Breaking News US Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL 7th) NOT seeking reelection to 4th term in 2022

@Julio92 @Cherico @stevep @Simon Darkshade @Husky_Khan @DarthOne @Airedale260 @f1onagher @Rusty Shackleford

Good afternoon Sietch family. In a move some would be shocked or not-so surprising, US Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) announced she's not seeking reelection in 2022.

In other words: Murphy sees the GOP wave coming fast & getting out of dodge!

She's considered "moderate" IIRC so the moderate Reps bailing before an election because they reside in contestable districts isn't an unusual phenomenon. Happens with both parties anyhow.

One of the biggest stressors about running for office in a competitive district is how much ass you have to lick calling dozens of donors begging for handouts so your campaign will be funded while also meeting with a bajillion needy special interests ranging from individual constituents to lobbyists etc to further rally support. And repeating the process over and over again every two years.

Plus ya know, doing your actual job.
some times your just plain fucked, this happens every time before a wave election, and the upcoming one looks to be particularly nasty for the dems, and I don't see nearly enough energy or passion to stop it.
Just found out US Reps. Barbara Lawrence (D-MI 14th) & Bobby Rush (D-IL 01) NOT seeking 2022, increasing the number to 25 House Dems getting out of dodge.

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