Anime & Manga "Infamous" Anime

Gundam SEED Destiny (sequel to Gundam SEED) was utterly hated in the Western anime fandom back in the 2000s. Still is in some circles but nowadays people give it a fair shake. I think the show is decent but it does some rather unsatisfying things, like breaking up the romantic relationships that formed at the end of SEED, or the nonsensical logic of the heroes of SEED trying to say "both sides are evil!" when ZAFT has been only acting in self defense from the Earth Federation that uses child soldiers, nukes colonies, enslaves people and works them to death, and burns their own cities. Destiny also had an extremely rushed ending when it originally aired, so an OVA was put out that slightly extended the climax.



The heroes of the first show proclaim that ZAFT, the protagonists of Destiny, were just as evil as these mass murdering feddies and thus need to be stopped as well and thus fought against ZAFT... when ZAFT was squeaky clean and acting in self defense for the whole show until the last 2 episodes.

Destiny was plagued behind the scenes. After the explosive popularity of SEED, a sequel was immediately greenlit and rushed out within a year (normally an anime spends two years in production). The director's wife, Chiaki Morosawa, was the writer and began missing the deadlines to turn them in, so the show fell behind schedule, leading to aborted storylines. There was also drama with the director's wife accusing the voice actors of trying to seduce her husband. The hatedom reviled her name. Sadly the wife passed away a few years later. The popular story regurgitated in the fandom was that the BTS shenagains with Destiny was that it was her undiagnosed brain cancer, but wikipedia says it was an ovarian cyst, so who knows.

School Days school days is infamous for its ending. Starts out as a high school harem SOL anime, but then the MC starts sleeping around and his girlfriend finds out. She stabs him dozens of times, beheads him, and shows the severed head to one of the MC's other girls.

Usagi Drop (the manga) is also infamous for its ending. Its a story about a single man adopting an orphaned girl and raising her as his daughter. He meets a single mom during the story. Naturally the fandom shipped the two together. Then there is a timeskip and the MC's adoptive daughter decides she wants to marry her daddy and the two live happily ever after. The anime adaptation omitted that last part.
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Oreimo short for Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai. 'My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute' in English.

That one. Because content obviously, but also because it's one that even my non-anime watching friends knew of by reputation and would reference as a WTF-moment, so it seems like it peeked beyond the particular anime subculture into somewhat more of a wider one (alongside of or with others in the past since incest seems to be a semi-common Japanese thing, so...maybe just typifies and gives a very obvious title-drop to that whole phenomenon).

Also seeming to be a little bit infamous beyond the niche anime subculture on the same basis of I heard them referenced or discussed by people outside of anime-forums or the like would be 'Free!' and/or...uh...*internet-search*...'Yuri on Ice'*. Three guesses on why for each one and the first two don't count.

*This name has always amused/made-me-tilt-my-head when I remember it since I don't think there's a single woman in the show and know by reputation it...uh...focuses on the opposite in terms of relationships, pretty sure?

Of course, then in 'more particular to the subculture' so 'infamous' on a more particular level would be your meme-famous Boku no Pico, your Viper GTS (NOT about cars), your Bible Black (NOT a good, Christian anime), and that whole scene (do these even really count since they are explicitly in that 'porn' camp rather than skirting the line?).

Maybe Monster Musume since it's fanned the flames of horny-for-monsters and that has some overlap and play in even folks who aren't big into the anime-scene but are big into the horny-scene.
your Viper GTS (NOT about cars)
How can that be when it has a Carrera, Mercedes, and Maserati in it?

The current most hated seems to be Abunai Sisters: Koko & Mika, a trashy series of shorts written entirely to promote a pair of tabloid "stars" from Japan.

Personally, I'd nominate Koi Koi 7 which had me (and a few other people I know) rooting for the villains who seemed to just be ordinary powerless humans getting bullied by the superpowered robot heroines. Secondarily, Birth for being 90 minutes of a girl traveling through the desert on a flying wok followed by a few minutes of complete nonsense for an ending.
When one says "infamous", can it include "so bad it just sucks"-type anime??

Well, here's an anime I watched, the English dubbed version mind you, which probably made it worse. Harmageddon, aka Genma Wars. And it was one of the first Animes I watched in a while after having watched nearly every episode of Star Blazers and Robotech when I was a kid.....

This was NOT a good way to get back into anime..

Now, not everything about this is bad, but at the end I was more or less "what the hell did I just watch???" Of course, YMMV, but I felt it blew more goats than a current sitting US VP does in a typical week....or maybe not.

EDIT: I'm old enough to remember Star Blazers, and Robotech. Jesus, getting old sucks.
I was thinking more along the lines of something that the fandom considers not only to be bad, but might have a reputation for being potentially gross or some other reason. I've always heard of M.D. Geist and Violence Jack talked about in that light, as a couple of examples.
Attack on Titan's ending.
Personally I feel as if that is not the ending itself. I would not be surprised if some sort of Attack on Titan 2 came out where Eren has all his memories, from death onwards, perhaps a 24 chapter mini-series or some sort? Not alot of fans know this, but AOT is LARGELY based off of a video game called Muv Luv, where a teenager is forced to fight giant invaders, fails and dies.

Sound familiar? Well, Muv Luv has a sequel, where the MC is sent into the past with his memories intact. (It actually started the anime back to the past shtick). my assumption is that Isayama will do something like this after he has completed his next project, or at some point. For the while, I would suggest going to AOT no Requiem or Operation Usurper if you want a good ending to the story. AOTnR is 2/3s done with it's store and OU is halfway done.
I was thinking more along the lines of something that the fandom considers not only to be bad, but might have a reputation for being potentially gross or some other reason. I've always heard of M.D. Geist and Violence Jack talked about in that light, as a couple of examples.

I think Eiken fits that description.
School Days school days is infamous for its ending. Starts out as a high school harem SOL anime, but then the MC starts sleeping around and his girlfriend finds out. She stabs him dozens of times, beheads him, and shows the severed head to one of the MC's other girls.

School Days is a fucked-up in the head game from a studio known for making fucked-up in the head games - and it gets worse if you start reckoning what happens on the other games that are somewhat tied to School Days(like Summer Days and Cross Days). Hell, Summer Days got one of its endings(and I presume, the entire route that lead to it) purged from the English language version because it was too much.

And the games that that studio released before School Days are supposed to be even worse than that....
Redo of Healer made all the right people ree, plot-wise it wasn't great and in a sense it was hentai with the good bits cut off.
Never the less, it was delicious to watch, since they did a fairly good job of getting you to sympathize with the MC.Snobs would probably call it intellectual junk food, I call for seconds, and more purely-Hentai Doujins.

Bible Black - probably the first hentai anyone watches, tbh I have seen better, especially from that generation of H Anime and VNs.

Anything made by or adapted from Sei Shojo's work, although the Starless hentai anime was tame by comparison, Empress produces some very nice artwork...then they have to spoil it by literal shit, piss, amputations and forced bestiality.

Euphoria, for much of the same reasons.

Interspecies Reviewers - made lots of mainstream westerners ree, but tbh neither the art was that good, nor were the fetishes covered all that interesting.

Raising of the Shield hero, infamous for false rape accusations, but a great story non the less.

Cross Ange, because All-female penal/concentration camp battalion and lesbian prison rape.Made all the right morons ree.Also a few fujoshi I know wanted an all-male version.

Mostly anything by Yoshiyuki 'Kill 'Em All' Tomino, nickname self-explanatory.

Overman King Gainer, because Yoshiyuki 'Kill 'Em All' Tomino without the Kill Em all, also, the silly intro.

I mean, you come in expecting OG Gundam and Ideon level of slaughter, and you get this instead:

Fate, because Astolfo best trap and lewd hand holding, I mean, I like my porn/hentai to have actual porn/hentai in it, hellooooo!!!!

RE: Zero, because it gained notoriety for how brutal it was, IIRC, and because Groundhog Day is overused and I was like, yeah, this is meh, after ep. 6.Also, Felix, who probably takes 2nd place after Astolfo!

Boku No Pico...just because Boku No Pico.
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I was thinking more along the lines of something that the fandom considers not only to be bad, but might have a reputation for being potentially gross or some other reason. I've always heard of M.D. Geist and Violence Jack talked about in that light, as a couple of examples.

Violence Jack is basically the dude who created Devil Man poking fun at ultra violent Manga and post apocalyptic fiction and his own works.

So it's extremely over the top. It also introduces the theme of the Nagaiverse - namely that every tragedy you read and all the horrors the MCs endure are collateral and wholly incidental to the main struggle.

Which is that Lucifer is big gay and his dad keeps destroying and rebooting the universe to cock block him 🤣

He even made a gender flipped universe to try and make femlucy find a husband and nah she ends up thirsting on devil-soccer mom and cue Divine blue balls again.

Mileage may very on if this makes the genuienly heart breaking ending of devilman better or if it cheapens the fuck out of the entire ordeal and leaves you bitter and emotionally exhausted

I know a lot of fans who got into the Nagaiverse because of Devil Man crybaby were left burnt out and enraged at the ending when the whole God is basically a dad trying to get his son to bang a girl thing comes to light. I know others who find that it makes it even better and others who find it hilarious and make it all more enjoyable.

MD Geist is disgusting but not because of the graphics. It's so misanthropic it makes stories like Borrasca. Worm and ASOIAF look positively uplifting.

Both stories are watchable though and very well done because the creators thereof are very talented writers.

But yeah Violence Jack has a gigantic Apache looking motherfuck beat a 9 foot down syndrome having biker guy to death after said biker guy eats his tranny war lord boyfriends brain to gain a power up off their POWER OF LOVE!

and it introduced the west to nugget fetishism which has been a plague for wealthy gay men ever since.
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