Breaking News Virginia Governor Declares State of Emergency, Potentially Master-Baiting for Violence

I'd like to present the caveat that stripping someone of any rights after released is insane. Either they've paid the price or they haven't. Either they're safe to return to society or they're not. Anyone who must be stripped of their right to vote and to possess a firearm must be imprisoned until this is not the case.
I think that there should be a grey area. This is what parole ought to be for, a transitional time between jail and full interaction with society. It's a trial period to see if you can be trusted with a little bit of freedom, but also to reacclimate the prisoner to life outside of prison.
It's worth noting a lot of the rage in Virginia isn't just at the gun laws but the whole situation with Northam and the Democrats in general. Just before the elections, Michael Bloomberg's antigun lobbies dumped 2.5 million dollars into Virginia with the lion's share going to Northam, and needless to say the obvious Quid Pro Quo was that there had to be antigun legislation post-haste. There's a strong perception that the Democrats are basically the servants of ultra-wealthy Manhattan billionaires rather than actually wanting to serve Virginians at this point and a lot of negativity about it.
There's a strong perception that the Democrats are basically the servants of ultra-wealthy Manhattan billionaires rather than actually wanting to serve Virginians at this point and a lot of negativity about it.
So they're projecting their self perception and views on the guys who they constantly accuse of being nazis and uncle toms?
I smell a trap. I don't believe it for a second.

Seconded. This just smells wrong, in every way. A communist/anarchist/blackshirt wannabe group like ANTIFA siding with Trump supporters? Not happening. The governor's declared a 'gun free zone" around the capital along with his state of emergency...feels like one big game of Mousetrap to me.
Trump has finally noticed. Expect the opposite twitter reactions.

It’s time to double down, send an army of city dwellers to indoctrinate those “redneck white trash” until they learn to vote in their own interests


Trump just said something that sounds like he’s willing to use military force to stop the force that will be used on those “redneck white trash hicks”

Saw this and it some how reminded me of you, not an insult I just kind of have this mental image of you as this armored guy who gives no fucks and takes no shit.

To a degree yes, IRL I surprisingly get used to things really quickly, mostly provided I still have internet access, music and/or my Kindle

Not something I’m proud of.....given recent events. I am disturbed how I’m pretty much the one in my family who barely cried even though I was the one who found him and woke everyone else up.....yeah I’ve been posting since last saturday as if nothing’s happened
I'm more curious on Virginians that voted for Northram and had guns.
He didn't run on that platform, though his was pretty brutal.

Northam Ad consisting entirely of children (all minorities) running in terror from a confederate flag truck that wants to run them over.

His other ads either ignored it or even gave the distinct impression that was actually pro-gun, for instance the first one in that string that mentions his military career. The others in that campaign call him "Dr." and talk about how much he'll do for opioid abuse, healthcare, to improve schools, and he vows to cleanup the Chesapeake. Fairly standard stuff and some good promises that both sides would agree on. While people expected some lip service to gun control because most Democrats do, his sudden 90 degree turn into Gun Control Uber Alles after getting a massive stack of cash from Everytown For Gun Safety two days before the election was fairly unexpected, hence the backlash that's so severe even police don't want to support him.

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