Rippaverse Comics

Information: Rippaverse and the Current Campaign
  • StormEagle

    Well-known member
    So Eric D. July and his company Rippaverse Comics have officially launched the pre-order campaign for his second Isom book.

    As a refresher, during his last pre-order campaign, his goal was $100,000. He blasted through that and his $3.7 million.

    His goal for this campaign was $350,000. He is currently sitting at $1.4 million.

    I liked Isom #1. I thought the artwork was awesome and it’s refreshing to have a comic book company actually treat its characters with respect and care, as sad as that is to say.

    The artwork for Isom #2 looks just as awesome, though I’ve only seen the covers so far.

    If you want to support this independent comic book company, and Eric July personally, head over to:

    Let’s keep the haters seething and, if you are blessed enough to be able to afford to, actually vote with our wallets.*

    *I’m not paid by or affiliated with Rippaverse or Mr. July. I just like the cut of his jib and do like his comic.
    Update: $1.5 Million!
  • Pre-order campaign has officially broken $1.5 million! This means Rippaverse will be designing and releasing a short box, which will be available on their store and may be added to the pre-order campaign.

    They’ve also added an option to donate their comic to Comic Books for Kids, which is a charity that supplies children’s hospitals with various comics.

    So if you don’t personally like reading comic books, but still want to support the buycott, here’s an option to do so.
    Update: $1.8 Million and SDCC announcement
  • Isom #2 is closing in on the two million dollar mark, and there’s still about a month and a half of the campaign left to go.

    Another cover has been added to the line up, along with a foil version of cover c. The short box hasn’t been added to the campaign yet.

    Total books sold is sitting around 26,673. In addition to that, about 1,658 books have been donated to Comic Books for Kids.

    They’ve also made an animated trailer to hype the release:

    Eric has also announced that, officially, Rippaverse with have a booth at the San Diego Comic Con. Basically, to my understanding, one of the largest (if not the largest) comic convention in the country:

    So, if you guys are in the area or are already going to the convention, maybe stop by his booth and show some support!
    Update: $2 Million and the Short Box
  • The pre-order campaign has officially broken $2 million dollars!

    The short box has also hit the campaign page and, personally speaking, I think the design is great. Won’t be able to pick it up until my next paycheck hits, but I’m definitely thinking about getting it or maybe one of the t-shirts.

    End of ISOM #2 Campaign
  • Rippaverse officially closed out its campaign on 08/27/23. Its last reported numbers were the following:

    Campaign Goal - 350,000
    Total Sales - 2,351,589.00
    Total Purchases - 20,337
    Sales Goal - %672
    Books Donated to Comicbooks for Kids - 2,284

    While the campaign was ongoing, Eric D. July also announced two new ongoing projects.

    Yaira #1 will be written by the Soska Sisters, mostly known for their work in the indie horror scene and some work with Marvel, and the art will be done by Débora Caritá, and Alphacore #1 headed up by comic book veterans Chuck Dixon and Joe Bennet.

    I haven't had the free time to cut my teeth with Isom #2 yet, but I'll be reviewing it when I can. Overall, it's looking like the Rippaverse has a bright future ahead of it.
    Alphacore #1 Campaign Launch

  • Alphacore has officially launched! Campaign hasn't been live that long, and it's already past the $500,000 mark. The campaign officially ends on January 20.

    This comic series is being written by Chuck Dixon, drawn by Joe Bennett, and lettered by Eric Weathers.

    Plot Summary:
    Though an affluent city, Florespark is not without problems. The Florespark Police are very capable of handling formidable threats. But Excepts still exist, and some of them have the worst of intentions. And that's why they need Alphacore!

    The Except team, known as Alphacore, is called in to take care of Except-related problems that the Florespark Police are too outgunned to handle. But not everyone is a fan of their superpowered heroics, and not all of them are on the opposite side of the law. So when a thwarted bank bombing launches an investigation that spins into a string of murders-by-Except, Bryan Solari, Braxwell, and Ingrid Valdez must work alongside fans and non-fans alike to uncover the mystery of who has been the puppetmaster pulling the strings behind these crimes.

    How does Alphacore operate? Who is on the team beyond our three main heroes? And who will they discover is behind this recent string of felonies? Find out in the pages of Alphacore #1!

    Pre-order your copy today to be among the first to dive into the adventures of the team that patrols the streets and skies of Florespark—Alphacore!

    The target audience for ALPHACORE #1 is early teens and up due to comic violence—there is no explicit gore, sexual content, or language in the book.

    I think I'll be picking up cover B at some point. I think it looks pretty sweet.

    Link to Campaign page, if anyone's interested in picking up a book or any of the other merch.
    Yaira Campaign
  • The campaign for Yaira #1 officially started on March 12th:

    It is past the $1,000,000 mark and still going strong. Based on the performance of the last few campaigns, I’m betting it tops $2,500,000. If not significantly more, considering how long July’s fans have been waiting for this one.