Philosophy The Hallmarks of Woke Totalitarianism

"Woke" is just the modern term for socialism.

The socialist's narrative is always the same: it's about an oppressive, totalitarian (insert X group here: evil French King/evil Tsars/evil Chinese Republicans/evil white people) who must be overcome by these brave people (elites who want to replace the king and become the rulers) who will bring about an utopia where everyone is equal. It's the same mythology from every single socialist revolution that has ever happened.

In the end, the elites overthrow the king, and establish a brutal, totalitarian regime. Socialism and totalitarianism go hand in hand: you can't redistribute wealth on a massive scale without a powerful, violent state government. Once you have a powerful, violent state government, it's going to want to perpetuate itself, which means brainwashing people and executing dissenters.

Socialist countries tend to emphasize a mythology about their founder, be it Robespierre, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, or the Kims. It's because the country has no history, no religion or gods to believe in, so they focus on a hero figure. Also notice how often these countries are fervently anti-religion, because religion is a threat to the despot's power of the people, because the people place the values of their religion and faithfulness to their god over loyalty to the state. So the state always tries to stamp out religion. The French Revolutionaries burned churches and butchered nuns. The communists persecuted Christians. China persecutes Christians, and has begun persecuting Muslims too. And there is a fervent anti-Christianity in America right now.

It's mind boggling that people keep falling for the socialist's narrative, when historically socialist nations have collapsed 9 out of 10 times and causing unprecedented loss of human life. It's rather scary to think about the 1 out of 10 times that do actually manage to sustain themselves long term, such as China, or Cuba, or North Korea. A sustained 1984 hell...

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