Alternate History The Lukewarm War (1946-XXXX) or How Make Nations Sovereign

The Yugoslav War
  • TheRejectionist



    Truman had exhausted all patience and tolerance towards Tito and there had not been an acceptance of the ultimatum, in fact there had been an escalation, with the Yugoslav Communist Partisans clashing with New Zealanders. It wasn’t enough Tito had shot down an USAF plane, he was indeed trying to occupy by sheer force a contested territory and was deeply worried of the total silence from the Soviet Union. Stalin and many others had not made an official apparition in months and was concerned on the possibility of the Man of Steel intervention.

    President Truman ?

    << Yes ? >>

    Harry Truman was so busy with his head he almost hadn’t noticed the man entering the room.

    << I came bearing bad news >>

    << What news ? >>

    << Tito has refused the ultimatum… >>

    << I know that already, is there something else? >>

    << Tito’s forces have engaged the New Zealanders and are occupying Trieste as we speak. >>

    Tag you @Circle of Willis since you are the only one I found so far to have done a Cold War TL here.

    NOTES : Updates will be sporadic! My main works are :

    1. Real life
    2. This
    Meanwhile in the Kremlin - Diary of Anastas Mikoyan
  • Sralin wonted war,and USA military was gutted.Which,paradoxally,mean fast victory for Allies - they must use B.29 and A-bombs.

    Soviets have no fighters or AA guns capable of schooting them,and,unless germans,most of their production come from few cities.Destroy them,and soviet army have no weapons to use.Destroy Moscov killing Sralin - soviet system collapse without leader.

    Considering,that Truman would not use A - bombs rashly - soviets would take all germany,Denmark,and part of France before that.
    Good for propaganda - just show all massgraves there to press.

    In Poland almost all waited for 3th ww - so you could see another uprising helping Allies there.

    Stalin is, IMO aware of the power disparity and his stated views on another conflict with the capitalists were: "Ten or twenty years down the line we can have another go at it."
    The statement is IIRC anecdotal.

    Tito was a big thorn in Stalin's side, so I am sure he would love to see Yugoslavia and Tito cut down to size, while letting his hardline supporters in Bulgaria, Georgi Dimitrov and later Valko Chervenkov gain street cred by liberating and reintegrating Macedonia into Bulgaria.

    This will also serve to increase the popularity of the Moscow-backed regime, since we fought several extremely bloody wars in an attempt to recapture those lands, which we saw as an integral part of Bulgaria going back almost a millennia.These wars led to two so-called National Catastrophes and a massive wave of refugees from Macedonia into Bulgaria.
    That stuff will be part of living memory, as will be the treachery of the Serbs on multiple occasions.
    Like the aforementioned Balkan Wars and the Serbo-Bulgarian War
    He cared enough about popularity among the population as to de facto reinstate the patriarch of Moscow during WWII, also he and Dimitrov were good buddies, and this gives him a chance to show all communist leaders that he is the only dog in town and that Tito and by extension they are done for without his support.
    Also this can potentially give the USSR easier access to the the Adriatic sea, thus bypassing the Bosporus and other Turkish/NATO controlled areas.
    It will let him menace Albania directly and there will be no Tito or Non-Aligned movement.
    True.In 1950 commanders of all soviet puppet states was gathered and told to prepare for war before 1956.Sralin also prepared new purge in 1953,and since it take time,he could not attack before 1956 anyway.

    Althought,i do not think he cared about popularity in Bulgaria - he woud not rob people of their land and send them to kolchoz ,if he cared.

    Well here we go.


    Stalin's dead. So is everyone else but me. The "great leader" departing before the last stroke took him out was the decimation of us who were loyal to the very end. Maybe it's not a good thing to be a coward or hide, but alas I am alive against all odds and maybe just in time to expand the Union. I won't govern as him and thankfully, Malenkov's and Beria's diaries and notes are at my disposal. Both have ...or better had, great ideas, even if the first was spineless and the second a pederast and rapist. Now I have three priorities : expand as much as possible and since the imperialist Anglo-americans are busy with that mad dog of Tito, I think it's only fair we have finally a warm port or two ; the second would be to speed up the bomb project ; rebuild and do it better, otherwise I will be remembered as Tsar atop an empire of corpses.


    @Agent23 @ATP Things didn't go well for the Vozhd. I will try to understand if I can use your suggestions.
    Leaders I thought about for this Soviet Union after 1978 (Mikoyan's OTL Death)
  • anBn

    Alexei Kosygin (1978-1980) reason : economy focused.


    Ivan Bagramyan (1978-1982)

    Reasoning : fellow Armenian and war hero.


    Nikolai Semyonovich Patolichev (1982-1989) reasoning : again economy focus.


    Konstantin Fedorovich Katushev (1989-2010) economy again!