What If? Underground/Illegal Fighting Rings & Deathmatches replaced the following: human trafficking, drugs, forced prostitution & snuff films as a “product”


Writers Blocked Douchebag
Basically, instead of all that horrifying stuff, organized crime and those connected with it whether they be politicians, religious figures or businessmen or other people

Go off to watch and invest in what is essentially Kengan Asura but IRL


With the following rules:

1. No firearms & explosives
2. If the referree says stop, stop the fight
3. If someone is knocked out and doesn’t return by the count of 10, he loses, the other fighter isn’t allowed to beat him while at it
4. If any part of your body gets out of the ring, you lose.
5. Only human males or ages 20+ are allowed to fight. No FTM’s are allowed.

How does the world change?

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