Weakest character/team in fiction who can defeat the Didact (Halo 4)


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Scenario 1: The Didact on foot although has access to his Cryptum for rapid transportation and his armor and neural kinetics for combat.
Scenario 2: The Didact has access to the Mantle's Approach
Scenario 3: Hand-to-hand combat/fist-fight

Who manages to neutralize him if not outright kill/eliminate him and how does this fight go down? Do they utilize a tactic similar to Cortana and Master Chief at the end of Halo 4 - stunning/incapacitating him and strapping him with a nuke?

I feel like the Joker or Batman could take him out in at least one of these scenarios, and they're normal cishumans without powers iirc.

Captain Kirk/Picard or an Enterprise crew could probably take him down too.
Weakest Team S1.
  • Liberty Prime (Fallout 4)
  • Enclave Sigma Squad (Fallout 3)
  • Frank Horrigan (Fallout 2)
Weakest Team S2.
  • Cetana the Synthetic Queen (Stellaris)
Weakest Team S3.
  • Lord Marshall from Riddick 2 (Just steal Didacts Soul)
  • FO3 Fawkes (Distraction)
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