Macron hears police officer refuse to help woman in danger


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It was supposed to be a showcase of the French government’s new crackdown on domestic violence.
But instead, when the French president, Emmanuel Macron, visited the national domestic violence hotline and listened in to the morning’s calls, he heard in real time how a local police officer was refusing to help a woman in danger.
The French gendarmerie, or military police, on Wednesday opened an investigation into “failings” over the incident, which the president said highlighted the lack of understanding of domestic violence.

YIKES.There’s screwing up in front of the boss, and there’s accidentally sending the CEO of your company a video of you vandalizing company equipment “for the lulz”

Hopefully the French police get forced to step up their game after this incident big time.
We have this problem in the US, periodically. The police often have a disdain for victims, especially if they think the victim "had it coming." I don't know the law in France, but under old English Common Law, and US Common law, the police have no duty to any individual. Their duty is to the State. More traditionally, it was to arrest those wanted by the Sheriff. Public safety grows from that, more or less organically. With more modern police forces, there is a policy of individual protection. It is reinforced by the fact that cops even (especially?) the brutish, fat, lazy ones, think they are the good guys. It is also the sourse of many of their iniquities.

The system works very imperfectly.

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