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  1. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Needless and excessive. As LordsFire pointed out, Hindus and Sikhs in Britain cause us little trouble. That extends to our valiant Gurkhas as well. Something I think that distinguishes them from more recent arrivals (the same could be said of people from the West Indies, ruined as their...
  2. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    The rhetoric around abortion is very emotionally charged, for good reason, on both sides. But all I had to do was look up the procedure itself to recognise it as a moral abomination. Even the most hardline of the Right can stomach it in medical emergencies as a last resort, but the vast...
  3. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Apparently on a national scale having a little bit of debt can be a good thing (in the creditor and finance industry). I believe it’s meant to be a sign of reliability in the giving out of and paying back loans, but it has gotten completely out of hand either way.
  4. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Spreadsheet line go up and its consequences have been a disaster for the Western World. Economic success should be determined by how well your coffers are filled. People would trade all the GDP points in the world to get back the half stable and united society we once had.
  5. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    “Mass influx of semi-slave labour doesn’t fuck over the unskilled jobs market you silly statist.” Lolberts gonna lolbert I suppose. Is it any surprise your epoch has lead to utter disaster…
  6. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    The tragedy of American ship building (same as Britain) is that the Neoliberals try to run everything like a corporation: maximise profit, efficiency cuts, etc. Trouble is, there are some things where that approach is inappropriate, especially in regards to strategic assets or the armed...
  7. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    I’d like to add that no one actually thinks themselves “above” dirty jobs, it’s just that living in the Western World is bloody expensive and these jobs simply don’t pay enough. People would clean toilets if it paid the bills.
  8. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    You know, mass immigration was effectively pushed on the world by Neolibs desperately trying to paper over declining birth rates with short term solutions. Meanwhile Hungary, much derided and mocked for its pro-natal policies, has been enjoying a reversal of that decline. Nothing too drastic...
  9. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Neo-liberalism in of itself is an expression of runaway liberalism, unfortunately. The issue is both of them constantly “progress” but have no mission accomplished/normative vision of society. Christianity has provided this in the past, but liberalism slipped its leash after the world wars and...
  10. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    It’s tragic what a broken worldview can do to a city even as mighty as the Big Apple. But that’s where we are now. The best thing that could happen to the democrats is a wipe out next year. That would force them to reassess at least, whereafter they might ditch the runaway liberalism.
  11. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Runaway Liberalism can destroy grey matter more effectively than blunt force trauma. Unless you know exactly what you are dealing with, not even religion can defend you from its sweet as honey word traps.
  12. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    People will say what they think will ingratiate them with a wider community. It is not foolish, it is a simple survival mechanism heralding from our ancient past, as no one would want to be the loner when we huddled in caves. This simple instinct, alas, somewhat sabotages mass democracy, made...
  13. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Trevelyan was considered extreme by the standards of a time that didn’t think highly of the Irish, and it was a massive blunder to put him in any position of authority regarding the famine. Lord Russel meanwhile? I can give a rather good promise that he and his cabinet didn’t set out to starve...
  14. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Churchill didn’t much like Indians. He was still genuinely distressed by the Bengal Famine. Historically speaking you can look down at people, even think them inferior, and still not wish such horror on them.
  15. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Oddly enough, the potato famine is a classic example of liberalism falling flat on its face. I’m serious, the Whig government in charge at the time was playing political economy whilst people starved to death. The reason they were so hesitant to provide aid was because they were afraid of...
  16. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Well, the Indians were less troublesome after all. Still, the potato famine could have been handled a Hell of a lot better.
  17. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Well, it’s an exaggeration. The majority of the Dominate’s Army was made up of Roman Citizens, with the Goths acting as auxiliaries (loyal ones at that). Bearing in mind, the Imperial Germanic Guard (mercenaries), proved far superior and more loyal body guards than the Praetorians (similar...
  18. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    So, Sweden is the first to dip its toe in the “deportation” pool? Heh. The “humanitarian superpower”, who went full speed ahead with progressive nonsense, is buckling. If it can happen there, it can happen anywhere lads. Chin up.
  19. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    The obsession with showing off how virtuous we are has gotten the Western World into quite a mess.
  20. Lord Sovereign

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Never. That party has completely imploded. Others are now vying to be its successor in the form of Reform UK and the SDP, but it'll be a fair few years before that gets sorted out. For now, we must make do with the best of a bad bunch. In my not so humble opinion, this portrays a serious...