Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

So for everyone from SB, I think my general SW opinions are well known.

I have one question/discussion starter(I hope)-why did people think that the Disney movies were going to somehow be good?

Why did people have such high hopes? As someone who was hostile or indifferent due to losing the EU i was never on the ST or Disney SW hype train, but for a lot of other people-why did they believe so earnestly the ST was going to turn out...well much different than it did?
So for everyone from SB, I think my general SW opinions are well known.

I have one question/discussion starter(I hope)-why did people think that the Disney movies were going to somehow be good?

Why did people have such high hopes? As someone who was hostile or indifferent due to losing the EU i was never on the ST or Disney SW hype train, but for a lot of other people-why did they believe so earnestly the ST was going to turn out...well much different than it did?

Well, for me, nothing was happening after the prequels, moviewise, and I had never gotten into the prequel EU or the clone wars show though I hear both ended up pretty good. I was huge into the ot and its EU. Thrawn and the xwing books are my gold standard for star wars stories.

So Disney buying star wars was incredibly exciting for me in the beginning. They had done great with the marvel movies, mining the comics for stories, making decent adaptations of them, and making a (somewhat) cohesive universe out of it.

I was so hyped they would do the same for star wars. They could do a smuggler movie, a bounty hunter movie, a imperial movie, a rebellion and new republic movie, a thrawn or x wing tv show, luke rebuilding the jedi, video games everywhere. The sky was the limit.

My enthusiasm... didn't last long.

They're throwing out the EU.

Ok. I don't like it but it makes sense to do so and there isn't anything stopping them from getting ideas from the EU.

EA is the only one that can make video games.

This seems like a huge mistake but maybe they could make some great games defying their reputation.

The first movie is a blatant rip off of a new hope and resets everything to empire vs rebellion.

Yeah, I'm out.

The last jedi completely wreaks the setting and the characters.

Yeah, I'm REALLY out.

Tros comes out wildly flailing to try and fix tlj's mistakes while making even more.

I feel nothing but pity for those that stayed in.
So for everyone from SB, I think my general SW opinions are well known.

I have one question/discussion starter(I hope)-why did people think that the Disney movies were going to somehow be good?

Why did people have such high hopes? As someone who was hostile or indifferent due to losing the EU i was never on the ST or Disney SW hype train, but for a lot of other people-why did they believe so earnestly the ST was going to turn out...well much different than it did?
It was the hope that Disney'd create a wave of new Star Wars content, that caused us to ignore the upcoming issues as merely temporary setbacks and growing pains. Only with TLJ were our eyes opened...
So for everyone from SB, I think my general SW opinions are well known.

I have one question/discussion starter(I hope)-why did people think that the Disney movies were going to somehow be good?

Why did people have such high hopes? As someone who was hostile or indifferent due to losing the EU i was never on the ST or Disney SW hype train, but for a lot of other people-why did they believe so earnestly the ST was going to turn out...well much different than it did?

Clone Wars was good, at least IMO, and Rogue One was solid. Rebels was bringing in good parts of the EU, Thrawn, and the EU had it's own share of REALLY stupid shit, see, the cereal monster, and Anakin Solo getting killed off "because tension!". And Anakin Solo dying was even the GOOD authors! And the EU had it's share of bad authors. Dropping the EU made sense to me because the EU was a bunch of cooks who rarely talked and all had their own interpretations, and so you had the Dark Side both as a corruptive force that warped you AND the edgy Grey Jedi stuff in technically the same canon.

Then TFA happened and I checked out.
I actually was somewhat hopeful. I hoped that them declaring the EU non-canon would mean they were planning on cherry picking only the best parts from it, or that they would come up with something new that would be good. After all, the Marvel movies seemed to indicate that there was at least some talent in the company. And with JJ Abrams, as much as I hated what he did to Star Trek, it seemed pretty obvious that what he really wanted to do was Star Wars, and now he had his chance to do it. I honestly thought that with George Lucas out of the picture that it might actually have a chance, so when TFA happened, and it wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be, I think my initial reaction was still along the lines of it having potential. This is why I even bothered going to TLJ to begin with.
I actually was somewhat hopeful. I hoped that them declaring the EU non-canon would mean they were planning on cherry picking only the best parts from it, or that they would come up with something new that would be good. After all, the Marvel movies seemed to indicate that there was at least some talent in the company. And with JJ Abrams, as much as I hated what he did to Star Trek, it seemed pretty obvious that what he really wanted to do was Star Wars, and now he had his chance to do it. I honestly thought that with George Lucas out of the picture that it might actually have a chance, so when TFA happened, and it wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be, I think my initial reaction was still along the lines of it having potential. This is why I even bothered going to TLJ to begin with.
as a stand alone movie TFA was fine... as a Star Wars film... so much fridge logic.

Still not getting the money back they used to pay 4 billion to Lucas.

Speaking of Clownfish TV and Disney, they did a video where they talked about the latter's disturbing trend towards driving away directors and showrunners.

It seems that Disney is not a fun company to work for, likely due to excessive executive meddling. I wonder if their experience with letting Kathleen Kennedy have free reign over Star Wars inspired them to micromanage everything else? Then again, the guy who made Gravity Falls was complaining about their management of his work even before they realized how badly she mucked up the franchise, so perhaps it just made them worse? Either way, someone should have a word with Disney about tightened grips and things slipping through fingers. Because I'm sure there's a happy middle ground between letting some nutter ruin your product by using it as a platform for her politics, and micromanaging to the point of alienating the talented individuals you need to make said product.
Clone Wars was good, at least IMO, and Rogue One was solid. Rebels was bringing in good parts of the EU, Thrawn, and the EU had it's own share of REALLY stupid shit, see, the cereal monster, and Anakin Solo getting killed off "because tension!". And Anakin Solo dying was even the GOOD authors! And the EU had it's share of bad authors. Dropping the EU made sense to me because the EU was a bunch of cooks who rarely talked and all had their own interpretations, and so you had the Dark Side both as a corruptive force that warped you AND the edgy Grey Jedi stuff in technically the same canon.

Then TFA happened and I checked out.
Anakin Solo dying was pretty much guaranteed. Someone major was going to die in Star by Star.

I’m not sure why you think it was just “tension”.
She looks so stoned in that video.

Although I posted that screenshot for laughs, the full video is worth watching (kind of), because Daisy really does come off as somewhat mentally disadvantaged.

In other news,
Semi-historical drama about what Millennial audiences consider, like, ancient history? takes top slot from Disney's dumb space movie:

They’re pretending that “1917” is opening at number one because it won a Golden Globe :ROFLMAO: rather than the fact “Star Wars” is not a general audience movie anymore, but pandering schlock relegated to a small-but-moneyed subset of hardcore doll collectors.
Although I posted that screenshot for laughs, the full video is worth watching (kind of), because Daisy really does come off as somewhat mentally disadvantaged.

In other news,
Semi-historical drama about what Millennial audiences consider, like, ancient history? takes top slot from Disney's dumb space movie:

They’re pretending that “1917” is opening at number one because it won a Golden Globe :ROFLMAO: rather than the fact “Star Wars” is not a general audience movie anymore, but pandering schlock relegated to a small-but-moneyed subset of hardcore doll collectors.
Even the doll collectors are uninterested; the sequel trilogy toys have always tanked in sales. The actual target audience was hardcore feminists; but in trying to fix the franchise, J.J. Abrams alienated even them. Now there is no target audience.
I mean it was a high stakes series.

Did you expect nobody was going to die?
In hindsight I wish Jacen had been the one to get the ax. Plus I found his attempts to philosophize to be remarkably annoying. And don’t get me STARTED on the fuck up that was the Battle of Fondor. :mad:
In hindsight I wish Jacen had been the one to get the ax. Plus I found his attempts to philosophize to be remarkably annoying. And don’t get me STARTED on the fuck up that was the Battle of Fondor. :mad:
I would firmly disagree.

That’s entirely because I am a die hard Jacen fan.

With that in mind, I’m assuming your an Anakin Solo fan?

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