Election 2020 The California Cancer - A Rant

the problem with Democrat policies is that they never bother to pause and check if they are actually functional.

Their entire campaign policy depends upon it. It's a lovely system; make things worse with government policies, then campaign on how bad things are so you're needed even more than you were before.

It depends on people's laziness, and willingness to engage in the sunk-cost fallacy.
I became aware of this shit when I found out how much of Beto O'Rourke's money came from California... to run for office in Texas. We used to joke about the Austin containment zone being broken, but it's not all that funny anymore and if I have to hear one more biased mental inbred on our sister sites bemoan about Texas being 'gerrymandered' I'm going to break a blood vessel. It was gerrymandered until 2010, in favor of Democrats, and biased judges in the Texas supreme court kept it that way despite the overwhelming majority of the state voting Republican. Its oh so funny how Republican judicial appointees run the gamut from actual conservatives to straight up Democrats in red clothing but every... single... democratic appointee is a line stepping party loyalist and yet its the Republicans fault for breaking faith in the judicial system.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy. -Alexander Fraser Tytler
Honestly, I think there will come a day when California ends up more or less quarantined

For real, as in, too many horrible diseases, viruses and crazy homeless people to allow out of the state

So much that even Hollywood’s celebrities and rich people will be going around with armed bodyguards and riding heavily bulletproof vehicles and living in gated communities where they have actual turrets

And they will STILL vote for more of the insanity to occur

Not sure about working to middle classes though, I imagine that they either go anybody Right of Stalin to going out of California en masse and still voting the same only to find themselves repeatedly at odds with every “little Eichman” and “Uncle Tom” they meet
Some may get a faceful of reality shoving it right in front of their face while others will continue it until they get old and cranky.

Yeah, it maybe becoming a victim of their own politics or behaviour that would be the real wake-up call.

Though, that maybe depend on how much of a narcissistic sociopath they secretly are.

As for getting old and cranky, aren't a bunch of the Far Left, liberals when they were much younger? I think this just means that they will wait for their next resurgence, they will even ignore how much of entertainment GotWokeWentBroke and cite it was for different reasons
That actually makes things worse, martyrs, even ones who just get a slap in the face, are something to keep their movements going

That was just one of around twenty to thirty colonies dropped on Earth... and that's the VERY FIRST EPISODE of Gundam X, btw.
mental inbred on our sister sites bemoan about Texas being 'gerrymandered
At least it ain't Zor prattling on about how with just a few more years the urban centres can nullify the effectiveness of any countryside vote and go blue...! ;P

But yeah, Cali's got a problem and it is becoming Texas'. I still find it consistently hilarious however when some of these Californian folk complain about a lack of familiar policies yet have left their former home state -because- the policies are absolutely bonkers.

Looking at you streets filled with -actual- shit.

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