Moderate-to-Conservative Democrat from the South. Popular former Governor and currently two-term United States Senator known for easily defeating then-Arkansas Governor Winthrop Rockefeller in the 1970 Arkansas gubernatorial election and defeating long-time United States Senator Jim Fulbright (D-AR) in the 1974 Democratic primary election for the United States Senate. Bumpers brings both executive and legislative experience to the table including proven ability by appealing to Southerners.
The odds of being picked: Too soon to tell depending on whether Babbitt can overcome the strong popularity of incumbent President
George HW Bush in the South during the general election. It remains to be seen if Babbitt will go in that direction.

San Francisco Mayor
Dianne Feinstein
Why is she being considered? Moderate-to-Liberal Democrat from the Golden State with a governing philosophy as business-friendly to industries and businesses. Ascended to the Mayoralty following the shocking Moscone assassination in 1978, Feinstein easily won a first full four-year term in 1979; defeated a recall attempt overwhelmingly in the Summer of 1983 and handily won reelection to a second full four-year term later that Fall. Feinstein being potentially picked would make her the first female Vice Presidential nominee of a major political party and set her up for future political success in the future of her political career.
The odds of being picked: 50/50, but highly unlikely due to the fact that the late President
Ronald Reagan is still beloved and popular in California, the State with 47 Electoral Votes appears more likely going to be overwhelmingly favoring President Bush in the November general election.

Los Angeles Mayor
Thomas Bradley
Why is he being considered? Would become the first African American Vice Presidential nominee of a major political party if chosen by Governor Babbitt. Comes from an overcoming the odds storybook: The grandson of slaves in Texas, his family moved to California when he was a young kid and after graduating from high school and later the University of California-Los Angeles, Bradley began a career in law enforcement, serving on the Los Angeles Police Department for 21 years with the rank of Lieutenant. He served 10 years on the Los Angeles City Council, having been elected in 1963 and was reelected in 1967 and again in 1971, and during that time, Bradley ran unsuccessfully for Mayor of Los Angeles in 1969, losing in the runoff to the flamboyant and controversial then-Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty that year. Four years later in 1973, Bradley regrouped and easily trounced Yorty in their 1973 rematch and has been serving as the 38th Mayor of Los Angeles since 1 July 1973: winning reelection in 1977 and again in 1981; Bradley is also known for his unsuccessful campaign for the California Governorship in 1982, losing to Governor Deukmejian by less than by one percentage point
The odds of being picked: Like Feinstein, increasingly unlikely. Plus the factors against Bradley: His age, the fears from Southern and Midwestern voters being scared about an African American Vice President being closer to the Presidency.

US Rep.
Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY 09th)
Why is she being considered? Like Feinstein, Ferraro would be the first female Vice Presidential nominee of a major political party if she's picked by Governor Babbitt. And she would also become the first Catholic chosen for the nation's second highest elected office. Babbitt pledged to consider picking a woman on the ticket during the primary campaign.
The odds of being picked: Ferraro could potenitally become the darkhorse considering that according to insiders, Governor Cuomo had recommended Congresswoman Ferraro for Governor Babbitt to chose her. However, there are concerns about her lack of political experience including legislative accomplishments.

Kentucky Governor
Martha Layne Collins
Why is she being considered? Governor Collins is currently the highest-ranking Democratic female politician in the United States. Following her election to the Kentucky Governorship in 1983, Collins had been asked by the press about her interest on serving as Vice President under a future Democratic President. The Governor is being chosen by the Democratic National Committee to preside over the upcoming 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco this Summer.
The odds of being picked: 50/50, but Collins would appeal to women voters including Southerners considering she's from the South.

San Antonio Mayor
Henry Cisneros
Why is he being considered? Cisneros is one of the highest-ranking Hispanic American politicians, who is leading the 10th largest city in the United States as Mayor of San Antonio, having been elected in 1981 and was recently reelected in 1983; In 1982, Cisneros was selected as one of the "Ten Oustanding Young Men of America" by the US Jaycees. He was also tapped to serve on the Bipartisan Commission on Central America by President Bush in late 1983.
The odds of being picked: Mayor Cisneros has been tapped to be one of the top finalists on the Vice Presidential shortlist according to insiders, but there hasn't been any detailed information regarding whether Governor Babbitt would pick the popular San Antonio Mayor as Vice President.

United States Senator
Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX)
Why is he being considered? Moderate-to-Conservative Democratic United States Senator from the Lone Star State: many Democratic Party insiders have been lobbying Governor Babbitt to tap Senator Bentsen as Vice President because he would appeal to more Conservative Southern voters in the South. Bentsen previously ran for President, unsuccessfully running for the 1976 Democratic Party presidential nomination.
The odds of being picked: Senator Bentsen brings legislative experience to the table for Governor Babbitt. Being from the Lone Star State (Texas has 29 Electoral Votes) would make Babbitt quite competitive.

29 June 1984: New Gallup Polling Surveys
George HW Bush Job Approval
Approve: 61%
Disapprove: 37%

1984 Presidential Election Head-to-Head Matchup: 29 June 1984
President George HW Bush: 53%

Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt: 43%
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Chapter 19: Babbitt's Decision on VP revealed
*Babbitt and Collins to hold joint news conference in Phoenix.
*Insiders viewed the decision coming down to Collins and unspecified Wild Card choice.
*Developments coming in.....

COMING UP THIS WEEK: Details on the Babbitt/Collins news conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
Chapter 19: The Babbitt/Collins Dream Team (Summer 1984: III)
12:06 PM MST, Monday, 1 July 1984
Phoenix, Arizona

Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt and Kentucky Governor Martha Layne Collins both arrived with their spouses inside the Hayden Convention Center in downtown Phoenix, where it was confirmed by Governor Babbitt himself that he personally phoned Governor Collins a few days ago that he was tapping her as the Vice Presidential candidate, which according to insiders, Collins accepted. Collins stands for transparency and good government reforms, one of the major cornerstones of the Babbitt campaign. A lot of Babbitt's proposals are only achievable via legislatively; And while neither Babbitt or Collins have legislative experience, both are Governors, who serve on the National Governors Association in major key positions including the fact that Collins is the chairperson of the Democratic National Convention.

Collins went to the podium to thank Governor Babbitt for the confidence of tapping her as Vice President on the Democratic ticket and she delivered remarks about the plans for the country's future in the upcoming four years with a new administration and key proposals of interests. She also had passionate criticism against the Bush administration's economic policy, which she dubbed "Bushnmomics is NOT working at all Mr. President. Americans have lost confidence of the so-called Economic Tax Cuts Act or whatever the Bush administration is calling it because poll after poll reveals that a majority of Americans don't have any confidence or are strong disapproving of Bushnomics."

Chapter 19: Shit Hits the Fan in India (Summer 1984: IV)
......"whenever I look at this woman. I get angry after what she did by sending the Army into Akal Takht. I want to send this bitch a clear message by teaching her a lesson. I will find a way how......"
-Beant Singh
Summer 1984

Operation Blue Star and the Aftermath
Amritsar, Punjab, India

The controversial military operation, Operation Blue Star (1 June-10 June 1984), which was ordered by Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who had rejected the Anadpur Resolution and ordered the Indian Army to launch the controversial operation, which resulted in the violent attacks on Sikh temples across Punjab. Depending on whom you would believe, official estimates (and they were numerous) placed the number of casualties overall at 554 militants and civilians dead including 83 killed (4 officers, 79 soldiers); 236 wounded among government forces. On June 6th, the Indian Army had detained surviving pilgrims on the grounds they were affiliated with the militants and subjected them to interrogations, beatings, violent torture techniques including executions.

Soon afterwards, there was backlash over the Indian government's handling of Operation Blue Star including the violent aftermath had escalated as many in the Sikh community both inside and outside of India were furious and they wanted answers and also demanding the resignation of Indian President Zail Singh. At first, he considered resigning in order to let the country heal, but ultimately decided against doing so because he was worried about alienating and also infuriating Harbhajan Singh Khalsa, (known as Yogi Bhajan). Singh was also called before the Akal Takht and there, Sikhs were furious, angry and cussing out the President, demanding he apologize; Singh was also asked to explain why he didn't do anything to prevent the violent desecration of the Golden Temple including the deaths of innocent Sikhs.

Singh had assumed the fallout and backlash regarding Operation Blue Star would just blow over and folks would just move on. They obviously did NOT!

Several weeks later, Singh decided to visit the temples premises following Operation Blue Star, and while making the rounds, someone fired a sniper from somewhere at one of the buildings because the Indian Army hadn't cleared any of the surrounding buildings on the premises. The bullet meant for the President, actually hit an Army Colonel's arm, who was accompanying President Singh.

He wasn't the only one to face backlash over the controversial military operation......

Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the daughter of the legendary Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, who was in the middle of her third term of office, was also facing death threats. The perceptions of death threats against the country's first female Prime Minister and this had so alarmed the Intelligence Bureau, they pushed for the full removal of Sikhs from the Prime Minister's personal bodyguard detail unit, but Gandhi had thought that the removal of Sikhs would cause her political opponents to use as ammunition against her by calling her anti-Sikh, so she forced the SGP to reinstate her Sikh bodyguards, particularly Beant Singh, who some believed, was one of the Prime Minister's favorite bodyguards.

Sadly, this turned out to be a fatal mistake on the part of the Prime Minister.


Chapter 19: Sports Personal PoV's (Summer 1984: V)
......"This has to be one of the most shocking results in the history of the US Open Golf Championship. Arnold Palmer, who won the 1960 US Open Golf Championship 23 years ago, has failed to qualify for the 1984 US Open Golf Championship...... This is the first time Palmer has missed qualification in 32 years......."
-NBC Sports Exclusive: 1984 US Open and the Upsets.

....."Congratulations to Patty Sheehan, who has won back-to-back LGPA Championships by a record ten strokes ahead of Runner-Up Pat Bradley and Beth Daniel in the 1984 LGPA Championship. And this is a wonderful moment for Women's Golf......."
-Excerpt from "Sheehan Repeats as LGPA Champion"
NBC Sports Exclusive Special Coverage

Upcoming Stories for Chapter 19 (Summer 1984)
*Sports Personal PoV's (Summer 1984)
*Personal PoV's (Summer 1984)
*National and International Headlines (Summer 1984)
*Wiki Infoboxes on several international Heads of State.
*Pop Culture Personal PoV's (Summer 1984)
*DNC Convention Highlights.
Chapter 19: Personal PoV's (Summer 1984: VI)
Backlash against Robles (Part I)
Tuesday, 2 July 1984
Mexico City, Mexico

By the Summer of 1984, the ongoing escalating feud between three-term Mexican President General Oscar Robles and the rival segments of the Mexican Army had reached a breaking point. In the past two years, the country had been consumed with the fallout from the devastating Economic Recession of 1982 as well as backlash from segments of Mexico due to the controversial budgeting cuts on domestic programs and services; Mexico was also consumed by political violence consisting of kidnappings, disappearances, riots, assassinations, all of which has been instigated by the Mexican Army's 683rd Death Squad Battalion (on the orders of Robles in violently wiping out all forms of opposition). Depending on whom you asked, the controversial Operation Michel had claimed somewhere between 13 to 16,000 lives per day in non-stop endless cycles.

Both chambers of the Congress of the Union: the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, had been constantly deadlocked between an out of control chaotic Telenovela with 24/7 twists between competing political parties representing specific concentrated interests bickering with each other and unable to perform simple legislative tasks such as passing legislation such as Healthcare Reform or necessary Economic Investment initiatives, and what made matters worse, was the Mexican economy was seeing massive double-digit inflation, wavering on the edge of collapse following the price shocks rippling through Western economies for the past 16 months.

Opposition grew aggressively bolder following the death of Robles' popular second wife, then-Mexican First Lady Fernanda Arizmendi on 5 July 1981. On 23 March 1982, a terrorist group detonated two bombs in a public rally at Santa Anna Plaza, which resulted in killing 25 people and injuring 83. Amidst the chaos, Robles exhorted the crowd to take reprisals and get even; Die-hard Robles-ista's made their way to the adversaries' gathering places, the Morena Party headquarters and the Jockey Club by burning them into the ground.

There was also a stalemate ensued between Robles and the opposition and, despite some controversial austerity measures taken late in 1981 to remedying Mexico's unstable and unsustainable trade deficits, the flamboyant three-term President remained generally popular. In May 1983, he called a special election to replace the late Senator Horatio Quartermaine, which his preferred candidate won by nearly a three-to-one margin. Given what he had strongly believed was as solid of a mandate in the midpoint of his third term and inflation in single digits, and the Mexican economy on more secure footing, Robles ventured into new policy: creation of incentives designed to attracting more foreign investment.
Chapter 19: Personal PoV's (Summer 1984: VII)
Secret Lifestyles in Hong Kong (Part I)
5:27 PM, Tuesday, 2 July 1984
Somewhere in Hong Kong

Since ascending to the Prime Ministership of the Commonwealth of Hong Kong following the sudden death of the legendary Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng in October 1983, Hong Konger Prime Minister Lei Dang was seen as one of the rising stars in Hong Konger politics including being well-received by the international community for his surprise handling of the "Hong Kong Economic Miracle" in the later part of 1983 and early parts of 1984. Many assumed Dang would win election to a full five-year term in the upcoming special election, where his party controlled the Hong Konger Parliament by overwhelming margins.

Dang was viewed as the "Sheriff of Wall Street from the Asian Pacific" during his tenure as the Minister of Justice, by leading a coalition of 19 other countries in a price-fixing lawsuit against five of the largest music companies and three music retailers, resulting in a $143 million settlement. He went after WorldCom for fraud, attacked drug giants GlaxoSmithKline and Pharmacia for price-fixing, and uncovered crookedness in several mutual fund markets. By casting quite the large net, Dang also lost some cases along the way, even a few high-profile prosecutions. He was strongly criticized for not requiring straightforward apology from Duke and Duke Interprises, which made it harder for victimized investors to sue in order to recoup their losses following the Economic Recession of 1982. Buoyed by his successful track record as Minister of Justice, Dang was tapped to serve as Chancellor of the Exchequer by then-Prime Minister Cheng in 1981 before ascending to the Prime Ministership following Cheng's sudden death.

Dang had also made enemies inside the Hong Konger government by clashing with several members of the Hong Konger Parliament, when for one instance, the Healthcare Reform Package Initative failed to pass after strong opposition from Conservatives and National Union Party members, who joined forces to defeating the Liberal Democrat Party's Healthcare Reform Package Initative. Dang was blasted by the opposition for sabotaging the legislation, which he viewed as unnecessary and too much bureaucratic red tape. Steven Lai of the Liberal Democrat Party, went so far as to call out Deng to his face during the weekly Prime Minister's Questions with the following "With all due respect to the Right Honourable Prime Minister, the current government's prioritites are so out of whack, that they need their heads examined as soon as possible."

Due to the constant politicla bickering, Dang's approval ratings began to suffer as a result. He also was leading some weird double-life behind closed doors.

A series of decisions that members of the Prime Minister's inner circle conceded as "missteps" brought substantial scrutiny and heavy unfavorable press during 1984. These missteps included the $19,000 (USD) on drapery for the Prime Minister's penthouse office suite, changing the Commonwealth nation's customary vehicle lease from a Ford Crown Victoria to a Cadillac. Dang responded in a 27 May 1984 press conference, "I do realize that I cannot in good conscience ask the agencies in making those choices without being willing to make these specific decisions myself." Dang subsequently remibursed the Commonwealth for the cost of the drapery controversy and furniture purchased for Parliament House including the additional monthly difference of his vehicle lease.

Later in June 1984, Dang came under fire again, but this time for contacting the Sao Paulo Art Biennial, for what was alleged to be using bargaining chips of economic trade relations between Hong Kong and Brazil, for secretly diverting government funds consisting of nearly $37 million (USD) to off-budget accounts that paid trade junkets tab, advertising contracts, and a deal with a federally subsidized tourism venture backed by the Sao Paulo Municipal government. Backlash amongst opposition Parliament lawmakers against the controversies began to escalate against Dang even more.

Dang was also in the midst of secretly making phone calls to mysterious call-girl service companies in Brazil: Dang used the name 'Wayne Shalvoy' on 30 June 1984, with arrangements to meet with a beautiful Brazilian prostitute named 'Kristina Garcia' AKA Angelli Jimenez somewhere at the Queen Victoria Hotel in Yuen Long Town. She originally intended to travel from Sao Paulo for the planned tryst and Dang agreed in advance that he "would be paying for everything: plane tickets, cab fare from the hotel, and back, room service, travel time and hotel." Dang and Angelli engaged in hot steamy passionate sex on that night at the Queen Victoria Hotel inside his private penthouse hotel room; Following the secret tryst, Dang paid her $3,525 in cash. The payment also provided $5,000 as a deposit toward future services to be provided by the Princess Club.
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Chapter 19: National and International Headlines (Summer 1984: I)
*4 June 1984: Columbia Records released Bruce Springsteen's 7th studio album, which was called "Born in the USA" and immediately, it becomes one of the biggest hits in music and also becomes Springsteen's most popular commercial success with the topping of the charts in 11 different countries and selling over 30 million copies across the world.


*8 June 1984: The American supernatural comedic film "Ghostbusters" starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson including Sigourney Weaver premieres nationwide. The movie was also produced and directed by Ivan Reitman.

*9 June 1984: There have been breaking news developments coming out of the Argentine Republic, as senior officials of the Argentinian government have officially confirmed news reports that former Argentine Republic President Lieutenant General Jorge Videla, who came to power in a military coup d'etat against then-President Isabel Martinez de Peron on 24 March 1976 and served as the South American country's 40th President from 29 March 1976 to 29 March 1981, was mysteriously kidnapped by a group of unknown assailants. Members of the Videla family and law enforcement agencies are working their hardest in finding the former President.

Speculation is that Videl was leaving his residence when a group of unknown assailants disguised as news journalists kidnapped him by gunpoint and shoved him into a large black vehicle, which drove off to an unknown location.

US Secretary
George P. Shultz, who is in London, attending the G-7 Foreign Affairs conference, held an impromptu press conference at the US Embassy in London, where reporters asked him about the explosive situation in the Argentine Republic. Shultz said "The State Department is closely monitoring the situation in the Argentine Republic and have sent warning recommendations to American citizens including Embassy personnel employees to be on high alert on potential explosive incidents."
Chapter 19: List of US Presidents since Harding
Warren Gamaliel Harding (R-OH): 29th President from 4 March 1921 to 2 August 1923: Elected in 1920; Died under mysterious circumstances in San Francisco, California.

Calvin Coolidge (R-MA): 30th President from 2 August 1923 to 4 March 1929: Ascended to the Presidency upon Harding's death; Elected to full four-year term in 1924, but didn't seek reelection in 1928.

Herbert Clark Hoover (R-IA): 31st President from 4 March 1929 to 4 March 1933: Elected in 1928; Defeated for reelection in 1932.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY St): 32nd President from 4 March 1933 to 12 April 1945: Elected in 1932; Reelected in 1936, 1940 and again in 1944; Longest-serving President of the United States with 12 years of service. Died from cerebal hemmorage at his retreat in Warm Springs, Georgia.

Harry S. Truman (D-MO): 33rd President from 12 April 1945 to 20 January 1953: Ascended to the Presidency upon Roosevelt's death; Elected to full four-year term in 1948, but didn't seek reelection in 1952.

Dwight David Eisenhower (R-KS): 34th President from 20 January 1953 to 20 January 1961: Elected in 1952; Reelected in 1956.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (D-MA): 35th President from 20 January 1961 to 22 November 1963: Elected in 1960; Assassinated while riding in open limousine during parade at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas.

Lyndon Baines Johnson (D-TX): 36th President from 22 November 1963 to 20 January 1969: Ascended to the Presidency upon Kennedy's assassination; Elected to full four-year term in 1964, but didn't seek reelection in 1968.

Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA): 37th President from 20 January 1969 to 9 August 1974: Elected in 1968; Reelected in 1972. Resigned in disgrace following the Watergate Scandal.

Gerald Rudolph Ford (R-MI): 38th President from 9 August 1974 to 5 September 1975: Ascedned to the Presidency upon Nixon's resignation; Assassinated while greeting well-wishers at Capitol Park on the grounds of the California State Capitol Building in Sacramento, California.

Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (R-NY St): 39th President from 5 September 1975 to 26 January 1979: Ascended to the Presidency upon Ford's assassination; Elected to full four-year term in 1976. Died under mysterious circumstances during secret sex escapade at his NYC townhouse apartment in New York City, New York State.

Abner Linwood Holton, Jr., (R-VA): 40th Presidency from 26 January 1979 to 20 January 1981: Ascended to the Presidency upon Rockefeller's sudden death; Didn't seek election to full four-year term in 1980.

Ronald Wilson Reagan (R-CA): 41st President from 20 January 1981 to 13 November 1983: Elected in 1980; Assassinated while attending military exercise festivties at the Republic of Korea Army 1st Corps Headquarters in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

George Herbert Walker Bush (R-TX): 42nd President since 13 November 1983: Ascended to the Presidency upon Reagan's assassination.

Chapter 19: The Peanut Farmer returns to the Governor's Mansion
12:00 PM EST, Monday, 11 June 1984
Georgia State Capitol Building Grounds
Atlanta, Georgia

Fallout of the 15 May 1984 Georgia Gubernatorial Recall Election had huge ramifications: First, the unpopular Georgia Governor Joe Frank Harris was overwhelmingly recalled from the Governorship after one year in office by Georgians, who were basically fed up with the corruption scandals exploding non-stop as well as the federal indictments engulfing the Harris administration including several key figures of Georgia state government. 75 percent of Georgians voted for the Recall, while only 23 percent voted against the special recall election. Second, Harris getting recalled from office put a monkey-wrench of political jockeying amongst the down-ballot statewide officeholders inside the Peach State, who had originally begun plotting for 1990, based on the assumption the recall would fail, it didn't. Third, it marked the return of the Peanut Farmer from Plains to the Georgia Governor's Mansion: James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr., the man, who eight years earlier, was the 1976 Democratic Party nominee for Vice President.

The festivities included the typical parade of the usual bigwigs of the Georgia General Assembly; several members of the Georgia congressional delegation as well as Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young including several of the statewide officeholders, and among them: Lieutenant Governor Zell MIller, whose gubernatorial ambitions were temporarily sidetracked; Secretary of State Max Cleland; State Attorney General Michael J. Bowers (who would later switch to the Republican Party in 1994); Agriculture Commissioner Tommy Irvin. There were also a stream of former Georgia Governors in attendance: Herman Talmadge; Ernest Vandiver; Carl Sanders; Lester Maddox; George Busbee and finally, Harris, who along with his wife, Elizabeth Carlock, took their seats near the front.

All of the attendees rose for the Governor of Georgia as he walked joyously onto the makeshift reviewing stand. The sight before him was magnificent to behold. The sun had peaked through the crowds providing for a fair amount of warmth to this special day. He couldn't believe what he had just accomplished: returning to statewide office less than three years after leaving the United States Senate in 1981 in frustration of legislative gridlock in Washington, DC. Now he couldn't help but be proud that he would be guaranteed to become the Peach State's longest-serving Governor with 10 years by 14 January 1991.

At 12:00 PM, Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Harold Nelson Hill, Jr., whom Carter hoped might have the opportunity of replacing on the Georgia Supreme Court, summoned the Governor and his wife, United States Senator Rosalynn Carter (D-GA) for the official swearing-in, and once again the Governor recited the Oath of Office:

"I, James Earl Carter, Jr., do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of Governor of the State of Georgia and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution thereof and the Constitution of the United States. So help me God."
Almost immediately, the playing of "Star-Spangled Banner" was performed as cheers rang out from the thousands gathered on the grounds of the Georgia State Capitol Building including the hundreds behind him. The loud, thundering 19 Cannon Salute was fired by the Georgia Army National Guard followed by the flyover from the Georgia Air National Guard. Governor Carter, smiled, waiting patiently for his chance to address the Peach State once again, this time as the 79th Governor of the State of Georgia.
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Chapter 19: Personal PoV's (Summer 1984: VIII)

......"Because our mission must involve the quest for excellence and quality in those who teach, it is incumbent that we devise a system which clearly documents the abilities of those who educate our youth. No other issue is more emotionally charged. No other issue more clearly deserves our most judicious attention.

.....I am convinced that a system can be established which meets the need for assessment of a teacher's skills------and at the same time, recognizes the importance of equity and performance.

......I am sensitive to the concerns of those who feel that we cannot afford to spend more for education in view of the state's fiscal condition. You can be assured of my strong commitment to avoid additional taxes in the next session. My finance plan which I have submitted for your consideration reflects my commitment to that goal. Just as important, my plan was drawn with fairness to all taxpayers.

......I cannot and will not ask you or the citizens of this state to support a plan to finance public education reform and highway improvements without pledging that these and all other government programs be operated more efficiently and effectively. I am committed to making state agencies more accountable. And I am committed to controlling the cost of state government.

......During these past six months, I have met with board members and top managers of our largest agencies to discuss cost savings and cost containment measures. In addition, I have written to the head of each state board and commission stressing the need for tight budget planning in the 1986-87 biennium. I will not support additional funding for agencies that are poorly managed, wasteful, or unable to plan effectively------and I have told them just that.

......Each agency will be required to justify any increase in the number of employees, as well as budgets for travel, equipment and supplies, telephones and utilities, and all other areas of spending. The burden of proof will be on the agency.
And automatic increases will not be permitted.

......I am confident that we can live within the revenues made available by our current tax structure and the finance plan I have recommended. And I am confident that with your help we will not need to raise additional taxes in the next regular session.

......I have prepared a detailed set of spending projections for the 1986-87 biennium that will allow state government to meet essential needs even under the most pessimistic and conservative estimate that we will have only a nine-percent growth in revenue.
My proposal, which I will discuss with you in greater detail later this week, calls for a tight budget allowing only moderate increases and growth. It would require state agencies to hold the line on operating expenses that can be reined in through innovative and careful management.
If my budget plan------including my education and highway improvement proposal------is adopted, it would represent a 12.2-percent biennial increase, the smallest percentage increase in state spending since 1970.
If this plan is adopted, it would permit you to return to your districts at the end of the next regular legislative session and tell your constituents that you helped enact the most fiscally conservative budget of the past 15 years.
If revenue growth exceeds nine percent------and I believe that it will, based on the stable economic recovery currently underway in Texas------additional funds would be available to meet the additional needs of a growing population.
But in our immediate concerns for fiscal responsibility, let us not be shortsighted. Let us always keep in mind that improvements in education will do more to ensure the prosperity of this state and nation than any other step we might take at this time.

......Those who are inflexible in their view that we can solve all the problems in education without a greater investment are blind to the reality of where stand.
For too long we have called upon our educational system to do too many things. For too long we have asked too much and have given too little.
We are in the midst of a great period of transition in Texas, with profound implications for the nature of our work and the way we live.
Today we are at a crossroads.

......Oil and gas, the economic foundation of the past, is gradually receding with the depletion of those resources. The age of information, of high tech and "Megatrends" and "Future Stock" has arrived with lightning speed.
We have nothing to fear about the future, and we cannot afford to look back fondly to the past. Our future lies in our ability to prepare and plan for a smooth transition that will bring forward our best while leaving none of our citizens behind.
Time and time again, education and transportation have been the magnets that attract and sustain a dynamic economy. We must ensure that those two vital elements will continue to be strong magnets as we look forward to the future.
I submit to the members of this legislature and the people of this state that the direction we must choose for Texas at this moment is the one that is truest to our heritage------a heritage of courageous and spirited action with our eyes firmly fixed on the future.
The problems of education and transportation will not go away, even if we pretend they are not free.
We cannot run from them. We cannot escape them.
The immortal words of Franklin Roosevelt remind us that we here in this chamber today have a "rendezvous with destiny."
Thank you very much....."
-Excerpts from the Special Session Address of Texas Governor
Mark Wells White, Jr., to the Joint Session of the 68th Texas State Legislature
Monday, 4 June 1984
Texas House of Representatives Chambers
Texas State Capitol Building
Austin, Texas

Chapter 19: Personal PoV's (Summer 1984: IX)
Secret Lifestyles in Hong Kong (Part II)
10:00 PM BST, Thursday, 11 July 1984
Somewhere in Brazil

Hong Konger Prime Minister Lei Dang was in the midst of a long working visit to Brazil, having left Hong Kong on Wednesday morning from July 10th. Dang was working on fostering an economic trade relationship deal between the Commonwealth of Hong Kong and the Federative Republic of Brazil.

As the Prime Minister's aircraft arrived in Brasilia on late Wednesday afternoon at the Brasilia International Airport: Dang was escorted to his limousine, where under heavy security detail due to some growing unrest in Sao Paulo following the Directa Ja civil unrest crisis, the Prime Minister's motorcade had to make alternative routes in order to arrive at Pantalta Palace (Government Office). And there the Prime Minister of Hong Kong was greeted by Brazilian President Joao Figueriedo, where they held bilateral meetings discussing the latest developments of the HKBR Economic Development Trade Investment Initiative, which was originally started under the late Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng and continued under Dang.

While Dang was attending countless meetings, he was also thinking about "relaxing somewhere else". And that really meant, sneaking out of the hotel and going somewhere where his Brazilian mistress, Angelli Jimenez had recommended they should meet whenever the time was appropriate.

Somewhere in the outskirts of Brasilia, Lei and Angelli met up secretly in the middle of the night on Thursday evening, where they once again, engaged in steamy passionate sex. These secret encounters were secretive and making sure nobody found out about the Prime Minister's whereabouts because a spokesperson for the Prime Minister's office said "The Prime Minister is doing his usual jogging and exercise. No further comment."

When in reality, Dang snuck away from his security detail at the Vargas Hotel Complex in downtown Brasilia and drove off in an unmarked black vehicle driving with Angelli to her favorite secret hideout, where they were having passionate sex. It didn't matter whether the married Prime Minister was cheating on his gullible wife, it was because Dang just wanted to do it.

While Lei and Angelli were having another passionate sex escapade and this time, inside a penthouse apartment in Rio de Janeiro on July 13th, someone was listening in on the two secret lovers, neither realizing they were being wiretapped by "some private detective agency". That someone was recording the entire sex escapade non-stop; Plus, the wiretaps also included Lei and Angelli having sex in the shower and these encounters were also on videotape.

It was only a matter of time before Lei's dirty little secret would be exposed for the entire world to see. And it would engulf the entire Hong Konger government with huge political ramifications going forward.
Chapter 19: Personal PoV's (Summer 1984: X)
......"We thought that we had Bush on the ropes early in the first days of June. Now, keep in mind, this was following Mondale dropping out of the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination contest once it was quite obvious Babbitt had the nomination locked up.

And for awhile, all of us were completely naive into thinking Americans would have a third consecutive President in 15 months.

Babbitt was an optimist, nobody thought his campaign for the Presidency of the United States would go anywhere. I mean, he shocked political observers by defeating all of the big names for the Democratic Party presidential nomination: Mondale, Glenn, etc.,

I knew deep down, that no matter what Governor Babbitt did, we had no fucking chance in Hell of beating President Bush, whose approval ratings were skyrocketing like fire rockets into the mid 70s. It wasn't if Bush was going to win reelection, the big question was how big the margin was going to be?

Funny isn't it? 20 years earlier, LBJ kicked Goldwater's ass. And now fast forward to 1984, it was the same old story: Texan kicking the Arizonan's ass, but this time, it was a popular Republican incumbent President from the Lone Star State bitch-slapping a popular Democratic Governor from the Grand Canyon State.

Some of us inside the Babbitt campaign KNEW the overwhelming odds were against Governor Babbitt from the very beginning. So, we plotted how to prevent a full-scale 51 State sweep by campaigning in the South very aggressively. Thank God that Governor Collins of Kentucky was on the Democratic Party ticket because she was going to be the campaign attack dog non-stop.

Other high-profile Democrats and I will NOT be naming names, were blatantly undermining the Babbitt campaign by distancing themselves from Governor Babbitt, which I felt was downright shameful. The word on the street was that those high-profile Democrats were scheming and plotting for 1988.

Despite the snubs, there was one young and youthful Southern Democratic Governor from Arkansas, who was willing to campaign with Governor Babbitt. That young man was William Jefferson Clinton, whom many viewed as one of the rising stars of the Democratic Party in a future campaign for the Presidency someday......."
-Excerpt from United States Senator Jefferson Gillespie (D-PR)
"Campaign 84 and the Ramifications of the Bush Landslide Victory"
Fall 2002

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