Looks like Vance is taking down Ryan in Ohio for the senate. Cities are pretty much done and rural votes are pouring in. Vance has taken the lead by almost 100k votes and it grows every time I refresh.

I voted Vance today. Good news. That's one blue seat turned red.
The races that are worrying me right now are Mastriano and Oz. It’s looking like Walker may edge out Warnock, but with Kemp basically having his election in the bag at this point I’m not to worried about Walker.

Also, is North Carolina typically red or blue? Because it’s looking like the republican is winning there, but I don’t know if that’s a pickup or just a hold. Either is good, but one is definitely better than the other.
Beta dude needs to stop being, well....beta.

As for Abrams....I don't know why I keep thinking of that old board game "Hungry Hungry Hippos".
I swear Beta male, is running for fame or some loophole with how he gets to use donations.
There’s no way he thought he was flipping Texas.

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