United States Texas State Board of Education Adopts an Optional "Bible Infused" Curriculum for Public Schools.


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
The curriculum is called "BlueBonnet" which proponents say uses the Bible for reference, not for proselytization or establishment of religion as its critics charge.

BBC said:
Texas schools will not be required to use "BlueBonnet" curriculum, which includes lessons from the books of Genesis and Psalms, as well as the New Testament, but will receive extra funding if they do.

The board's narrow vote of 8 to 7 marks the latest move by Republicans to incorporate Christian teachings into schools nationwide. Four Democrats and three Republicans voted against using the curriculum.

The vote was only for adding the curriculum to English Language Arts and Reading, but the board is considering using it in other areas.

Flexablity in education is usually a good thing.

I'm sure a number of lefty teachers won't like it, but those folk will teach crap no matter what.

Heck, I remember when I was in High School, I had an Ecconomics teacher who only sorta taught the curriculum. He was an old school Communist, and he tried to teach that around the curriculum.

He was very obvious.
The curriculum is called "BlueBonnet" which proponents say uses the Bible for reference, not for proselytization or establishment of religion as its critics charge.

As a lifelong Texan, I LOVE IT. I strongly LOVE it. Time to up the ante even further by driving the liberals OUT of the Lone Star State altogether in all 254 counties.
Here we go again.....the Christians are taking over the schools, civic authorities are helping them just to spite the leftists, and the kids are the ones left holding the bag.

What moral lessons do they want kids to learn from the Bible anyway?
Here we go again.....the Christians are taking over the schools, civic authorities are helping them just to spite the leftists, and the kids are the ones left holding the bag.

What moral lessons do they want kids to learn from the Bible anyway?
Here we go again,indeed.Moral lesson - that we are all children of God,not property of Big Corpo or somebody else.
Here we go again,indeed.Moral lesson - that we are all children of God,not property of Big Corpo or somebody else.
"Children" means "slave" in the language of religions. So my response as an atheist is: "you're not my real dad".

Keep the Church out of any place of knowledge. They may be the best of the lot, but they're still a religious institution. They want blind adherence to dogma, not rational pursuit of truth.
"Children" means "slave" in the language of religions. So my response as an atheist is: "you're not my real dad".

Keep the Church out of any place of knowledge. They may be the best of the lot, but they're still a religious institution. They want blind adherence to dogma, not rational pursuit of truth.
Honestly... I don't care. The Catholic Church was one of the biggest supporters of science throughout history, and despite the "pop culture" belief, Creationism is a divided issue across Christianity as a whole, of which even back in the Roman days, it was common enough to view the most of Genesis as both the "Truth" but also simply metaphor put in a narrative way for us humans to understand various lessons with a bit general acknowledgement of history.

Today "places of knowledge" have more or less been giving out Marxist leaning education with no push back. So screw it, maybe this a good reprieve from that by pushing out a anti-Marxist leaning education for a bit, just to help offset it. Then maybe both will fall out of the favor in the future. Who knows?

But I can't exactly go "OH NO THE HUMANITY" over Texas deciding to put an optional thing, especially for a Book that more or less helped found what we understand as Western Civilization, or was at least an important part of its evolution. Knowing schools, a bunch of liberals administrations will still not go for it anyways.
The Catholic Church was one of the biggest supporters of science throughout history,
500 years ago.
Today "places of knowledge" have more or less been giving out Marxist leaning education with no push back
So why do you want to just replace one poison with another? Or is it just that you want your brand of poison to win?

Me? I'd rather have no poison at all. Remove the indoctrination, not just replace it with another.
So why do you want to just replace one poison with another? Or is it just that you want your brand of poison to win?

Me? I'd rather have no poison at all. Remove the indoctrination, not just replace it with another.
Poison? You have a very weird notion of it.

I would view it as viewing history. A extra cultural understanding. Right now it is for English Language Arts and Reading. Why should it not be taught at least in part in an educational setting? It is one of biggest narratives that shaped world history, specifically Western Civilization. Trying to discard it more or less erodes Western Civilization and its ideas.

If you say learning it at all is indoctrination, I would agree with you, as the same could be said about learning literally any ideology that makes a country's society continue ticking along.

I am of John Adams belief, where a Republic simply cannot work without a generally religious society, or at least a majority following the same morals.

"Because We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality and Religion. Avarice, Ambition, Revenge or Gallantry, would break the strongest Cords of our Constitution as a Whale goes through a Net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

In other words, humans are flawed and in a Republic form of governance, they need a strong moral code. I believe without at least a cultural understanding being somewhat permeated through society, then don't expect the society to last too long after it loses its most basic common values. Even Richard Dawkins now counts himself as a Cultural Christian and viewed the current direction of society going in the wrong direction.

Agnosticism and Atheism leaves room for other ideologies. I would at least like one of those ideologies to be Cultural Christianity, so they view themselves having something in common with actual true religious Christians.
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Here we go again.....the Christians are taking over the schools, civic authorities are helping them just to spite the leftists, and the kids are the ones left holding the bag.

What moral lessons do they want kids to learn from the Bible anyway?

It's mostly in the English and Reading section of the lesson plans. Not Social Studies where you learn to worship Islam and Transdegeneration.

BBC said:
The vote was only for adding the curriculum to English Language Arts and Reading, but the board is considering using it in other areas.

The terrifying potential future exceptions...

Fox News said:
One kindergarten unit teaching art appreciation would focus on the Bible's Book of Genesis and artworks inspired by it, CNN reported. Another unit for first-graders would teach The Parable of the Prodigal Son and a lesson plan for third-graders about ancient Rome would discuss the life of Jesus and Christianity in the Roman Empire.
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"Children" means "slave" in the language of religions. So my response as an atheist is: "you're not my real dad".
And a,proud atheist,become property of State/Big Corpo.That is how it always end.
Keep the Church out of any place of knowledge. They may be the best of the lot, but they're still a religious institution. They want blind adherence to dogma, not rational pursuit of truth.
Fides and Ratio.
There would be no science if western catholic Church do not started it.Becouse in all other societies such tching like science do not existed,and could not exist thanks to their belifs.

Becouse science need belws,that:
1.World is real - hindu,for example,do not belived in that
2.There are Laws of Nature - muslims do not belived in them

Before you get science,you need religion which say so - and that religion was western chrystianity.

I really wished I could have secularism without the commie bullshit.
I wish that,too.Sadly it seems no longer possible -at least from 19th century.You need kill commie bullshit first,and i do not see any silver bullet capable of doing so.Pity.
Basically that, you have to pick one, relatively benign at its worst 20th-21st Christianity or Communist/Marxism/Transing your kids Gay Sex books for elementary schoolers and Furry/Demon read alongs. I'm kinda reminded of Ian from TimPool where basically with him nothing can be done to fight/push back because then they will also do stuff he doesn't like, so best to stay the course. It's like were dying here Ian, is it really gonna kill you to have a school Uniform, pledge of alliegance and say some short generic prayer, is saying Merry Christmas gonna kill you?

And for all you gays. You have to pick which one you want at the end of the day, Christians being kinda annoying in the way of Mormons or Jehovas witnesses to you at worst in modern world, or getting destroyed by Islam or Communists if they take over or getting wiped out for siding with evil if the more Religious side wins after a war of trying to steal their children(even if you weren't involved and just wanted to be left alone). Christians periodically annoying you is your win state. There is no videogame esque end state where everyone is free love and polyamorous for everyone else. Everyone tolerating everyone else is the best possible outcome, forcing people to embrace and celebrate, especially all the super niche variations, is what has started all this shit.
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Showing is easy; getting people to accept something they don't want to believe is true, that's much harder.
The thing is that it takes truly absurd and utterly unsustainable things to get these things consistent throughout a society, which results in getting swept away by preference campaigns as milder dysfunctions build until quality of life becomes a bigger discomfort than angry ranting. You have to go all the way overboard into a police state for it to "stick", which incentivizes massively against the True Believers needed for such systems to operate actually getting the positions that need them.

And in case you're unaware, Djinnbrain is a quiet dig at your bullshit. The explanatory power of your arguments against "atheism" change little when you replace "the loss of faith" with possession by a djinn because the causal chain is predicated on a refusal that anything but totalizing monotheism could possibly provide moral behavior.

Never mind the long history of Far Eastern traditions that wholly reject the existence of insurmountable qualitative difference between man in this world and higher powers that "somehow" never saw a single case of what you constantly blame atheism for, or the way that Liberation Theology often does better tying its tenants to scripture than the Papacy because there's far more than enough "fuck the rich" to justify Communism.

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