W.i. Bullmouse becomes pernament


If Rooselvts third party became a permanent fixture how may it affect currently elections?
Unless America reforms as a whole away from the two-party system or the Progressive Party eclipses one of either the GOP or Dems, wouldn't this just cripple progressivism in the long run? I could see them getting some congressional seats and governorships if they remain strong but as a third party, the Progressives wouldn't be able to take control of any branch of government, wouldn't be able to get their agenda enacted unless they hold the congressional balance of power (which they probably won't for long periods of time), and would mostly just siphon votes away from whichever of the Big Two is more sympathetic to progressive causes at the time.
Assuming that the three parties stick around...

Probably what would happen is that two of the three parties position themselves at an ideological extreme, with the third being moderate/in-between the two. If they were any closer, you'd see parties start to merge, and then you'd be back at a two-party system.

Probably the moderates wouldn't be very popular - I don't see them getting in the White House. However, if a party fails to gain enough seats to totally control the house or the senate, the moderates may be courted by either side for support for their various agendas. So, while they don't have as many seats, if the party sticks together they could have disproportionate influence in American politics.
The big problem with the Bull Moose Party is that a two-party system is a natural equilibrium for first past the post elections with "winner takes all" allocation of Electoral College votes in almost every state. Splitting the progressive wing of the turn of the century Republicans into a permanent Bull Moose Party therefore equals Democratic landslides in every election nationwide, especially since the Bull Moose Party insisted on running its own full-scale tickets against the Republican ticket in almost every state instead of cross-endorsing.
If Rooselvts third party became a permanent fixture how may it affect currently elections?

You'd need something like instant runoff voting for this to actually become viable. Maine recently implemented something like this, IIRC. Else, as people above said, this would simply significantly hurt the progressive cause. Sort of how the Green Party today is useless, but to a much larger extent.

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