
  1. VictortheMonarch

    Steven Donziger and the Chevron Bribes

    So anyone who doesn't know about it, let me sum it up. Steven Donziger is a lawyer who, acting on the behalf of Indigenous tribesmen in south America, sued Chevron for illegally dumping oil that caused bouts of cancer and death. over 800 of such cases and counting. Not only that, but after...
  2. Bassoe

    Economics the victory of the corporatocracy and political failure nodes as described by Charlie Stross

    Invaders from Mars Political failure modes and the beige dictatorship Two essays by author Charlie Stross that I thought worth crossposting here for discussion. Your thoughts?
  3. Jormungandr

    Breaking News Project Veritas Democrat Ballot Stuffing Revelations

    So, yeah. Why the fuck hasn't Omar been stripped or her ill-gotten citizenship and had her ass booted back to Somalia? I thought about posting this in the "Who Else Dreads This Year" thread, but I think it's important enough an issue to be its own thread.