China Massive influx of Chinese apologia and shilling amidst Covid-19


Thought Criminal
Has anyone else noticed that? Reddit is absolutely infested with them, any default sub has the same NPC hot takes, the comment sections on Wuhan Flu articles and posts have similar homogeneous responses. Any criticism of the CCP, their response and the trustworthiness of China get's flooded with down votes and negative comments, sometimes even spurring minute old accounts to jump in and insult you. The mainstream media have been odly dismissive of China, happy to parrot their "official numbers" and ignore how they are still on lock down despite that or how the flux of news from the ground there has all but vanished amidst a massive tightening of the Great Firewall.

Twitter is even worse. China's own diplomats and public officials are attacking people and politicans from other countries who bring up points like that. Spreading a theory that actually it was LE EBIL USA that was the start of the pandemic and poor China is a victim! And of course the number of twitter bots and servitors who keep jumping on to defend China and stir shit on the US side of the coin is there too.

Hell, even fucking SpaceBattles seems to be full of this! I got a blanket ban on all COVID-19 related threads after losing my patience over someone unironically saying that the CCP would not be able to censor WeChat (a Tencent app) to hide news. A thread where 2 of the staff were and one was defending China, and another showed up within minutes of me declaring I was giving up and leaving to ban me. Not from that thread, but from ALL Covid-19 discussion.

Am I going insane or has China's propaganda power really gotten this far? Have people really forgotten Hong Kong and the Uighurs and the whistle blower they killed and all that already? Am I going insane or has the CCP just figured how to manipulate the average internet normie that well? Am I just seeing shill where there are none?
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Have you ever heard of the CCP's 50 Cent Army? They're called that because they're said to be paid the equivalent of 50 cents for every post they make on social media (though they're likely not actually paid by the post, if at all) that supports the Chinese government; including Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and various forums. Combine that with Chinese nationals who have been thoroughly brainwashed by CCP propaganda, and it explains a large chunk of the people on the internet posting pro-China/CCP drivel.

As for the rest, much can be laid at the feet of Trump Derangement Syndrome; because, in many people's minds, any enemy of Trump is a friend of theirs. Then there's those who idolize authoritarianism in all forms to consider, as well as the Communists and the Socialists; but you notice what all these groups have in common with each other? None of them are presenting arguments based on facts; only lies they either don't actually believe themselves, but have been told to push as part of some strategy for victory over their enemies, or that they believe with all the conviction of a man who thinks the moon landing was faked by reptilians that disguise themselves as humans.

The sad fact of the matter is that we are not a logical species, us humans; our emotions rule us, and our ability to reason is often used to distort reality until it best suits our preconceptions. We're also incredibly tribalistic; anyone who is not a member of our tribe is likely to be considered an enemy that must be destroyed, whereas those who are can do no wrong in our eyes. People haven't forgotten about Hong Kong, the Uighurs, or any of that; those defending China now just don't care about those things, and probably never did.

In the end, people do what do because they believe it is in their best interest to do so, no matter how fallacious their reasoning might be; it's as simple as that.
The more I read the thread on SB, the more I'm convinced the site has slowly become full of fucking idiots.

You have users and mods being Chinese apologists, "China did nothing wrong!", and blaming Trump for his "reaction" to the outbreak... despite Trump taking reasonable precautions that other politicians would have/have done!

Of course, there are posts about "we can't impeach him again during this crisis" and "we need to wait until November to get rid of him". 🤨

These people are not only fucking idiots, they're goddamn insane.
Yeah, it's just insane the sort of doublethink and troll logic they go through. It feels like being a victim of gas lighting. I saw someone say that China's numbers are pretty much accurate because (get this) "The Chinese travel a lot, over 120 million Chinese leave the country a year. If there were over a million dead things would be much worse in the rest of the world already." Like, how do you even begin to counter a argument like that? It's so wrong it borders on a non-sequiteur, completely off the rails and misunderstanding basic facts about demographics and pandemic spread.

I just got a fucking sitewide suspension there for "evidenceless shit stirring and doomsaying"! How the fuck am I even supposed to appeal that when the mods have shown themselves to be on board with defending the CCP?
Have you ever heard of the CCP's 50 Cent Army? They're called that because they're said to be paid the equivalent of 50 cents for every post they make on social media (though they're likely not actually paid by the post, if at all) that supports the Chinese government; including Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and various forums. Combine that with Chinese nationals who have been thoroughly brainwashed by CCP propaganda, and it explains a large chunk of the people on the internet posting pro-China/CCP drivel.

Any articles or anything on that "50 Cent Army" thing?

I know it's a fact that foreign governments employ trolls, living and boys on forum and social media but this in particular sounds interesting.
Here is a quick overview, I am sure you can find some cool links there too.
Of particular note is the China Digital Times article from 2011, which leaked instructions from the CCP, to their 50 Cent Army:
In order to circumscribe the influence of Taiwanese democracy, in order to progress further in the work of guiding public opinion, and in accordance with the requirements established by higher authorities to “be strategic, be skilled,” we hope that internet commentators conscientiously study the mindset of netizens, grasp international developments, and better perform the work of being an internet commentator. For this purpose, this notice is promulgated as set forth below:

(1) To the extent possible make America the target of criticism. Play down the existence of Taiwan.

(2) Do not directly confront [the idea of] democracy; rather, frame the argument in terms of “what kind of system can truly implement democracy.”

(3) To the extent possible, choose various examples in Western countries of violence and unreasonable circumstances to explain how democracy is not well-suited to capitalism.

(4) Use America’s and other countries’ interference in international affairs to explain how Western democracy is actually an invasion of other countries and [how the West] is forcibly pushing [on other countries] Western values.

(5) Use the bloody and tear-stained history of a [once] weak people [i.e., China] to stir up pro-Party and patriotic emotions.

(6) Increase the exposure that positive developments inside China receive; further accommodate the work of maintaining [social] stability.
While these instructions are mostly about avoiding direct confrontations, it can be easily assumed that the CCP have either grown more bold in the intervening nine years, or more desperate; probably both.
Of particular note is the China Digital Times article from 2011, which leaked instructions from the CCP, to their 50 Cent Army:

While these instructions are mostly about avoiding direct confrontations, it can be easily assumed that the CCP have either grown more bold in the intervening nine years, or more desperate; probably both.

You know, I think people tend to not realise how good those who wish to control you are willing to make use of the underdog or at the very least the superficial image of the underdog
In situations like this it's always useful to follow the money.

Big Tech, especially Silicon Valley, is heavily dependent on cheap Chinese manufacturing. Apple wouldn't be able to make nearly as massive a profit margin if iPhones weren't being assembled by 50-cent-an-hour Chinese wage slaves, not to mention the risk of having their investments in factories taken away and forgeries showing up. Consequently these companies have a strong financial incentive to make China look good to keep the leadership happy, and to ensure that free trade lets them continue to get massive profit margins on cheaply manufactured goods.
In situations like this it's always useful to follow the money.

Big Tech, especially Silicon Valley, is heavily dependent on cheap Chinese manufacturing. Apple wouldn't be able to make nearly as massive a profit margin if iPhones weren't being assembled by 50-cent-an-hour Chinese wage slaves, not to mention the risk of having their investments in factories taken away and forgeries showing up. Consequently these companies have a strong financial incentive to make China look good to keep the leadership happy, and to ensure that free trade lets them continue to get massive profit margins on cheaply manufactured goods.

The thing is, there are many options other than China available. There's the investment they already have in the factories there, sure, but at this point, letting that keep them there is a sunk-cost fallacy.
The thing is, there are many options other than China available. There's the investment they already have in the factories there, sure, but at this point, letting that keep them there is a sunk-cost fallacy.

Going to have to second and further that.

China is running out of workers, 30 years after the 1 child policy they are running out of 30 year olds, 20 year olds and others. The movement of women in the citys and men staying in the fields so china can attempt (and fail) to feed itself makes this problem even worse. Their demographic decline is built into the system so what workers are there are becoming fewer and fewer with time and thus more expensive.

On top of that the american people have firmly said no to intervention since Clinton there is absolutely no desire to be the world police man and China is heavily dependent on slow moving tankers getting through a chain of hostle countries....To make it worse china like darth vader keeps changing the aggreement. The smart move is to get the hell out of china while they can and move to mexico where labor is cheaper and more skilled and the transportation costs are much less.
The thing is, there are many options other than China available. There's the investment they already have in the factories there, sure, but at this point, letting that keep them there is a sunk-cost fallacy.
While I agree with the reasoning, getting out of China costs money now and staying in saves money now and makes the costs next quarter's (and potentially next CEO's) problem.

Businesses at that scale tend to only care about today and not supporting China costs more today so they support China.
While I agree with the reasoning, getting out of China costs money now and staying in saves money now and makes the costs next quarter's (and potentially next CEO's) problem.

Businesses at that scale tend to only care about today and not supporting China costs more today so they support China.

I think they’re also still stuck on the idea of China being the future or place to do business in and fuck the rest of the world

Censor your own shit to sell it in China even if it doesn’t get sold elsewhere due to said censorship’s effects
I just got permananned from SB. How nice of those mods to wait until after my regular suspension ran out to do so!

I am so fucking sad. Can't even log out as it keeps throwing a error now. (Edit: was able to, had to manually go to my profile to do so.) How am I gonna follow the stories I joined the site to follow now? I can't even fucking appeal it, and I am pretty sure they threw this new ban because I changed my signature to have a anti CCP message. I don't wanna make a fake account. Not only is that against the rules I am 100% sure it won't even work with the mods being so fucking pedantic as they are. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a way I could use the notification system without having a account? At least SB is not as pedantic and annoying as AlternateHistory which doesn't even let you see the threads without a account.
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I just got permananned from SB. How nice of those mods to wait until after my regular suspension ran out to do so!

I am so fucking sad. Can't even log out as it keeps throwing a error now. (Edit: was able to, had to manually go to my profile to do so.) How am I gonna follow the stories I joined the site to follow now? I can't even fucking appeal it, and I am pretty sure they threw this new ban because I changed my signature to have a anti CCP message. I don't wanna make a fake account. Not only is that against the rules I am 100% sure it won't even work with the mods being so fucking pedantic as they are. Has anyone else had this problem?

No advice sorry, except maybe, try reading more non-fanfics from now on

That's what I do, I haven't been banned but I unfollowed just about everything and stopped actually posting more than a year ago, when I realized how increasingly crazy everybody was on those sites

Spending my free time, reading books like Robert E. Howard's works' a good way to spend time

Though not as many people to talk to
Shame, I don't wanna give up on this. I even tried to file a appeal before as I said offering to just get permabanned from the debate hall and get it done with but I forgot to follow the appeal form and was just rejected out of principle apparently. It really is just insane how the echo chamber mentality works. I just felt like I was slowly going insane. NO ONE seemed to even acknowledge what I was saying at time. Not disagreements, not arguing against it, flat out denial I had said anything unless it was in line with what they thought already. It was... eerie. Even on reddit when I say controversial stuff people will challenge me on it. Not on SB, they just ignored it and moved on to the next topic.

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