Business & Finance The GameStop Short Stock Sensation

Looks like silver was a lie.

Wsb on reddit has been calling it out All day.

The media lied about it to try to get people to sell gamestop and buy silver.

The fact the Media was suddenly giving it wall to wall coverage made it obvious, especially after last week's antics. A little DD shows Citadel-at the heart of the GameStop episode-is a major player in Silver; 4th largest IIRC.

And RobinHood is back to the one star rating. After deleting over a hundred thousand reviews in the app store only hours ago, Google has stated the new wave of negative reviews are aren't in violation of whatever ambiguous policies the prior reviews supposedly ran afoul of. So RobinHood might remain number one in the Google Play store for the foreseeable future.

I mean the stock dropping was literally inevitable. It's still several times above its previous market value of course. But of course some people made very unwise bets later in the game and lost money.

Maybe it'll rise again when RobinHood and other apps open it up to trading again but... well... don't invest money you can't burn away obviously.
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I mean the stock dropping was literally inevitable. It's still several times above its previous market value of course. But of course some people made very unwise bets later in the game and lost money.

Maybe it'll rise again when RobinHood and other apps open it up to trading again but... well... don't invest money you can't burn away obviously.
Of course it was inevitable; nobody was allowed to buy the stock anymore. Its value had nowhere to go but down. What I find funny is how quickly the establishment jumped to the defense of the stock market the moment it looked like the plebs might succeed at manipulating it to their benefit; especially compared to the nearly total lack of action before, during, and after the 2008 recession.
Of course it was inevitable; nobody was allowed to buy the stock anymore. Its value had nowhere to go but down. What I find funny is how quickly the establishment jumped to the defense of the stock market the moment it looked like the plebs might succeed at manipulating it to their benefit; especially compared to the nearly total lack of action before, during, and after the 2008 recession.

SEC looking at a Reddit forum for market manipulation despite the rather blatant actions this week on the part of the media and financial institutions says all that needs to be said.
It's disturbing how easily r/wallstreetbets was sabotaged from the inside; I suppose it just goes to show how important it is to have principled leadership for any movement to succeed, not to mention police for astroturf.
Absent heavy shorting of the stock, ie. the possibility of a short squeeze, it's just a pump and dump, which just lets retail investors screw over other retail investors, but doesn't actually hurt wall street or hedge funds at all.

According to The Verge, which I archived above, Reddit intervened in the WallStreetBets community over mods and admins having a dispute with each other, allegedly over some mods wanting to profit off of a movie deal and putting the health of this Reddit community at risk. Reddit removed several moderators for violatimg its ToS.

Concurrently a new WallStreetBets server is being started on Discord after the service provider shut down the previous one. Discord is apparently assisting the mods of this new server with moderation for the time being.
Wait, there's FIVE film projects in the work now about this Gamestop crap?


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