The Annals of Corporate Cringe and Woke Marketing

Dove, the soap and personal care brand, has launched a new campaign promoting "Fat Liberation" with a Black Lives Matter Activist named Zyahna Bryant.

Her previous claim to fame was fomenting a hate crime hoax at the University of Virginia where she is a student and reportedly ruined the life of a fellow White student named Morgan Bettinger by making up claims said student was a "Nazi" and referring to BLM protestors as "speed bumps." While she used the term, she used it while talking to a trucker who parked his vehicle as a barrier for traffic to protect the protestors and the trucker in question corroborated Morgan's interpretation of events.

Zyahna Bryant however interpreted the comments differently and whipped up a social outrage mob to denounce the student and destroy her reputation without evidence and subjecting her to multiple investigations. No witnesses have ever corroborated Zyahna's interpretation of events (despite Zyahna stating she uttered her threats in the presence of over two dozen people) and no evidence has ever surfaced, thus resulting in all investigations turning up nothing.

Though unreported, another reason for casting doubt on Zyahna Bryant's story is that Zyahna is objectively is far too large to be considered a speedbump, especially for the small crossover Subaru that Morgan was driving at the time.


Just sayin... no judgment.

Anyways... Zyahna is now a brand spokesperson for Dove, stating:

"My belief is that we should be centering the voices and the experiences of the most marginalized people and communities at all times. So when I think about what fat liberation looks like to me. I think about centering the voices of those who live in and who maneuver through spaces and institutions in a fat body."

This is actually true. Zyahna is actually a big voice for the most margarineized community in America and it can be really difficult for them to maneuver through spaces. Thankfully Dove Soaps can help! :D

Braun, a German shaving products company, featured an ad showing what was apparently a transman (with double mastectomy scars) using Braun shaving products in marketing materials. Braun is a shaving brand owned by the huge consumer products conglomerate Proctor & Gamble, with their spokesperson simply stating in response to the controversy "This is one of hundreds of images on our site showing people using our products — all of which are reflective of the consumers we serve."

The picture could be seen on the bottom of Braun's website advertising a particular set of electric razors/trimmers amongst images of males modeling use of the product.

So they are basically saying "it was an image sent to us by a company we hired to take ad images and we just pulled it out for the ad"
Sounds like bullshit to me.
Corporate marketing at the scale of companies like P&G is literally statistical in our modern age. Campaigns like this are literally a function of some focus group and the quality of marketing directly correlates to the quality of selecting the focus group.

Even that is starting to fall by the wayside as beancounters dive full in on generative models trained on previous focus groups. In the next three years, we will see debris of overfitting all over the place.

The upshot of all that I predict, is that marketing edge cases like this will appear all the more often, as product, planning, and marketing standards fall through the floor.

It's not even an AI problem at the end of the day, its maybe a problem of misaligned incentives or moral hazards? Either way, at this point, I think the problem is as much the systems, as the humans running them.
Two employees were terminated by Starbucks after suffering through an armed robbery. A pair of robbers entered the Starbucks and pistol whipped one of the employees for being literally unable to open the cash register due to lack of credentials. Another employee then moved to defend him and in the ensuring melee the two employees apprehended one of the two armed robbers, while the second one fled but was apparently arrested by authorities soonafter. The local police praised the efforts of the employees.

Starbucks didn't though and fired their asses for defending themselves after one of them was pistol whipped.

This comes a day after a lawsuit was filed against Starbucks by the family of an intellectually disabled 15 year old girl who was gang raped by fellow High School students in a Starbucks bathroom and the Starbucks employees apparently doing nothing in response to the situation. Perhaps they, unlike in the case above, chose to do nothing so as not to escalate the situation.

Two employees were terminated by Starbucks after suffering through an armed robbery. A pair of robbers entered the Starbucks and pistol whipped one of the employees for being literally unable to open the cash register due to lack of credentials. Another employee then moved to defend him and in the ensuring melee the two employees apprehended one of the two armed robbers, while the second one fled but was apparently arrested by authorities soonafter. The local police praised the efforts of the employees.

Starbucks didn't though and fired their asses for defending themselves after one of them was pistol whipped.

This comes a day after a lawsuit was filed against Starbucks by the family of an intellectually disabled 15 year old girl who was gang raped by fellow High School students in a Starbucks bathroom and the Starbucks employees apparently doing nothing in response to the situation. Perhaps they, unlike in the case above, chose to do nothing so as not to escalate the situation.

Starbucks? More like Stealbucks now.
Good. The sooner Starbucks goes under the better
A pipe dream. Starbucks is still growing, not even stagnating but growing, year over year by 10-11%, it isn't going under anytime soon. My small hometown in the middle of nowhere has 3 of them that are, at all times, backed up via a line. The only comparable place I've seen is Chic fil-A
A pipe dream. Starbucks is still growing, not even stagnating but growing, year over year by 10-11%, it isn't going under anytime soon. My small hometown in the middle of nowhere has 3 of them that are, at all times, backed up via a line. The only comparable place I've seen is Chic fil-A
Mark my words Starbucks adults will be just as bad if not worse than Disney Adults.
A pipe dream. Starbucks is still growing, not even stagnating but growing, year over year by 10-11%, it isn't going under anytime soon. My small hometown in the middle of nowhere has 3 of them that are, at all times, backed up via a line. The only comparable place I've seen is Chic fil-A
It really depends on where you are.

I've seen some towns where other chains opened up shop, and Starbucks became scarce.

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