Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

There was that whole EU story about the parents of a force sensitive child who was taken from them partially against their will trying to sue the Jedi Order and fall out over Yoda basically putting down a slave rebellion at the request of the Arkanian Government. Who caused said slave rebellion by gleefully pulling Unit 731 tier crap on sentient beings.

@Guy of Z can elaborate further on that.

The Lundi case was a clusterfuck and a PR nightmare for the Jedi

And the Arkanian revolution was rogue scientists aganst the Arkanian dominate because of their abuses but it likely looked like spiderman pointing at Spiderman because the scientists used their own gene abominations so it was likely easier for the Dominate to bullshit out of their gene abominations
There was that whole EU story about the parents of a force sensitive child who was taken from them partially against their will trying to sue the Jedi Order and fall out over Yoda basically putting down a slave rebellion at the request of the Arkanian Government. Who caused said slave rebellion by gleefully pulling Unit 731 tier crap on sentient beings.

@Guy of Z can elaborate further on that.

Honestly these are both kinda d-list canon stuff which does not appear to have seen any real focus in the rest of the universe and I'd be genuinely pretty surprised if even most SW authors knew about it, and we don't see any negative impact on the opinion of the Jedi outside of self-contained to website the Lundi story appeared on anywhere else. IMO the best way to treat anything outside the movies for the purposes of fics is apocrypha. If Lundi and the Arkanian rebellion being a big deal help someone's fic idea, great, otherwise, they can be disregarded.

So... I think both are great for any pro-CIS work, like @Hlaalu Agent is a fan of, but IMO you're going to need to shift a lot more things in the universe for the Republic to be the bad guys - which should happen.

In an implicitly or explicitly pro-Empire fic, like I think the "Crown Prince Vader" idea sort of is, I think you're best off just scrapping the youngling massacre entirely (it's clearly Rebel propaganda) or not dwelling on it at all and focusing on anything else (maybe a line saying that Vader was able to discredit the video or convince Padme it was faked, if you want that, but not more).

Unless the fic is actually about a struggle against Palpatine and Vader who are actually working together and a Vader who's been learning Sith arts from Palpatine, in which case, keep the massacre and make it important (maybe releasing it is the PR coup our scrappy rebels need?), but I'd ditch the idea of Padme sticking around with Vader or Luke or Leia being in the picture for Vader.
Speaking about Vader and Palps, I surprised that people haven't considered the Gentis coup.

With Palps severely weakened by the Aorth-6 bioweapon, Vader was basically in charge.

What if Vader wasn't maimed and in a suit, would he have taken the opportunity and killed Palps (or just let him die)?
There's an easy way around the youngling massacre.

Elements of the 501st do it.

The rest, loyal to Vader subdue them and he kills the perpetrators and then gets mobbed by a bunch of enraged teenaged Jedi who are attacking him with such suicidal abandon they're high off the darkside.

Guilt consumes Anakin and he takes an injury but hulks out when one of them implies they're going to find his mistress when they're done with him and put her to the Saber before they're killed.

Cue a bunch of dead bodies and a deeply conflicted Anakin killing Obi-wan.

Sidious shows up and smack talks his foster brother in arms and an unharmed Anakin just ghosts his ass and has a total breakdown.

Either padme survives and becomes regent while she and Anakin gradually purge Palpatines loyalists and Anakin trains Luke and Leia and maybe reaches out to any surviving Jedi..admitting he was wrong.

But not entirely, the Republic was corrupt and the Jedi had lost their way.

Perhaps together they can build a better order.

Leave the ending ambigious or flash forward 20 years and we see an embittered and jaded Padme and a broken hearted Anakin who find themselves fighting the very people they tried to save.

And a son who questions the world his parents built? And maybe receives contact from a silly old hermit?
Personally I fucking hate would never write a story like that because I couldn't trust myself not to shit on the character.

But if you really wanted to do it, you could do it like that.
Personally I fucking hate would never write a story like that because I couldn't trust myself not to shit on the character.

But if you really wanted to do it, you could do it like that.

I mostly hate how Anakin was treated. Well more basically everything involving the Jedi in the prequels, and especially the clone wars related EU.

The Jedi have been in their current role for a thousand years, Yoda has been on the Council for centuries. The idea that they have zero concept of PR and politics is absurd.

Then you have Padme. The Trade Federation attacks her homeworld, the one she is Queen of, and she goes to the Senate for aid only to find it worthless. Then the Trade Federation leads an armed revolt against the Republic and her response is to be a full blown pacifist peacenik (at least on everything beyond the tactical level).

Then you have the GAR. The Jedi pull a galactic scale army out of their ass, with the Council willing to use it despite not even knowing that it existed a few days before, and no one says anything?

I mean Dooku is a former Jedi Master, and pupil of Yoda, who has decided to lead a rebellion against the Republic. Only for the Jedi to show up in the Republic's hour of need with a full blown army that no one knew anything about to oppose him?

More, an army of slaves. One that took a decade to grow, meaning that the order for its construction was at least that old.

And lets not forget the Navy. The Republic basically didn't have one and yet the "Jedi" had plainly built an entire fleet of Acclamator's (an entirely new design purpose designed for the Clone army) in secret. Whether or not the Venerators were a new design or just one in very limited production that got ramped up when the war started is less clear.

All of this supposedly paid for by Master Sifo-Dyas. From what funds? Yoda, Windu, the Council in general, should have noticed if the Jedi accounts were suddenly a galactic scale army and navy short of credits. I mean Sifo-Dyas was a Shadow and so could be expected to have some black funds, but enough to fund an entire military.

Then you have the First Battle of Geonosis. Kenobi discovers the Clone Army and alerts the Council, he follows Fett to Geonosis and gets captured, Anakin & Padme arrive and get captured, Jar-Jar gets Palpatine "Emergency powers", the Jedi pick up the army and head to Geonosis. That entire chain of events occurs in the matter of several hours to a handful of days. And no one seems to question it?

For Palpatine, it's great. Post Order 66 is gets really easy to paint the Clone Wars as an event orchestrated by the Jedi for the purpose of regaining their Pre-Ruusan Reformation power. Even the Droid shutdown command could be explained as Anakin getting it from the Jedi Temple's databanks and using it.

But for the Jedi to never even really think about the optics of the Clone Wars? Calling them pants on head retarded is an insult to retards who wear their pants on their head.

Anakins idiocies are in large part a consequence of the broader Jedi stupidity.
I mostly hate how Anakin was treated. Well more basically everything involving the Jedi in the prequels, and especially the clone wars related EU.

The Jedi have been in their current role for a thousand years, Yoda has been on the Council for centuries. The idea that they have zero concept of PR and politics is absurd.

Then you have Padme. The Trade Federation attacks her homeworld, the one she is Queen of, and she goes to the Senate for aid only to find it worthless. Then the Trade Federation leads an armed revolt against the Republic and her response is to be a full blown pacifist peacenik (at least on everything beyond the tactical level).

Then you have the GAR. The Jedi pull a galactic scale army out of their ass, with the Council willing to use it despite not even knowing that it existed a few days before, and no one says anything?

I mean Dooku is a former Jedi Master, and pupil of Yoda, who has decided to lead a rebellion against the Republic. Only for the Jedi to show up in the Republic's hour of need with a full blown army that no one knew anything about to oppose him?

More, an army of slaves. One that took a decade to grow, meaning that the order for its construction was at least that old.

And lets not forget the Navy. The Republic basically didn't have one and yet the "Jedi" had plainly built an entire fleet of Acclamator's (an entirely new design purpose designed for the Clone army) in secret. Whether or not the Venerators were a new design or just one in very limited production that got ramped up when the war started is less clear.

All of this supposedly paid for by Master Sifo-Dyas. From what funds? Yoda, Windu, the Council in general, should have noticed if the Jedi accounts were suddenly a galactic scale army and navy short of credits. I mean Sifo-Dyas was a Shadow and so could be expected to have some black funds, but enough to fund an entire military.

Then you have the First Battle of Geonosis. Kenobi discovers the Clone Army and alerts the Council, he follows Fett to Geonosis and gets captured, Anakin & Padme arrive and get captured, Jar-Jar gets Palpatine "Emergency powers", the Jedi pick up the army and head to Geonosis. That entire chain of events occurs in the matter of several hours to a handful of days. And no one seems to question it?

For Palpatine, it's great. Post Order 66 is gets really easy to paint the Clone Wars as an event orchestrated by the Jedi for the purpose of regaining their Pre-Ruusan Reformation power. Even the Droid shutdown command could be explained as Anakin getting it from the Jedi Temple's databanks and using it.

But for the Jedi to never even really think about the optics of the Clone Wars? Calling them pants on head retarded is an insult to retards who wear their pants on their head.

Anakins idiocies are in large part a consequence of the broader Jedi stupidity.
This is why some people (me included) consider TCW to be part of Disney canon.

The Clone Wars multimedia project was much better than TCW.
This is why some people (me included) consider TCW to be part of Disney canon.

The Clone Wars multimedia project was much better than TCW.
With the exception of Padme's pacifism, these are all issues with the PT, rather than TCW. The multimedia project might attempt to explain them, but it can't fix them IMO.

Pretty much.

The best argument is actually Jedi arrogance and lack of time. Assume that the vast majority of Jedi intelligence is filtered through Senate Intelligence/the Judicial Forces/the Republic and that Palpatine basically has them co-opted along with the Jedi not really doing PR and Palpatine's control over the media being enough to keep the major news sources from speculating about exactly how the GAR came to be.

The Jedi discover the army and within a handful of days the CIS is in armed rebellion and the Senate has declared war and authorized the creation of a military. The CIS starts their large scale attacks immediately post Geonosis and Palpatine desperately names the Jedi as Generals and moves their clones into the GAR wholesale. Politically and privately, he makes the case to Senators that an investigation into just where the GAR came from can be done when the enemy isn't actively attacking thousands of Republic worlds.

The Jedi Masters and Knights are suddenly thrown into combat across the galaxy, desperately trying to stem the advance. Investigating just how they came to own a clone army was something continually put off until "later". Especially when Republic Intel is proving itself capable and has all of these critical missions that Jedi Shadows are really needed for. And look, Dooku has a crop of Dark Side users causing chaos as well and that need to be stopped.

And what do you know? Emergencies always seem to happen whenever a substantial portion of the Council is on Coruscant. Critical intel is found and reported at just the most inconvenient times.

Basically, the Jedi Masters are never given a breather and are basically being run ragged for the whole of the Clone Wars.

Still idiots but somewhat more understandable.

Then Order 66 happens and it is discovered that the Clone Wars were a secret Jedi plot to reestablish the Jedi Lords and regain the power they had lost in the Russan Reforms, that Dooku was still secretly a Jedi and orchestrating events with the Council. He was supposed to kill Palpatine above Corsucant, the Jedi secretly weakening the defenses to get the CIS fleet through, to give the justification for Yoda (or maybe Windu) to be made Supreme Chancellor in the emergency; but that failed when Skywalker saved Palpatine and killed Dooku.

Palpatine basically does a bit of light editing and a few judicious tweaks are made to the Jedi Temple's databanks and suddenly "Sidious" is Yoda and the entire Sith plan is a Jedi plan. All ready to be discovered by independent Senate investigation.
With the exception of Padme's pacifism, these are all issues with the PT, rather than TCW. The multimedia project might attempt to explain them, but it can't fix them IMO.
You have a point, but the TCW only exacerbated these problems.

Unlike the Clone Wars multimedia project, which alleviated them.

TCW was one of the, if the not the most, biased and unrealistic part of Star Wars.
You have a point, but the TCW only exacerbated these problems.

Unlike the Clone Wars multimedia project, which alleviated them.

TCW was one of the, if the not the most, biased and unrealistic part of Star Wars.

I'm not sure how you think TCW exacerbated any of these problems. TCW had a bad start but ended up pretty decent for a children's cartoon. In particular, I thought Anakin was one of the things they handled surprisingly well and I like him in TCW a lot more than in the PT. It did introduce the problem of Padme's pacifism to the Disney canon, but I'd actually be pretty surprised if that didn't have precedent in the EU.

I haven't really viewed any of the multimedia project besides the 2D cartoon, which is fun but IMO has far more serious issues and fits with the Star Wars PT and OT far worse than TCW does.

I do agree that TCW should probably be in Disney canon, not Legends, in order to avoid contradicting existing material for those that enjoy it.
Hmm, so if I was trying to fix some of these problems, I think I'd have that the Jedi think they're stealing Dooku's army. Maybe Dooku was close to Dyfas, or something, or maybe just have him be the one who ordered the army, faking that he was still a Jedi. Or they think he was impersonating Dyfas. So they think the Clones are intended to be Sep forces, which fits with the template being someone working with the Separatists and the whole affair being kept very quiet.

That doesn't change any of what makes it easy to pin the whole thing on the Jedi, but it does provide an explanation for why no Jedi ever goes "woah where did this army we badly need right now come from?"
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I was thinking: what would have happened during the Clone Wars timeframe if the Sith did not exist at that point. We'll ignore their role in things getting to that point. Let's say Sidious' attempt to kill Plagueis ends with a mutual kill that reveals neither of them (Hugo Damask and Sheev Palpatine just go missing and their whereabouts and bodies are never found).

Do the tensions and corruption that led to the Clone Wars still lead to war? If not, what happens, if so, what happens?
I was thinking: what would have happened during the Clone Wars timeframe if the Sith did not exist at that point. We'll ignore their role in things getting to that point. Let's say Sidious' attempt to kill Plagueis ends with a mutual kill that reveals neither of them (Hugo Damask and Sheev Palpatine just go missing and their whereabouts and bodies are never found).

Do the tensions and corruption that led to the Clone Wars still lead to war? If not, what happens, if so, what happens?
Now that's an interesting PoD. That would leave Darth Maul as the heir to the Sith line and I don't think he's quite as subtle a manipulator as Sidious was... Dooku's point of leaving the Order waffles, depending on which source you use, but it's typically a few years before the invasion of Naboo. He most likely didn't have time to get corrupted by Sidious in such a short timeframe though it's possible.

My feeling is that war is inevitable but it wouldn't be nearly as intense or protracted. The Trade Federation would have folded in their invasion of Naboo or taken an entirely different route without Sidious prodding Nute Gunray every step of the way, and if I have my chronology right Palpatine's going to vanish right in the middle of it. Not only will Gunray lose his moral support, but he'll also come under immediate suspicion of assassinating Naboo's senator. This will probably break up the blockade and hurt the Trade Federation.

From there I'd expect several smaller splinter wars. Essentially the Stark Hyperspace War, repeated dozens or hundreds of times across the galaxy. The clone army raises tremendous eyebrows when there's not a convenient enemy to point them at to distract from that question. If the Jedi manage to replicate their "success" in the Hux/Kaleesh conflict, combined with pointed questions being asked about Syfo-Dyas creating the clone army, they may be seriously discredited in the eyes of the Galaxy at large.

Dooku goes on to found his own rival Jedi order, similar to the Green Jedi of Corellia, however Dooku's group will have "Stay out of politics and wars" as a major tenant. If Sidious death happens early enough that Maul isn't deployed, Qui-Gon may well join Dooku and bring Anakin along, after an angry but non-violent split with his more traditional padawan Obi-Wan who stays with the old order. Dooku may attract several of the less satisfied Jedi like Quinlan Vos to join his order. Anakin and Obi-Wan become rivals who constantly try to prove their order is better and they personally are the superior Jedi.

This could lead to an interesting dilemma for Dooku, as his Jedi do not serve the politicians but rather the will of the force, the government is less likely to fund them. He might have significant initial wealth from Serreno but he can't keep tapping that forever, and if he tries he's going to have to actually work as a count and become a politician himself which defeats the purpose. Even if they live simple, relatively ascetic lives, Jedi still need food, robes, lightsabers, and beds, as well as starships to travel in. Does the force also lead them to payoffs that keep the lights on in the rival temple? What means does Dooku use to keep his order solvent if he doesn't want to be beholden to politicians?
Now that's an interesting PoD. That would leave Darth Maul as the heir to the Sith line and I don't think he's quite as subtle a manipulator as Sidious was... Dooku's point of leaving the Order waffles, depending on which source you use, but it's typically a few years before the invasion of Naboo. He most likely didn't have time to get corrupted by Sidious in such a short timeframe though it's possible.

Dooku left immediately after the Invasion of Naboo, Qui-Gon's death was the catalyst for that.

The order of events goes something like this:
1) Anakin is found on Tatooine
2) Maul attacks and Qui-Gon reports him as a Sith.
3) Hugo Demask (Plagueis) tells Sifo-Dyas about Kamino and offers to pay for the army.
4) Dooku has a conversation with Palpatine where he says he is seriously thinking about leaving the Order and indicates that he is interested in talking with the Sith
5) Plagueis is killed.
6) Palpatine is made Supreme Chancellor
7) Qui-Gon is killed, Maul is apparently killed as well.
8) Dooku leaves the order, Qui-Gon's death being the last straw.
9) Sidious contacts Dooku and gives him a test to become his apprentice; killing Sifo-Dyas.

The war likely doesn't happen, remember that Naboo is ~10 years before the actual start of the Clone Wars. Of course, there probably is a war. The Trade Federation controls the largest single bloc of votes in the Senate, and Palpatine just died on the eve of becoming Supreme Chancellor. Chaos does not even begin to describe the political situation at the time.

The Jedi are going to be investigating the hell out of Palpatine's (and Demasks) disappearances, likely figuring that it was the work of the other Sith. How much they uncover; who knows? Sifo-Dyas isn't killed, which means the Clone Army he commissioned is still a going concern except that the bio-chips don't include Order 66. Dooku may well still fall to the Dark Side, but how far he falls is anyone's guess.
Dooku left immediately after the Invasion of Naboo, Qui-Gon's death was the catalyst for that.

The order of events goes something like this:
1) Anakin is found on Tatooine
2) Maul attacks and Qui-Gon reports him as a Sith.
3) Hugo Demask (Plagueis) tells Sifo-Dyas about Kamino and offers to pay for the army.
4) Dooku has a conversation with Palpatine where he says he is seriously thinking about leaving the Order and indicates that he is interested in talking with the Sith
5) Plagueis is killed.
6) Palpatine is made Supreme Chancellor
7) Qui-Gon is killed, Maul is apparently killed as well.
8) Dooku leaves the order, Qui-Gon's death being the last straw.
9) Sidious contacts Dooku and gives him a test to become his apprentice; killing Sifo-Dyas.
Disney Canon yes, he has four or five other times he left the order in various legends books and comics so unless you're going strict Disney that can be fuzzy.
This could lead to an interesting dilemma for Dooku, as his Jedi do not serve the politicians but rather the will of the force, the government is less likely to fund them. He might have significant initial wealth from Serreno but he can't keep tapping that forever, and if he tries he's going to have to actually work as a count and become a politician himself which defeats the purpose. Even if they live simple, relatively ascetic lives, Jedi still need food, robes, lightsabers, and beds, as well as starships to travel in. Does the force also lead them to payoffs that keep the lights on in the rival temple? What means does Dooku use to keep his order solvent if he doesn't want to be beholden to politicians?
You're a percog. Hit up the casinos until "this isn't the guy on your Banned For Life list" stops working.
You're a percog. Hit up the casinos until "this isn't the guy on your Banned For Life list" stops working.
This is actually canon in Legends.

Jedi Master Kai Hudorra became a gambler after Order 66 and ended up buying a casino and running it himself.

He would have remained undiscovered had that turncloak, the slimy bug called Beyghor Sahdett, not betrayed him and Dass Jennir.
Ignoring that Dooku, as a Count of Serrano, was flat out one of the wealthiest people in the entire galaxy; getting funds as a Jedi really isn't hard.

Even if you aren't just going to go to town on some organized crime groups and then Mind Trick them into turning over their assets, you still have everything that precog makes possible.

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