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  1. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    Everyone who said the Dems would never be able to do what they did in 2020 again, *coughmodstaff/ownershipcough* needs start thinking very hard about whether they are actually in touch with how the Dems think and need to admit that they were wrong when they said that the Wu Flu wouldn't be tried...
  2. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    It's a fear that will probably be continuous so long as US politics follows it's current trajectory. Unless we get something like Nuremburg 2.0 for Fauci and co for what they did, someone will try that shit again when they get an authoritarian impulse.
  3. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    I still see people out in public, in open air, with masks on in Denver, both young and old. The madness has lingered on in some areas, and I've even seen some news programs hyping up the 'latest variant' and 'need for new vax's for this variant'. I actually think a repeat of the Wu Flu madness...
  4. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    DIY drones don't tend to have the same abilities/performance of things like Reapers or Global Hawks, and most likely cannot fly as high, never mind the space-based assets which can pick out anything down to the size a sneaker and which no Elmer Fudd solution is going to threaten. And that's...
  5. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    Read up on Persistant Stare tech, along with the other recon abilities that are in play. Nope, not anymore, or did you miss what happened in 2020 and prior; Colorado hasn't been red since Bush Jr, Nevada is blue in every way that matters, Georgia is turning bluer by the minute (did you miss...
  6. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    Martial law and drones means 24/7/365 tracking of anyone and everyone in rebel areas, unless they are actively using EWAR gear/air defense assets. Also, 'mixed' areas are fewer and far between, and a lot of the MIC's high end shit is in blue states (Cali, Nevada, Colorado, Washington State...
  7. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    I am going off of what I've seen from the Dems side, and what I've seen the Dems control of the media enable. Before 2019 and the Wu Flu, then the stolen election of 2020, I too would have thought that scenario is a small subset. Now, I think it's more likely than not, if we get an ACW 2.0 that...
  8. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    You are assuming the Dems are fucking morons who wouldn't try to protect the best targets/leverage against nuke units, when the Dems have repeatedly shown the ability to do generational level planning and play the long game, as well as protect their most valuable assets. I don't operate on the...
  9. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    Nuclear Tomahawk's from a sub would be much harder to trace who fired, and who to specifically blame outside the sub service as a whole, while there are far more platforms than a B-2 to use for grav bombs. I even said the Minutemen wouldn't be used for anything domestic, which you ignored in...
  10. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    No, I read it, and don't agree that the premise you put forward is meaningful for discussion, because it's trying to ignore the large context of the lead-up to any nukes being used, and the how rebels trying to get their own nukes would likely play out. Successful reprisals against the people...
  11. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    Your scenario acts like I said nukes would be used against insurgents in a 'Troubles' scenario, when I specifically noted nukes would not be in play with low level shit like that, and would only come into play if the rebels were organized, in the open, and likely were looking for nukes of their...
  12. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    I think that by the time it gets to the point of this sort of open rebellion, even inside the different parts of the DoD, that the political lines and unity in the US will have broken down to the point that DC will have deployed very, very potent PR/psywar campaign regarding the rebels. So the...
  13. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    The rebels get a hold of nukes themselves, either from foreign powers, stealing/hijacking some, or building them themselves; primitive gun-types nukes aren't that complicated, the materials are just very hard to get, and well, dirty bombs are a threat all themselves if the rebels don't want to...
  14. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    Not an 'automatic I win' button, but leverage that the rebels have no real counter to, and with orbital assets, no real ability to even affect them in a minor fashion. So the Fed gov is left with the ultimate high ground and ultimate big stick. Your scenario is farcical for even ACW 2.0, and is...
  15. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    I have responded before about how the 'no nukes' shit is just VS forum cope infiltrating IRL discussions, and shown examples of IRL Dem Congresscritters saying the quiet part out loud about what is 'needed' to even try to overthrow the US gov. However, you and others just tend to create...
  16. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    I'd direct you at the comments of one Eric Swalwell for a real world counter-example, along with other rhetoric by the Dems. They are not afraid of speaking about the power needed to 'overthrow' the US government on it's own soil requiring air assets, nukes, and the like, not just rifles and...
  17. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    This is a lot simpler than people think; the side with the nuclear codes and the loyalty of the nuclear units is the side that wins. Also the side that can call in international assistance on a legal basis has a much better footing.
  18. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    The goal isn't to give an alternative for people to get behind, the goal of their ideas is just to starve the cities for a few weeks to straight-up kill most urbanites and 'take the country back' afterwards.
  19. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    Yes, and to get to that level of organized insurgency without glowies and LEOs blowing it open is effectively impossible. This also discounts the fact this level of attacks would also mean other nations may decide now is the time to test the US militarily, and any meaningful insurgency would...
  20. Bacle

    2nd Civil War Theorycrafting Thread, Peaches Free

    Eh, Ukraine has proven that taking out a power grid, even with a conventional military, is a difficult task, and nations/industries are finding ways to make the turn around on new electrical gear even shorter. So kinda doubt even a mass wave of infrastructure strikes would have the effect...