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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    It would be atrocity,agree - but great and funny.And Dali would be best Emperor ever.
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    He was good,but Salvador Dali would be better if Jodorowsky made his version. P.S Yuech even as trusted doctor could not get to both schield generator and comm center and kill crews of both sites,after that taking Prince alive.Nor he could poison them,he was not responsible for their food.
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    Which is exactly why Yui could not attack schield generator,comm center,and Prince and win.But - it was still very good movie.
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    Indeed.Even if that was only one place to storm,and prince Leto do not have bodyguard ,then Yui is kind of supersoldier,who should be capable of wiping mere Harkonnen soldiers guarding baron and kill him.
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    Except lack of personal armour,and do not using thermobaric bombs/it would kill schield users by sucking oxygen/ or napalm/it would burn,and temperature would kill or main users/ i have another problem - Dr.Yui disabled schields,communication,and take prince Leto.Not possible.He have no time for...
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    I read it.There is nothing fascist there.Atrides are monarchists. P.S read it,it is worth it.
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    True,it was silly,they also were running in circles shouting "Schield is down" - but still i wonted go and die for Atrides,when there was no the same effect for me in new version.Maybe i were just younger ? P.S was were illogical for me was lack of armour for Atrides.Saudarkar and Harkonnen had...
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    Thanks.But ,according to what i read,blacks among Tuaregs are descendents of slaves and have lesser status,when Freemans had no such problems. And,when Harkonnen attack was made much more logical,it was far less epic then Dune 1984.In Dune 2020 i simply said good work,in Dune 1984 i wonted go...
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    Good movie.And they have good idea to split it - they made one movie in Dune 1984 and it cost it,becouse they try show too many things. Black Fremen - why not? but,why not all? making them 2 type of different races made no sense,like somebody here said earlier. Aside from that - good thing.
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    Yes,why not use schields and one suicidal person with laser to wipe out enemy army? if we have suicidal soldiers in our time,they should exist in future,too.
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    It was not good as a movie - but i still loved most scenes.When Harkonnen invade and we have Atrides soldiers waving flags in response it was silly - but i still feel as if i could die for Atrites that moment.
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    Dune New Dune Movie (2020)

    Pity,that Jodorowsky never made his version.I really wanted see Salvador Dali as Emperor.