Making 'The Squad'


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
The idea behind this thread is to create your 'Squad' which is a fandom term for the almost stereotypical makeup of a small military unit. Along with having a small unit size (perhaps more in league with a fireteam then an actual 12 man classic squad sized unit) the main identifiers of the Squad are by its classic roles or archetypes of those who comprise 'The Squad' which are both based on classic character concepts (ie the new guy, the religious soldier, the joker/clown etc) but also their roles whether in relation to military specialty or function (ie the Sarge, the sniper etc) and sometimes like with WW2 movies you'll get a polyglot background of American (New Yorkers, Western cowboys, Creoles, Southern Rednecks/Yokels etc).

For this thread the idea will be to select between four to twelve individuals from fiction to be members of their own Special Squad fulfilling several of the following archetypes:

The Leader (could be a fresh new officer or calm, taciturn or tactical leader)

The NCO/Sergeant (could probably play foil to the officer depending on personalities and character)

The Joker (funny guy or just charismatic talker)

The Point Man (either a sneaky scout type or the dude in the front of the patrol with the shotgun equivalent)

The Smart Guy (Tech or Medical can sometimes fit into this)

The Big Guy (Could just be a big guy or be the actual guy handling the demolitions or heavy weapons)

The Sniper (comes in several flavors ranging from cold and detached to affable and amiable)

The Veteran (could reasonably cross over with other archetypes but if they don't)

The Asshole (picks on other soldiers, brown noses superiors, always tries to weasel out of duties, always tries to pin blame on others, often has toadies, throws temper tautrums when fails, backs out of real confrontations)

The Lazy Guy/Slob

The Platoon Idiot (IQ is equal or lower than foot size, often has delusion of being the smartest guy around)

The Quiet Guy (traumatized by past experiences, or maybe a soft spoken type, or a religious type)

The Squadette (someone one of these always works into these setting anywho.

The New Guy (ugh newbs, will they even live long enough to be relevant to this thread? Probably if they're going to be listed here)

As you can see here, there are ten generic archetypes to choose from. The main guidelines are that the members of the Squad should be complimentary to each other (as opposed to say redundant /overpowered/lazy (fifteen Primarchs!) or unbalanced ie (Master Chief and a bunch of 19th century dudes), you can reuse archetypes, and each of the canon characters should be from a different setting/franchise.

And of course we already have weird inconsistencies regarding having an officer and a NCO in the same small unit... blah blah blah... it's more of a fun exercise then anything.
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In my experience there was always these guys as well:

The Lazy Guy/Slob (can't be arrsed to do anything)

The Platoon Idiot (IQ is equal or lower than foot size, often has delusion of being the smartest guy around)

The Asshole (picks on other soldiers, brown noses superiors, always tries to weasel out of duties, always tries to pin blame on others, has couple of toadies, throws temper tautrums when fails, backs out of real confrontations)
The Leader (could be a fresh new officer or calm, taciturn or tactical leader) -- Shepard. A natural leader whose real talent isn't fighting (though she/he is perfectly good at it), but rather welding together squads just like this one. The perfect commander for this unit.

The NCO/Sergeant (could probably play foil to the officer depending on personalities and character) -- The Master Chief. The Shep/Master Chief combo for leadership will be basically unstoppable.

The Joker (funny guy or just charismatic talker) -- Jack O'Neal; assuming like special forces operators we can have multiple officers playing around in the same small unit, Jack will be the comedic addition we perfectly need for this team.

The Point Man (either a sneaky scout type or the dude in the front of the patrol with the shotgun equivalent) -- Cassian Andor, he's a solid guy for infiltration and forward work.

The Smart Guy (Tech or Medical can sometimes fit into this) -- Tali'Zorah vas Normandy nar Rayya for the Tech side.

The Smart Guy (Tech or Medical can sometimes fit into this) -- Tali'Zorah vas Normandy nar Rayya for the Tech side. -- Cally from Blake's 7, it's always good to have a medic who can also pilot a ship.

The Big Guy (Could just be a big guy or be the actual guy handling the demolitions or heavy weapons) -- Mr. T. Surely anyone else would be impossible!

The Sniper (comes in several flavors ranging from cold and detached to affable and amiable) -- We'll ask Balalaika from Black Lagoon to show up for this one.

The Veteran (could reasonably cross over with other archetypes but if they don't) -- Rambo.

The Asshole (picks on other soldiers, brown noses superiors, always tries to weasel out of duties, always tries to pin blame on others, often has toadies, throws temper tautrums when fails, backs out of real confrontations) -- Franko from Dirty Dozen, surely!

The Lazy Guy/Slob -- Mal from Firefly.

The Platoon Idiot (IQ is equal or lower than foot size, often has delusion of being the smartest guy around) - We'll shove Lieutenant Gorman from Aliens into this role as he fits it well.

The Quiet Guy (traumatized by past experiences, or maybe a soft spoken type, or a religious type) -- Oh come on, Teal'c is quiet and he isn't any of those!

The Squadette (someone one of these always works into these setting anywho. -- We'll team Balalaika up with a Colombian narcoterrorist. Hey, Roberta!

The New Guy (ugh newbs, will they even live long enough to be relevant to this thread? Probably if they're going to be listed here) -- We'll give Privates Drake and Crowe from Aliens a chance!
So when I list characters I’m choosing them for personality and efficiency, not necessarily their skill set and instead transposing them into a stereotypical modern/Vietnam/ww2 squad.

And I think im going to try to keep it to just regular people, no supersoliders.

The Leader: Captain Lorca (Star Trek Discovery). Jason Isaacs actually played veteran captains in the movies “fury” and “Blackhawk down” and “the patriot” so I love the idea of Lorca being a no nonsense, demanding yet capable commander.

The NCO/Sergeant: Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders) no one deserves to look that cool while still commanding absolute respect from anyone around him. And definitely not afraid to get his hands dirty.

The Funny Guy(s): Brian Taylor and Mike Zavala (End of Watch). Both extremely competent but can you deny the comedic chemistry those dudes had.

The Point Man: Billy Butcher (The Boys). Tends to brute force himself into a lot of trouble, also tends to brute force his way out of trouble. Seems like the right mentality

The Smart Guy: Benji Dunn (Mission Impossible) Im pretty sure that dude could run the world from a laptop. Not as tactically proficient as Ethan but still not completely combat inexperienced.

The Big Guy: Hobbes (Fast and Furious). patently ridiculous, but if you need some to shoulder fire a GAU-8 Avenger cannon... this is your guy. Also is a big softie at heart and he likes pancakes.

The Sniper: Bronn (Game of Thrones) he just has the cynical attitude down.

The Veteran: Steve Forsing (Sicario) small supporting roll, but when hes on screen do you have any doubt that that he doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing, he’s seen it all, done it all, cool and collected even under the most intense scenarios.

The Asshole: Nicholas Angel (Hot Fuzz) You know hes capable, and really does want the best result, but hes kind of an insufferable know it all. Also just realized that thats two Simon Peggs.... and im still ok with that...

The Lazy Guy/Slob: The fat dude from (Edge of Tomorrow)? I dont know. this was a throwaway line.

The Platoon Idiot: Jenko (21/22 jump street) everyone’s favorite lovable idiot. Give him the 240 too, he can carry it no problem.

The Quiet Guy: Christian Wolff (the accountant) he’s quiet, consistently underestimated, but damn he’s pretty badass. Working with others may be difficult but it is what it is.

The Squadette: Kira Nerys (DS9) kinda like a local attaché who’s familiar with guerilla Tactics and the local population.

The New Guy: Sticking with Cyril Figgis (archer). I just hate him.
The Leader: Jack O'Neill (Stargate): He cares and he's funny too! But yeah with everything they've faced, he seems like he'd be one of the better choices for this squad.

The NCO/Sergeant: Sergeant Al Apone (Aliens): Not as accomplished as his Halo or even CoD:MW equivalents he did seem to lay down the template that those two followed and the actors real life experiences seemed to bring out the character very richly in the film despite his ignominious death.

The Funny Guy(s): George Gordon Haggard Jr (Battlefield: Bad Company 2) & Fergus Reid (Wolfenstein): Former for the high quality Southerner jokes and the later for the high quality Scottish jokes. Both are hillbillies despite being an ocean apart though! Low brow cultural based humor for the win!

The Point Man: Jason Bourne (Bourne Movies): "I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab or the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Now why would I know that? How can I know that and not know who I am?" I don't know but your hired.

The Smart Guy: Terrence Sweetwater (Battlefield: Bad Company): He seems smart. Not like... mad scientist or MacGuyver smart, but smart enough to be singled out and occasionally bullied as the smart guy. He also has a light machine gun.

The Big Guy: Marcus (Fallout): Seems big enough, being a supermutant. Plus he has a few centuries of combat experience and is quite level headed to boot. Nice bonus.

The Sniper: Legion (Mass Effect): He might be a gestalt entity comprised of almost 1200 individual programs with a very detached personality but at least he's polite, and loyal… and deadly accurate.

The Veteran: Chris Redfield (Resident Evil): Lets face it, he's seen some things and been some places... Plus he's law enforcement so he probably can drive better then 99% of the grunts anyways when the driving level comes up.

The Asshole: Francis (Left 4 Dead): Yes we get it. You don't like it. Just keep shooting things with the shotgun motorhead.

The Lazy Guy/Slob: Fatman (Metal Gear Solid 2): He's an artist... WITH EXPLOSIVES.

The Platoon Idiot: Heavy Weapons Guy (Team Fortress): "Some people think they can outsmart me. I have yet to meet any who can outsmart bullet." - Smart enough for me!

The Quiet Guy: Adrian Shepherd (Half Life: Opposing Force): He didn't say a peep the entire game and we haven't heard from him since his disappearance over twenty years ago. We need this elite, HECU Marine on our squad.

The Squadette: Dizzy Flores (Starship Troopers 1997): She's so manly she replaced a male character from the novel! Still super cool action girl character.

The New Guy: Benjamin Carmine (Gears of War 2): Of all of the decased Carmines... he seemed the most appropriate for the role of rookie with lots of screentime and character time in game... before his tragic death... :cry:
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