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  1. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    Go back in time far enough and you'll find Europeans committing the same kinds of terrible atrocities that every other civilization or group of people have since time immemorial. They are uniquely kind in giving those actions up, which other groups didn't unless forced to do so by the West. Do...
  2. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    You have no idea about any political activism I (or anybody else here you're criticizing) have engaged in outside of this forum. The left can have Antifa because the police look the other way while they terrorize their opponents where as right wingers who even try to defend themselves from...
  3. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    There was a pretty big moral high ground for the Europeans. Native American tribes frequently committed genocide, routinely inflicted horrific tortures on captured prisoners including civilians, took women and children as sex slaves. If the NA killed at Wounded Knee had, instead, been approached...
  4. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    This is a ridiculous argument. Why would you assume that because someone is saying something on a forum that this is the only activism they are engaged in?
  5. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    How is Wounded Knee that much worse? In world history, especially outside of the West, Wounded Knee wouldn’t even be blinked at. The US soldiers were disarming the Indians, there was some confusion and fighting broke out, leading to lots of the Indians getting killed and a fair number of...
  6. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    They were unusually kind within the context of the thousands of years of human history across the globe where the more powerful side ruthlessly crushed their foes and didn’t give a damn about civilians, rights, freedoms, slavery, or anything like that.
  7. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    The only thing unique about Western civilization (ie white Christian nations) is that they were unusually kind towards the other peoples they conquered. They were uniquely kind towards their defeated enemies and yet are regarded as uniquely evil.
  8. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    In a nation made up of many different people’s of a diverse background, having a shared national language is even more important. We have this myth of assimilation, as though it is a powerful force that always happens to any group which comes into a country. That isn’t true at all. The USA was...
  9. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    Well, immigration needs to be regulated by the state if we are to have nations at all. At this point I would be willing to error on the side of less immigration than more. As for birthright citizenship - it is preposterous and destructive, a deliberate exploitation of the language of the 14th...
  10. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    Under a ShieldWife regime, I will allow you to keep your wife ;)
  11. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    Hmmm, I’m not sure. I might have to think about it or put some regulations on it. Adoption is better than other immigration if it involves very young children who won’t remember their native county.
  12. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    With a foreign parent for the child? I think that in this case, there should be a easy process to apply for citizenship for this child. Anything I say here is going to be an oversimplification, because real laws and regulations are complicated. I want some limited immigration into the nation...
  13. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    My ideal immigration system would allow for immigration, especially if there is some extenuating circumstance like marriage. If both of your parents are citizens, then you are citizens as well. It makes a lot more sense that a pregnant American who gives birth abroad has a citizen baby than a...
  14. ShieldWife

    United States The United States and Immigration Policy

    I’m basically against immigration. While I would, in theory, want a system where worthy immigrants are allowed into the nation - what we have now is such an existential threat to the country and it’s citizens that I would favor a complete moratorium on all immigration until we can get things...