The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

Imagine going to China and telling the CCP that that they need to pay you a tax to mine lithium and coal from their very own sovereign territory.

Some of the watermelons probably do think they could do that. In their globalist dreams, there is just one world government.
Some of the watermelons probably do think they could do that. In their globalist dreams, there is just one world government.
Just their dreams. That's why the leaders are beating around the bush when it comes to the pretty much only economically valuable part of this powergrab. Once they stop, what France used to do with Greenpeace will be nothing when compared to what some other countries will do to the international green movements.
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Imagine going to China and telling the CCP that that they need to pay you a tax to mine lithium and coal from their very own sovereign territory.
Some of the watermelons probably do think they could do that. In their globalist dreams, there is just one world government.
They're not targeting usage of resources by goverments and the wealthy, but by everyone who isn't politically connected and/or rich.
They're not targeting usage of resources by goverments and the wealthy, but by everyone who isn't politically connected and/or rich.
But many of the rich need their businesses to extract resources to make things to sell to those not politically connected/rich, and no matter how you spin it the tax will impact the whole market..
That's what subscription service feudalism is for. Instead of actually making new products, costing money and requiring resources, just rent existing ones. This also gives the owner class of society total control since they can cut anyone else off.
Even if the fully modular products existed in any remotely sufficient quantity in all areas, new parts from new resources would still be needed to be made, because no amount of bullshit will make metal fatigue, friction damage, thermal expansion cycles and so on stop damaging things, nevermind more mundane accidents, and it will still need to be counted into the price.
Even if the fully modular products existed in any remotely sufficient quantity in all areas, new parts from new resources would still be needed to be made, because no amount of bullshit will make metal fatigue, friction damage, thermal expansion cycles and so on stop damaging things, nevermind more mundane accidents, and it will still need to be counted into the price.

see, that’s when they charge you extra for ‘violating the agreement’ and breaking it. Because clearly it’s your fault.
So, what are we going to do to stop these sons of bitches?
There's nothing we realistically can do given our powerlessness. If we'd been made dictators* and were trying write up rules to prevent all this nonsense, I've got a few ideas...

There are two goals, removing the necessity to convert capitalism into subscription neofeudalism...
  • Civilization requires resources and energy and produces pollution to provide people with a decent quality of life. The more people receiving a decent quality of life, the more resources and energy expended and pollution produced. And the supply of resources and effective** energy sources on earth are finite and running out.
  • This has led to our leadership realizing the only solution to maintain their own wealth and power is to monopolize all the remaining resources for themselves.
  • Their means of doing so are to monopolize ownership. Rather than selling products, costing money and resources to produce, they'll own everything and rent it out to everyone else. This gives them an infinite source of money while requiring no work on their part and total control of society since by means of being 'private companies refusing service' they could entirely legally kick people out of their rented pods to starve in the streets.
  • The only solution is to make resources and energy no longer finite. We require powersats and asteroid-mining infrastructure. Now. They're profitable, they've been profitable since the cold war space race when they were first designed***, so literally the only reason an oligarch could be against building them would be fear of losing the opportunity to monopolize everything and rule the world. Excuses are unacceptable, failure to build them should be considered proof of involvement in the you-will-own-nothing conspiracy.
...and the means by which said conversion could be accomplished.
  • Everything, especially printing presses and webhosting businesses should be legally mandated as common carrier. If you have the money, they can't choose not to sell to you.
  • Tax subscription-service-based economics sufficiently they're always unprofitable compared to onetime sales. Link this to inflation, make it unavoidable.
  • If there's no actual product produced or service rendered, just money generated, it's not business, it's organized financial crime and should be forcibly shut down as such.
  • xratedcheese's idea as a matter of law.
  • The right to ownership of your own body. The goverment cannot mandate medical decisions on citizens, businesses cannot do so for employees or customers**** and the designs of anything that goes into a human body are automatically made public domain and can be legally produced by anyone with the capacity to do so. No propriety systems and planned obsolesce in cybernetic implants, no making transhumanism economically mandatory by raising minimum standards of employment to the superhuman capabilities of the enhanced, no drug monopolies and ketracel white company scrip, etc.

** Renewables exist, yes, but aren't as effective as combustion and fission and if we ran out of petrochemicals and uranium ore and were solely reliant on them, wouldn't be enough to sustain our current population at our current standard of living.
*** A single asteroid can contain up to $20 trillion worth of metals and it could cost $27 Billion to mine an asteroid. The United States goverment just wasted twice the expected cost of an asteroid mine last month on a proxy war.
**** And discrimination lawsuits are entirely fair game.

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