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  1. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    It’s almost as obnoxious as the USSR trying to say it built up the West or the infrastructure of the being the “rival” that kept em all together and building up infrastructure and technology and economies to avoid temptation to Communism and have the stuff needed for a war...
  2. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Okay Though I gotta say I do believe in a sort of Civic Nationalism being a thing And that people being tolerant does not necessarily result in the slippery slope for all that leads to totalitarianism If anything, I think too many people forget that the USSR was screwing over the West for...
  3. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    No, I think I was just spazzing out there or something That said, if I were to believe in God, it wouldn’t exactly be God like traditional religions Also, I’m sort of the ethical hedonist, so I kinda also protest to parts of conservatism and think there needs to be an alternative belief than...
  4. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Because Lucifer/Serpent of the Garden of Eden/Satan are alongside other angels “Sons of God” who were once Gods of other religions and there exists the Godhead in the Aurbis and the Daedra/Aedra are God/Saints And reality itself’s past is both mythical and scientific at the same time and can be...
  5. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Maybe it was better for everyone to exist in sheer “innocence” and be stuck at a Hunter-Gatherer or mostly Gatherer life in that Garden of Eden But in a way, many of our “sins” caused less by an apple but more of the sheer horrors of the instincts built into us by “intelligent design” have...
  6. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Or remotely consistent If anything, the lack or consistency helps give a person trying to gain control over others an unprecedented power It’s how I see SJWs or other Far Left types deal with their detractors, they deny they exist and deny that they’re banning and censoring things or are...
  7. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Honestly, getting flashbacks to months ago with guys here making fun of the guys actively avoiding women to avoid getting #MeToo'd and saying they had nothing to be afraid of Finding women who aren't Far Left or are ready or willing to use #MeToo against them maybe to varying degrees hard for...
  8. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Problem is though, it takes quite awhile and I think by then it will take a long while for him to be hired again When one accuses someone of rape or pedophilia, note that even without evidence, public opinion can render someone "guilty" and if they prove themselves innocent, public opinion will...
  9. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    This Envy probably also comes with a variation of Sloth Remember Vic Mignogna? I've kinda talked it over with others, but there were possible reasons as to why he was #MeToo'd Aside from being a Conservative and Religious, I think he was actually more successful than the rest of the English...
  10. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Given that there are LGBT Trump voters and well, you know all the GamerGate, ComicsGate, MagicGate and other variants around who have come to HATE the Far Left alongside minorities who’ve come to also HATE the Far Left for letting criminals who so happen to be minorities screw them over The...
  11. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    I think there’s a reason why things like Nationalism and Religion are a sort of unifying factor, though Globalism has the problem in that by comparison it’s got little to no shared values or origin or an identity to begin with and actually kinda rejects them all
  12. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Being friends or caring for them, requires I think a level of intimacy and having been around one another Otherwise it’s hard to love a stranger or someone who’s not your neighbor or everyday-talking-buddy Globalism and Communism which on principle kind of deny love of one’s nation, unless...
  13. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    I think part of the problem is that most people only know a VERY abridged version of politics, science, economics, history, philosophy, psychology and even regarding their so-called “enemies” in-regards to politics One justification for communism I’ve heard is that “Humans are inherently...
  14. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    I think they ironically create more differences and hierarchies, hell it maybe secret but they end up also making more sheer hatred for other peoples, they even make it so that Social Advancement is even more limited They do this by giving minorities special favors or “reparations” and even let...
  15. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Just realised, in-relation to Natural Selection, don't forget the Free Market There's a reason GetWokeGoBroke's a thing, though it takes awhile These young millennials are more concerned with rioting and psychologically and even physically abusing people behind a mask of compassion to care...
  16. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    I keep forgetting they aren’t the majority of people in the West
  17. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    I don’t know about you guys, but I think that Far Left sort of countries or people maybe endemic with narcissistic sociopaths These ones however know that they don’t have much going for them, though not all They’re not all good looking, young, physically powerful, highly intelligent, skilled...
  18. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Honestly, I think regardless of the reasons behind said killing, once you do it even to save another or to defend yourslef, you have blood on your hands That said, back to the stuff about Conservatives moving elsewhere, I say you guys go off and create RAPTURE deep beneath the ocean and keep it...
  19. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    And killing no matter what, is murder, even in self-defence and Superman's supposed to be above such actions even if he has done it in the comics or killed Zod in that Superman movie from decades ago that wasn't Man of Steel I expect it to mostly be Arcologies, terraforming may take awhile and...
  20. CarlManvers2019

    Britain Why Conservatives conserve nothing

    Because Doomsday was alive and a bipedal-humanoid? Even if he was mostly roaring and kind of a force of nature on a rampage, I count that as being close to a "person" from appearance alone