1. G

    The Americas I moved back in with my parents 3 years ago thinking it would be temporary. I'm still there, and I'm glad for the time with them.

    I agree that it's a sensible option. Women are the final adjudicator, however. And many women are still of the opinion that a man living with his parents isn't a man worth dating, and is a massive red flag. Simple as. When that's no longer the case, then we'll have seen the culture shift.
  2. G

    The Americas I moved back in with my parents 3 years ago thinking it would be temporary. I'm still there, and I'm glad for the time with them.

    > Checks the Author > Woman Yeah. Women can get away with this - have been able to get away with this - for a very long time. Men? Not so much. When you see men en masse living like this and still leading 'normal' lives, then there's been a cultural shift.