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  1. Global Warming

    Wu Flu - When, where, and who should be wearing masks?

    The question: In what contexts are masks effective for preventing and containing the Wuhan Flu? We've all seen the various public statements made by the surgeon general, WHO, and CDC stating that Americans generally should not be wearing masks in day to day life. However, a number of experts...
  2. Global Warming

    The Americas Justin Trudeau apologises for 'racist' brownface photo

    G&M story: Come join me in laughing as the poster boy for diversity and multiculturalism gets hoisted by his own petard.
  3. Global Warming

    Movies Fourth Matrix Movie Announced... Matrix Resurrections

    Link: Seriously, why are they attempting to bring this franchise back after the flops of 2 and 3? Where would they even put a fourth movie in the timeline? My suspicion is that this is just a cheap way of cashing in on nostalgia-bucks...
  4. Global Warming

    Wheel of Time - Amazon TV Adaption

    Amazon is adapting the classic Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan for TV, and they recently released a cast list. Unfortunately, it looks like they stole a page out of the Netflix playbook... Any thoughts on how this adaption is going to go? I'm personally curious to whether the...