Let's Read: Gunsmith Cats

6 - CZ75
Alternatively known as 'The CZ75 Evangelizing Chapter'
To my knowledge, this chapter was not, in whole or in part, sponsored by Česká zbrojovka or its affiliate CZ-USA. But, since I'm reasonably sure it's sold more than a few CZs for them, perhaps it should have been.

Chapter 6 - CZ75


Would you look at that, you can put this thing down, flip it, and reverse it!
How convenient! Course, it reads upside-down if you choose the wrong top...And makes organizing a bit of a pain.

I do believe Rally's legs have gotten progressively longer in each cover as well. At this rate, by issue 10 there'd need to be an extra section tacked onto the bottom of the comic to give enough room for them.
Also--Woowee are we getting into the 90s shorts-styles again. Don't tell anybody, but I kind've dig them--but I'm a sucker for outdated styles--only way this could be better is if our girl was in legwarmers and had a headband!

We open with a gunfight.

Some prickola is using a lady as a hostage and human shield as he maneuvers into a car (a Thunderbird, as the logo will tell soon…Everyone always gets to have such cool cars in fiction, and here I sit with a Civic Hybrid…It’s not fair!). Said prickola is firing as he goes, leaving Rally—who has been forced to take cover behind a random civilian’s car—without a clear shot. Our heroine’s day is further troubled by the guy trying to run her down as he speeds away, forcing her to leap away…and while Rally may not have had a clear shot at the perp, everyone on the sidewalk (and the reader) get a clear shot up her skirt.
A line skirts—turns out, not the best plan for desperate, unpredictable physical activity like chasing down a bailjumping criminal. Whoever would have guessed?
Anywhore, THREE pages in and there’s been a half-dozen gunshots, a classic car doing a burnout, and a pantyshot. This may be the Gunsmith Cats-iest opening to a Gunsmith Cats comic yet.

But never fear, citizens! Chicago’s Finest are actually on the scene this time!
…Too late to do anything for the person who got kidnapped, or to confront the actual criminal, and they arrest Rally…This might be getting too close to an accurate depiction of the competency of Chicago’s Finest for me to be comfortable with.

Rally is taken downtown where she is both freed and given copious quantities of shit by token good-cop Roy Coleman for getting arrested and for not plugging the bad guy with her super-elite shooting skills. Rally defends herself by noting she’d have made the shots with her CZ (the frame of which she still carries with her for some reason), but the SIG-Sauer she’s been forced to replace it with isn’t up to the task.
Yes Queen! Slay those Swiss-German jerks!

Here, we can observe the American policeman in his natural habitat--clueless and ignorant :p


I do believe that if that sugar-sweetly insulting 'Oh bless your heart' phrase American Southerners stereotypically use needed to be illustrated, that last panel would make for a suitable one.

Also, now that I can compare virtually side-by-side...Roy Coleman got considerably hunked-up somehow between this depiction and his earlier one in Chapter 3. Can't quite put a finger on it beyond the facial expression and the like, but its a lot less 'grizzled old-timer 3 months from retirement' much more 'mid-30s lead-singer in a grunge-band daylighting as police detective'.
I'd take him on a little walk to the shooting range. Rawr!
...Wait...I'm uh...I'm not trying to imply I'd murder him. That's just a bad joke. I'm good at those (so I think).

Coleman is doubtful, so Rally invites him to the range for a spanking schooling. And thus, as far as any connection to reality I can tell, is crafted a ‘big fish’ story for CZ and the first production -75 that mythologizes it into the greatest gun evah. After noting a more comfortable grip (something that does at least get mentioned in reality about CZ’s a good deal as I’ve seen, and that I’d second), Rally crafts a narrative about how the specific, early version of the CZ-75 that had a short slide used super-sekret Czechoslovakian metal and metalworking practices to make the bestest pistol in the world, and then they had to dumb it down in subsequent models to save on production costs.

Evidence of truth to the tale, as far as I’ve ever seen, is some internet-information of dubious reliability about Swiss interest in the gun producing the reworking of things for durability—but I’ve never seen any actual evidence of any such thing being the case besides repeated internet-rumor. More likely it’s a myth Sonoda or some pistol magazine/author he was reading from crafted. Whatever the case, it has the right sound for a good gun-myth, and who doesn’t like a ‘big fish’ story?


Personally, I do much prefer the looks alone of the short-slide version on top--That long bevel in the front just gets me.
My eternal struggle is between buying one of those when I see one available somewhere online purely for the novelty versus buying some of the little pistols CZ made in the 40s purely for the giggles (.25 ACP pistols are cute, dammit.) versus not buying either because I am a penny-pincher extraordinare.
I've compromised by saying I'd buy one if I saw them at a gunshow...And ain't seen a one in, like, years of being on the lookout. :cry:

Relevant to note that the lower pistol is still the 'pre-b' CZ75, and they fiddled with it some more in the early-90s. Producing the modern appearance:
(random example from the internet because prinCZess is lazy)

Primary differences being the square trigger-guard (which I've always thought doesn't help the appearances at all), the hammer, and, internally, a firing-pin block (thus the 'B'...I think. Might just be because 'B' is the second letter of the alphabet and this is, somewhat, the 'second model'. I don't actually know...)

gun-porn diatribe over! We now return to your regularly scheduled bad jokes...After one brief detour to shootsville...
Revealing she just might be an IPSC competitor--or at least that Sonada once again had the decency to at least put a bit of research into things before drawing it out--Rally gets shown leaning hard into an isosceles shooting stance. Sometimes it's the little things that stand out, and I feel like this is worth noting just because, again, it's something other media so very often gets wrong in dramatic and new ways constantly.

Having deviously tempted another True Blue American Boy away from the Orthodox Church of Browning and its Confessional of 1911 towards the Czech sect that accepts the Doctrine of the 9, Rally finally buttons up her short-jacket and steps out onto the windy streets.
She walks a lonely road, but it's the only...

How convenient! Before we get too morose with the roving solitude theme a friendly old lawyer offers her a ride in his Mercedes!
Hmm. Convenient…But perhaps too convenient?

Yep, too convenient. Lawyer disarms Rally by playing-up his interest in her pistol and then turning it on her when she hands it over for him to check out. Turns out, the girl kidnapped in the beginning of all this was his daughter, and he’s doing damn-all everything wanted of him by the guy who ran—who, wouldn’t you know it, has a hate-on for Rally Vincent.
Girl just cannot catch a break.

Rally has her weapons taken and is dumped in some slum in what seems to be the setup to a…Yep! There it is! It’s a trap! How delightfully cliché! She’s held up by some fellow working for the hostage-taker…but dude is less-than bright and gets close enough for her to elbow-smack him out of consciousness (or life) and take his gun as something to defend herself with as—quelle surprise—the hostage-taker shows up and takes some potshots at her.

Rally is shown to be made almost physically ill as, after taking cover around a corner, she discovers she is now the…proud…owner of an RG14.

Rally: Gack! An RG14! A Lousy Saturday Night Special! This sucks…

After a brief lookup because I’m unfamiliar…she’s referring to the Rohm RG14. A .22 snubnose revolver that has a reputation that would make anyone carrying a High-Point or Lorcin or Jimenez pistol really proud in comparison and, besides for failure and poor manufacture, has only the claim to fame of being the gun that John Hinckley used to try and get Jodie Foster’s attention by assassinating Ronald Reagan. So…There’s that.

Once again held-back from her ‘shoot off the opponent’s thumb’ trick or anything like it, Rally gets all tricksy and lays a makeshift trap for the kidnapper using nothing but duct-tape and bailing wire gunpowder from the .22 cartridges and the tips of some matches. You can almost hear the MacGyver theme playing in the background as you read.


Prickola comes around the corner and Rally flees into not-at-all sufficient cover down the road, taking a few close whizzes from bullets as she waits. Dude gets to the right position beside the fire hydrant and she dives out of cover, forcing him to turn, and…his shoes ignite the match shavings and then the gunpowder? I think? I’m pretty sure this is a case of exaggeration because I don't buy it, but there’s a bright ‘FWHOOSH’ explosion/flash that at least blinds him, and Rally closes the distance enough to plug him with her crappy pistol.


Also...Why, how convenient! He was carrying a short-slide CZ-75! What a co-inky-dink!
Rally's going to strong-arm Roy for its disappearance from the evidence locker...Our heroine everybody! Ain't she a peach!

Overall? Basically just a chapter of excuse-plot opened and shut with brief gunfight-y fun done for the sake of using the term 'Saturday Night Special' and multiple pages of shilling over how awesome the CZ-75 is.

With that said, have you, dear reader, heard about our Lord & Savior CZ Firearms and the wondrous glory of the CZ-75? The Gospel of John Browning may be great, but secret, long-buried milling-machines discovered by Česká zbrojovka worked upon by the Archangel Gabriel doth have a new revelation that was told only to the Czechoslovakians and related to ther company affiliate in the United States!
(On the off chance any CZ reps be reading: Call me! I am 100% open to shilling for how awesome CZs are!)
Alternatively known as 'The CZ75 Evangelizing Chapter'
To my knowledge, this chapter was not, in whole or in part, sponsored by Česká zbrojovka or its affiliate CZ-USA. But, since I'm reasonably sure it's sold more than a few CZs for them, perhaps it should have been.


With that said, have you, dear reader, heard about our Lord & Savior CZ Firearms and the wondrous glory of the CZ-75? The Gospel of John Browning may be great, but secret, long-buried milling-machines discovered by Česká zbrojovka worked upon by the Archangel Gabriel doth have a new revelation that was told only to the Czechoslovakians and related to ther company affiliate in the United States!

I thought the CZ-75 was, mechanically, a clone of, or very similar to, the Browning Hi-Power? If so, the Word of CZ-75 isn't that different of the Gospel of John Browning. Then again, it might be seen as an heretic interpretation...

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