Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

Some nerd named Trevor Davey spent two years writing a complete timeline of "Legends" Star Wars lore that was published or released up until 2014.

It's apparently pretty comprehensive with hundreds of references and footnotes. Looks like he even covered individual missions from various computer games and obscure comics and so much more.

He has a website linked in his bio which is primarily focused on Star Wars Timelines as well apparently. But I haven't really looked into it yet.

The book hasn't been released yet but he says he's trying to figure out how to work with Amazon and whatnot.

Not to belittle this effort, but Nathan Butler already did all of this years ago, and published it for free. It was so thorough that he served as advisor on stuff like the Essential Atlas.
Not to belittle this effort, but Nathan Butler already did all of this years ago, and published it for free. It was so thorough that he served as advisor on stuff like the Essential Atlas.

Hmmm yeah, I'm not sure. It has a foreward from one of the other people that worked on the Atlas and someone else who worked on the Essential Atlas said they got credit in this book for their work as well. So I'm not sure how it compares.

I guess there is a link to buy this one regardless if they want a physical copy of a Legends Chronology.

Maybe some of you are unaware that the 2012 contract Lucas made with Disney included a clause where Kennedy could not be fired no matter how badly she ruins things.

He did this because he believed she would take good care of "Star Wars" and use his outlines for the sequels, so she would be protected. By the time it was obvious this wasn't going to happen it was too late.

There is a morals clause but if her contract is up this year it hardly matters now. Still, what Iger has been doing has shown women the "power" they thought feminism gave them has all been an illusion and now they have nothing.

Now, this not only applies to "Star Wars" but everything else- as pointed out by The Little Platoon writers today are drawn from a very small subset, and they live in metropolitan areas. Thus they believe "diversity" is the norm, just like where they are. This is why a tribe isolated and inbreeding for centuries will have so much "diversity" even though after that much time it would become homogeneous.

It is also a fact that writers and the like today are Cultural Marxists first and anything else a distant fourth. This is why ancient Romans and Greeks would not know the difference between a dragon or fabulous bird and some kind of a flying machine even IF IT CRASHED ON LAND AND COULD BE EXAMINED. This is why we see such ridiculous twists and events.

There is but one way to save "Star Wars:" anything after 2012 is bad fan fiction and not "Star Wars" at all.
Hey, here's an idea for a "Star Wars" show- it can't possibly be worse than "The Acolyte."

The now evil Jedi invade the world of "Saturday Supercade" (1984) and see that Joey Kangaroo has Force talent. Since they are now murderers and child abductors they try to kidnap him from the City Zoo but his mother K.O. Katy decks a female Jedi with a right hook, sadly two use the Force to toss her against a wall; by the time she recovers they are gone.

Luckily she gets on the phone and reaches the Ruby-Spears Hotline, calling Thundarr the Barbarian for help. He, Ariel, and Ookla catch up with the Jedi and since Thundarr's sun sword can match light sabers and Ariel's magic deals with any Force use (Ookla is yelling and tossing large things at the Jedi) they are able to pound the Jedi into the floor, rescue Joey, and return him to a grateful Mrs. Katy.

Maybe I can get $180,000,000 to try this. Well, if I suddenly identify as "queer" or "trans..."
Maybe some of you are unaware that the 2012 contract Lucas made with Disney included a clause where Kennedy could not be fired no matter how badly she ruins things.

He did this because he believed she would take good care of "Star Wars" and use his outlines for the sequels, so she would be protected. By the time it was obvious this wasn't going to happen it was too late.

There is a morals clause but if her contract is up this year it hardly matters now. Still, what Iger has been doing has shown women the "power" they thought feminism gave them has all been an illusion and now they have nothing.

Now, this not only applies to "Star Wars" but everything else- as pointed out by The Little Platoon writers today are drawn from a very small subset, and they live in metropolitan areas. Thus they believe "diversity" is the norm, just like where they are. This is why a tribe isolated and inbreeding for centuries will have so much "diversity" even though after that much time it would become homogeneous.

It is also a fact that writers and the like today are Cultural Marxists first and anything else a distant fourth. This is why ancient Romans and Greeks would not know the difference between a dragon or fabulous bird and some kind of a flying machine even IF IT CRASHED ON LAND AND COULD BE EXAMINED. This is why we see such ridiculous twists and events.

There is but one way to save "Star Wars:" anything after 2012 is bad fan fiction and not "Star Wars" at all.
Got a source
It's what I've heard from several people. But it does make the pieces fit together: Iger has fired uppity diversity so he is not afraid to do so- why then has he not done so with Kennedy, who has cost Disney billions, ruined an invincible franchise, and has been VERY insubordinate to him? It's not like anyone he cares about would condemn him.
It could he. But also it could be that he is keeping her because Lucas hand picked her.
So unless sourxe
My friend, the entertainment industry is so insane "sources" don't matter any longer. One can only go through rumors and try to pick the most logical one.

If I met you in 2014 and told you what "Star Wars" was going to be would you have believed me?
Wow a YouTuber critic I really like apparently loved The Acolyte. It was so exciting and fast paced he thought it should be a movie.

It keeps baffling me that "the Republic is overwhelmed!!!" remains so common a take. That notion always struck me as weird. Personally, I'd paint the CIS assault on Coruscant as vaguely analogous to Lee's invasion of the North. More specifically: resembling a scenario where he'd actually achieve his goal of directly threatening DC

I suppose, at least for me, I see it as an inverted Civil War. We have a very Industrialized "South" in the CIS that not only represents the lionshare of the financial and manufacturing concerns but who can mass produce their soldiers on an assembly line versus a "North" in the Republic utterly deficient in that regard.

Everything kind of snowballs from there. The Republic has an army, the Clones, built over a decade that is, essentially, a finite resource in comparison to the CIS's army. A draft is of course an option but one that carried the chance for political blowback.

I also went with the idea that a notable fraction of the Core are recent immigrants from the Rim and beyond who were imported to do the jobs the Core won't do (at least for substandard wages)

The dish washers, the nannies and janitors etc. Individuals whose loyalty may align with the CIS if push came to shove.

Add to this mix Jedi have little experiance in commanding armies while the CIS, drawing from a population living in a more lawless area, can likely find generals who've fought in skirmishes with pirates and the odd planetary war and I don't think it is too far fetched the Republic would suffer to the breaking point.

I picture the invasion of Corscuant being part of this multi-prong attack across the breadth of the Republic so that even if they did rally and repulse the CIS it would only be at the expense of other battles and a grinding , ever growing butcher bill.

I particularly like that the flow of battle and the fight on the ship are inter-woven. Also: Dooku's portrayal here is an upgrade.
Yes, I wanted to better connect the fleet battle to Obiwan and Anakin's action. A nice throwback, I feel, to old pulp serials with the two heroes turning back impossible odds.

Honestly it feels a shame to kill Dooku, Lee is an awesome actor, but I tried to give what little time he has some weight and iniative beyond being Sidious's catspaw.

Having Anakin kill him because he wants to, rather than because he's directly egged on, helps solidify Anakin's journey towards the self-serving dark
It also nicely echoes Vader's death in ROTJ and Anakin going berserk in the Tusken Raider camp in AOTC.

Grievous not being a coward, but a sensible leader, is good. It keeps some pressure on, even after Dooku is killed.
Agreed plus I thought he was so cool and hated how lame the film made him after his introduction in the cartoon.

Ideally I would like to include reference to that fight, maybe holorecordings playing for the jedi council as Anakin suggest assassinating him, to help build him as a credible threat and make Obiwan facing him solo that more terrifying.

*Child starts turning to vapor*



"I...Was going to let the child go!"

>And then everyone died

top kek. the memes must flow.

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