Stargate The SGC gets a new SG Team.


Cold War Veteran
In this scenario the ROB decides to help out the SGC by giving them a new SG Team.....


Clone Force 99 aka The Bad Batch.

For official Backing of the Unit. The Bad Batch is attached to the US Navy as a Special Seal Team. They have all of their gear and their Inhibitor chips have been removed by the ROB. To also assist the Bad Batch in mobility their ship has been upgraded with 32nd Century Starfleet Technology. Which means Compacted Subspace folds, Quantum Slipstream Drive and Advanced Phaser weapons systems. This Ship will only work for the members of the Bad Batch no other people can operate it. The Bad Batch arrive at the SGC during Episode 3 of SG1. Hunter is still the team Leader and Commander Cody is their Officer Liason with General Hammond. How does the addition of the Bad Batch affect the later seasons of SG1? How much Aspirin will General Hammond have to take on a daily basis? How many WTFs will SG1 have over the Bad Batch's tactics?

Special Note: As stated before the Bad Batch now have an upgraded version of their ship. But a second duplicate ship has been given to the US Navy for study. Both ships have a functional replicators and a large surplus of Dilthium. Both Tech and Echo know how to repair systems on their ship and the other ship has a special Holographic maintenance program to instruct DOD personnel into how to make more of these vessels as well as other Federation Designs from the 24th to 31st Century.
If 4 normal Air Force officers can solo Goauld, Replicator, and Ori armies, and if 1 marine and his clunky band can solo Wraith armies, then the Bad Batch (clone supersoldiers with crazy Discovery tech) will do all that but in an even shorter timeframe.

Both ships have a functional replicators and a large surplus of Dilthium. Both Tech and Echo know how to repair systems on their ship and the other ship has a special Holographic maintenance program to instruct DOD personnel into how to make more of these vessels as well as other Federation Designs from the 24th to 31st Century.

That means that they have a replicator and transporter technology, as well as top notch Starfleet phasers that can melt through enemy shields (The TNG Enterprise one or two shotted most ships it fought against). They could easily burn down enemy shields and then beam over a nuke onto the enemy ship, but given the ludicrous firepower of Enterprise-D phasers, they probably wouldn't even need to do that; just phaser again to destroy the enemy ship.

As far as ground forces missions goes, one notable thing the Bad Batch now have (thanks to access to Starfleet technology) is the TR-116 rifle. It's a rifle that beams bullets into your enemy, and it has an infrared scope so you can see through walls. You can kill anyone without even needing line of sight with them. So the Bad Batch can kill their enemies without even having to expose themselves to the enemy (not that they would really get hurt anyway).
If 4 normal Air Force officers can solo Goauld, Replicator, and Ori armies, and if 1 marine and his clunky band can solo Wraith armies, then the Bad Batch (clone supersoldiers with crazy Discovery tech) will do all that but in an even shorter timeframe.

That means that they have a replicator and transporter technology, as well as top notch Starfleet phasers that can melt through enemy shields (The TNG Enterprise one or two shotted most ships it fought against). They could easily burn down enemy shields and then beam over a nuke onto the enemy ship, but given the ludicrous firepower of Enterprise-D phasers, they probably wouldn't even need to do that; just phaser again to destroy the enemy ship.

As far as ground forces missions goes, one notable thing the Bad Batch now have (thanks to access to Starfleet technology) is the TR-116 rifle. It's a rifle that beams bullets into your enemy, and it has an infrared scope so you can see through walls. You can kill anyone without even needing line of sight with them. So the Bad Batch can kill their enemies without even having to expose themselves to the enemy (not that they would really get hurt anyway).
Apophis's guards will be dead before he can even say Jaffa Kree lol.
The Bad Batch quicky become the tip of the spear for all SGC assault missions. They're not very good doing first contact and exploration missions. But missions for Reconnaissance of enemy targets and assaults on enemy strongholds are going to have the Bad batch out in front.

By chance can their gear and weapons be replicated? Would give the SGC a hell of an edge.

Oh, and one final thing. Poor Hunter should get free drinks anytime someone makes a John Rambo joke. Which there will be plenty of them.
The Bad Batch quicky become the tip of the spear for all SGC assault missions. They're not very good doing first contact and exploration missions. But missions for Reconnaissance of enemy targets and assaults on enemy strongholds are going to have the Bad batch out in front.

By chance can their gear and weapons be replicated? Would give the SGC a hell of an edge.

Oh, and one final thing. Poor Hunter should get free drinks anytime someone makes a John Rambo joke. Which there will be plenty of them.
Yes all of their gear can be replicated. They have 31st Century Star Trek Replicators after all. :)

Edit: And the Rambo Theme plays each time Hunter enters the Mess Hall. :p

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