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  1. A

    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    I think the problem is, as someone pointed out elsewhere, is that the people running the State Department aren’t at all used to the idea of geopolitical conflict. Their experience of fighting ideologies they find anathema is, well, American political campaigns. Which, in the grand scheme of...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Great. A meme war. That’ll show the Russians…
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    That’s actually not unusual; Kamchatka is at the other end of Russia and because it’s so far out there, they prefer using it for tests and such precisely because it’s so far out of the way. Likewise, the Hawaii stuff is not unusual, either. They have a habit of poking around and not doing...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Take this as friendly advice. Heaven knows I have no business casting stones. But. You have said that you would be eager to go to war, and claimed your superiors were also eager to go to war on behalf of Ukraine. Leaving aside the wisdom of getting involved, to the average individual this...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    I wouldn’t expect them to show the exact footage from the Global Hawk -one thing you never want to do is reveal the level of capability you actually have unless you absolutely have to, because the moment you do, your adversary can start developing counters. And as it is, given that Russia is the...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Whether Zelensky is a liar is beside the point I was trying to make, which is that if an invasion occurs, when will you believe it? I understand you have a hate boner for Western media, but at what point would you believe they’re actually telling the truth if an invasion does pccur To be...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Why, because it would mean that “the lying Western media” was telling the truth about a potential invasion while the parties you preferred to believe were the lying? It’s not in America’s or Europe’s interests to allow other independent states to be bullied by larger ones. That kind of...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Outer Seven of the major European countries (UK, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, and Denmark). Unlike the ECSC/EEC, though, the aim was to promote free trade only, not try and lay the foundations for a politically integrated Europe -something that had actually been attempted with...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Okay, great, but what if he decides to pull a Baghdad Bob and claim “there are no American Russian troops anywhere near Baghdad Kyiv!” during live news coverage while there are such troops in the background waving at the cameras? I get that you’re distrustful of Western media but at some point...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    That's incorrect: They didn't join until 1995, well after the Cold War ended. A buffer state is a state that is in between two hostiles states or groups of hostiles. Austria remained neutral but largely pro-West, while Finland didn't want to be under Moscow's thumb but also recognized that...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    If Putin actually rolls into the Baltics, the chances nukes end up flying at some point go up exponentially. At the very least expect Kaliningrad (well, the military facilities and the port) will get trashed. But otherwise, yes, sending troops into NATO members is pretty much expected at this...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    So would Ukraine, and so would the rest of the world. Unfortunately, Russia thinks differently. If it were Kazakhstan (which has a lot of Russian troops to suppress riots against their boy in Astana), this wouldn’t be getting nearly the p You’re not American, so maybe you don’t know to take...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    After Afghanistan, I’m fairly certain that the State Department doesn’t want another fiasco like with Kabul. The campaign ads and subsequent Congressional hearings will be writing themselves. After Communism fell, the impetus for getting the hell out of Dodge kind of fell…yeah, it wasn’t...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    You are a joke. I noticed you completely ignored all of what I just said, including why Americans have negative opinions on Russia. You “can’t be bothered” because what I said is true. You pick and choose what was said rather than actually engage on it. Lik Now. Someone who has never visited...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Oh, are you Russian? Because if so, this explains a lot. Well, let's see... "Interfere with national interests and international affairs." The Berlin Blockade. The Korean War. Soviet intervention in Vietnam (as in, actual Russians fighting the Americans). The invasion of Afghanistan. KAL...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Take a minute to read what I *actually* wrote, and note that I was specifically referring to the 1991-1994 period. Perhaps I should have clarified, but those first few years (Gorbachev's Pizza Hut ad ring any bells?) there was hope Russia would *finally* catch up to the West, but that was mainly...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    That’s pretty much been par for the course since 1946. There was a brief window in the early 90s where it was better as Western stuff started appearing in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but as things progressed and things didn’t improve for the average Russian, their opinion continued to shrink...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Except that was over Trump allegedly trying to pressure Ukraine to help dig up dirt on his (then likely) opponent in the 2020 election. It was a pretty weak excuse, I won’t deny that, but you’re obsessing over the Burisma thing like it’s the only reason anyone in the U.S. government cares about...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    Poland can request whatever the hell they want, it doesn't mean it'll happen. And Ukraine isn't a NATO member, so Article 5 doesn't mean a damn thing. Okay, so a couple of things. First off, the U.S. sending military assets close to a region where shit is liable to pop off even if it doesn't...
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    Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Eternal Friendship Thread

    They saw dollar signs (euro signs?) and to hell with everything else. Germany is not exactly a paragon of long-term thinking…