1. sillygoose

    What If? Alien Space Bats allow the British and French governments on January 1, 1939 to see the next 7 years if they'll decide to go to war on Poland's behalf

    It was a first round vote. His support immediately collapse to half after the shift. He didn't almost win, he got close to challenging, but once it was clear he didn't have enough support he didn't have any staying power. I think it was more ideological purity given the anti-labor climate at...
  2. sillygoose

    What If? Alien Space Bats allow the British and French governments on January 1, 1939 to see the next 7 years if they'll decide to go to war on Poland's behalf

    1952 wasn't 1940. Also Dewey ran as an isolationist, but then immediately turned to trying to help FDR get into the war. So he was probably a FDR or at least establishment proxy rather than a true isolationist.
  3. sillygoose

    What If? Alien Space Bats allow the British and French governments on January 1, 1939 to see the next 7 years if they'll decide to go to war on Poland's behalf

    No way. Taft never had that level of support; he was the Ron Paul of his day with a passionate niche following, but no broad support. It would be Dewey or Willkie. Willkie probably wouldn't have run without the war or FDR in the race, but you never know. Willkie was a globalist though, so...
  4. sillygoose

    What If? Alien Space Bats allow the British and French governments on January 1, 1939 to see the next 7 years if they'll decide to go to war on Poland's behalf

    Time favored the Allies, as they would have been able to build up more while German finanical issues would set them further behind the Germans in war preparations and make them more vulnerable to collapse due to blockade if the war started later.
  5. sillygoose

    What If? Alien Space Bats allow the British and French governments on January 1, 1939 to see the next 7 years if they'll decide to go to war on Poland's behalf

    Hitler expected a general war by 1942, not that he would be the one to start it. The Soviets were getting increasingly aggressive with their rhetoric and intelligence operations, while the Allies were getting more confrontational as was the US, so Hitler seems to have been of the mind that is...
  6. sillygoose

    What If? Alien Space Bats allow the British and French governments on January 1, 1939 to see the next 7 years if they'll decide to go to war on Poland's behalf

    They'd probably avoid making commitments to Poland to avoid giving her cover to go to war and force her to negotiate, but caveat that any agreement would come with an Allied alliance with Poland to prevent any aggression after the borders were permanently set. Spend the next several years...