United States George Floyd Protests, Reactions and Riots

If it wasnt for me being in the military and halfway across the world, I would volunteer to protect family owned businesses at night in Portland. get a group together and free of charge defend these places. Armed and inside, Showing what law abiding Americans should be doing
If it wasnt for me being in the military and halfway across the world, I would volunteer to protect family owned businesses at night in Portland. get a group together and free of charge defend these places. Armed and inside, Showing what law abiding Americans should be doing

But you’ll be arrested or they’ll take those guns and other means of defence away

I know I’m being a doomer there, but frankly there seems to be little option but to run away as even if they smash your property and get inside and you avoid actually shooting, you’ll be in more trouble than the rioters
But you’ll be arrested or they’ll take those guns and other means of defence away

I know I’m being a doomer there, but frankly there seems to be little option but to run away as even if they smash your property and get inside and you avoid actually shooting, you’ll be in more trouble than the rioters
I will never fire a shot unless needed. I will make sure I have a good lawyer as well.

They wont take my guns unless I am dead though.
He saw the light, baptized by fire. one of us, one of us, one of us!
Judging by his tweets he is still one of them, he is just slightly miffed that pecefulness of the protests affects him as well.

I would volunteer to protect family owned businesses at night in Portland. get a group together and free of charge defend these places. Armed and inside, Showing what law abiding Americans should be doing
That would get you arrested real fast in Portland. And you wouldn't get away with the slap on the wrist like the blackshirts do.
Judging by his tweets he is still one of them, he is just slightly miffed that pecefulness of the protests affects him as well.

That would get you arrested real fast in Portland. And you wouldn't get away with the slap on the wrist like the blackshirts do.
I would make sure I have a damn good lawyer before I do that. I will be inside the store protecting it.
Barricade it as much as possible

Also, you might be dealing with the Court of Public Opinion, which will be ignoring any and all evidence to destroy you

So try and get as many buddies as possible willing to defend you
Public opinion wont matter if I am within the law in every way
Prepare for it to be long and drawn out though, just cause there’s little evidence against you and a LOT of evidence against them and they don’t even keep their mouths shut

Doesn’t mean it’s an easy win
I never said it would be. I think private security is a great place to invest at the moment

It's ironic how in a way, the over centralized & regulated economies end up helping in part of the whole cyberpunk megacorp nightmare
PSCs. PMCs are military. Private security is a lot different. Not full of armored fighting vehicles and the like.

It's ironic how in a way, the over centralized & regulated economies end up helping in part of the whole cyberpunk megacorp nightmare

When societies fail they often try to over correct into their opasit. the opasit of a over centralized and regulated economy is the cyberpunk megacorp thing.

Thing is as bad as it seems it may be a massive improvement over a failed nanny state that makes every ones life hell.
When societies fail they often try to over correct into their opasit. the opasit of a over centralized and regulated economy is the cyberpunk megacorp thing.

Thing is as bad as it seems it may be a massive improvement over a failed nanny state that makes every ones life hell.

TBF, the megacorps would probably actually remember who the CUSTOMER is, they’d be so much more competitive and cut-throat than the guys who wallow in their already existing propserity and thinking taxing & regulating competition would be enough to keep afloat, would be suicide

The moment spending so much and losing so much just to get WOKE points occurs, they’ll give up pretending to be on The Right Side of History

The Robber Baron is less of a danger compared to the one with “good intentions” whether they truly believe it or not
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TBF, the megacorps would probably actually remember who the CUSTOMER is, they’d be so much more competitive and cut-throat than the guys who wallow in their already existing prosperity and thinking taxing & regulating competition would be enough to keep afloat, would be suicide

The moment spending so much and losing so much just to get WOKE points occurs, they’ll give up pretending to be on The Right Side of History

The Robber Baron is less of a danger compared to the one with “good intentions” whether they truly believe it or not

If Neo-Osaka or Chroma City becomes a thing, I'll order an uber immediately
On the subject of What Protesters Are Doing, Why They Suck As Human Beings, And Basically Trump is Right Again:

It's not news to us (or at least I hope not) that the "spontaneous protests" in Portland, Seattle and other blue-state bughives are actually shrewdly-calculated street theater. George Soros, a real-life Bond villain in need of no further introduction, has been pulling stuff like this under the guise of "color revolution" for decades.

However, it's one thing to know these blue-hairs are full of shit; it's another to have it confirmed with quotes from their own rulebook.

I happened upon this Twitter thread detailing the tactics Antifa is using to gaslight the entire nation. It's quite eye-opening for its sheer cynical misanthropy:


For those who don't want to read the whole thing, allow me to summarize below.

What Protesters Are Doing
As we all knew, these are not spontaneous protests. They are well-planned and financed, and the individuals taking part in the chaos have been trained to yell "Fuck the police!!" while tearing down chain-link fences ("We are trained Marxists"). The article uses the mass construction of improvised riot shields as an example of this organization and the seemingly limitless resources backing it up. It shows pallets of component parts from reinforced plastic to pool noodles. Laugh if you want, but there are videos showing these shields being used to deflect police munitions.

Now that Antifa are all dressed up in black and carrying riot shields, what do they do next?

Decision Dilemma.


Basically, Saint Alinski (PBUH) instructs them to isolate their target and force it into a binary choice where there is no good answer. Blockading a building leaves the authorities with only two options: accede to your demands (weakness) or a force response ("How DARE you! You fascist PIGS!!"). This tactic is closely tied to a second: the real action is your target's reaction. The spoilered instructions above state that the target, not the protesters themselves, is to be fulcrum upon which the success of the theater action depends. Whether the authorities back down or release the police to attack you with nightsticks, you win.

Why Protesters Suck As Human Beings
So, why are they pulling this crap? Because all of this, everything you see on Twitter/YouTube/shitlib legacy media is a nothing but a play. A disturbing theater production being put on by misguided (and more than a few demented) individuals where the target is unwittingly playing a part, all for the benefit of John Q. Everyman. These protesters and their "moms" don't give a tinker's damn about the federal courthouse in Portland. What they actually want, as we all said from the beginning, is a good story to sway public opinion. A David and Goliath story with clear-cut heroes ("Aiden took a blow to the head but still managed to throw his Molotov and burn a police car!") and villains ("This FUCKING PIG is beating a defenseless Gender Studies major!!"). Once they have their outrage video, they release high-quality assets to sympathetic Leftist journalists who inject it into the public consciousness via social media.

Everything you see is just a play being put on for the immediate audience (i.e. the target) that, in turn, forces them to unwittingly act out a part in the play for the benefit of the secondary audience which is the actual target (i.e. shitlibs, Boomers, suburban white women).


It's telling that Antifa's own rulebook concedes that their "protests" are mostly utter BS, and are prized more for their propaganda value than any concrete gains that might be made. Ergo, these people suck because they are liars. They don't care about George Floyd—they're killing, burning, and looting because Saul Alinsky, the closest thing to an evil genius I've ever heard of, told them that scaring people is a great way to get what you want.

Why They Are Already Failing: or, Basically Trump is Right Again
OK, so these Antifa asshats are trained, organized, and utilize isolate-and-destroy tactics to fashion the narrative. And, hey, they seem to be doing pretty well. Twitter is awash with videos of rioting, statue-toppling, burning, and police clashes. Total anarchy, right?


First, note that the Portland riots are probably losing public support:


Summary: Dems are starting to worry that the Portland riots are helping Trump and the first few suggestions to Shut It Down are being floated. If ANYONE on the Left feels safe enough to voice concerns with BLM protests, you have to believe that the internal polling is grim.

So, what happened?

Time and Truth.

You'll notice that everything about the Antifa tactics outlined above is dependent on LIES. The lie that that they are just a grassroots movement and not a well-financed Marxist terror militia. The lie that they are "peaceful." The lie that they actually give a crap about what they say they are protesting about. The great thing about a lie is that it confers quick energy and focus to a movement, sort of like sugar in the bloodstream. The bad thing about a lie is that it lacks staying power. Once the rush of instant gratification is done, the sugar crash of true reality hits.

Therein lies the Achilles heel of Alinskyite tactics: lies have a short shelf-life, whereas truth endures. Antifa's strategy of bullying to craft a false narrative depends on a short engagement. They MUST win the propaganda battle early because their Resistance vs. Fascism passion play crumbles under careful scrutiny. Twitter mobs—the online version of the Portland riots—work because the target often panics and tries to apologize in the crucial first few hours of the attack. However, the longer the target refuses to submit, the weaker the attack usually becomes. Eventually, the public begin to realize that the whole thing was a viscous partisan attack because it almost always is. With street mobs, it's the same thing. Sooner or later your idiot followers will get caught torching a police car or beating an innocent person senseless, and then the whole operation falls apart. Drag things out until the "heroic" protesters reveal themselves to be the villains in their little play, and eventually YOU, the target, win.

Not surprisingly, Trump has been playing this game exactly right—offering federal support and imposing it where its needed, but giving Antifa all the space they need to hang themselves. Using their own propaganda videos to prosecute them is just *chef's kiss*.

In closing, I know it seems that much of America has become inured to Antifa's violence. And I understand that most targets, whether in meatspace or on Twitter, don't have the means to hold out against an angry mob until they fall apart. But the important thing to remember is that Antifa can only attempt to isolate and crush individual people and institutions. They can't apply those same tactics to the entire country all at once. Right now, they're trying to boil the ocean with a bunsen burner. The MSM will help Antifa amplify their message as much as possible, but over time that will blow up in their faces as more and more footage of their violence makes it out into the wild.

And I believe that a lot of Americans are sick of seeing these entitled little trust-fund brats trashing our cities.
so essentially the left is very strong but their very tactics make them vulnerable to a preference cascade that can utterly obliterate them.

Not really a preference cascade, so much as recognizing that their movements and attacks are fueled by negative emotional energy (hatred of cops, cishets, whites in general), and no movement built on that sort of foundation has a lot of staying power, since it has no positive vision for the future that they can fall back on when all those negative feelings inevitably run dry.

The capitalists will sell them the rope with which they'll hang themselves.

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