Versus Match The Most Evil Death Row Convicts(Baki) VS Harry Dresden & Co(Dresden Files)


Writers Blocked Douchebag
In this scenario, the worlds of Dresden Files, Baki & Kengan Asura are all as one

The Most Evil Death Row Convicts are 5 extremely dangerous convicts who escaped from deathrow/life-imprisonment

Each escaped whilst announcing that they "Wish To Know Defeat" which doesn't mean they'd let themselves get beaten easily and will do whatever dirty trick and fight their hardest to win

"Kaioh Dorian: A legendary American fighter who mastered Chinese Kempo. He uses multiple means to win fights. He escaped by faking his death after being hung for 10 minutes, writing in blood of his intentions of reaching Japan. He is the second prisoner to know defeat.
Hector Doyle: An Assassin of British descent. He has metal pipes and wires attached to his bones. Little is known about how he escaped, but he was to be killed by an electric chair for his crimes. He uses brute strength and trickery to achieve victory. He is the third prisoner to know defeat.
Sikorsky: A Russian convict feared for his athletic prowess and incredible finger strength. He escaped from Evans Prison, an old missile silo turned penitentiary, using said fingers. His main skill is slicing his opponents flesh and muscles with his knuckles. He is the fourth prisoner to know defeat.
Spec: Another American convict, who manages to escape from a submarine 200 feet below the sea level through incredible upper body strength and expanded lungs. His specialty is a hundred fist attack rush known as the "Apnea Rush" where he attacks for 5 minutes straight without breathing or until his opponent is a corpse; this was used to nearly destroy the Statue of Liberty before American engineers and marines salvaged it. One of the most brutal of all the Prisoners and, after he is defeated, the oldest. He is the first prisoner to know defeat, almost dying to his injuries later on.
Ryuukou Yanagi: The only convict originating from Japan, Yanagi is a student of Kunimastu, who taught him the Way of the Void fighting style. This style enabled him to use a vacuum created from the palm of his hand for various results. Two of which included the use of a poison that was so painful, that those untrained like Yanagi usually cut off their own hands due to the nature of preparing the this technique. The other was the Whip Strike, a very painful technique that strips the flesh of it's victims with each strike. He is the last Prisoner to know defeat and is almost killed by Yujiro shortly afterwards."

Against them are Harry Dresden and friends

This occurs before Changes and since Harry follows the Rules of Magic, he can't use magic to kill them and neither he or many other supernatural forces are even aware of these Prisoners

Though they all go "I'm heading to Chicago/The US/The states/Yankeeland"

The convicts themselves don't know people in the city much, but they just "sense" great and dangerous fighters therein

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