Kosh voice: And So it begins. People are taking matters into their own hands confronting climate activists


Well-known member
‘The climate extremists have won’

Most of the article doesn't mention anything I didn't know already or at least didn't surprise me to find out.
However there is one new development in the UK. Namely that while the authorities keep on pretending they cannot do anything about climate activists blockading roads, etc while the media hyperventilates at the mere thought of prosecuting them, people are now starting to take matters into their own hands.

So to answer your next question, no I don't think I was being overly dramatic with my title. This is a genie you can't get back into the bottle. When people feel the need to bypass authorities and take matters into their own hands, the authorities won't get the broken trust back. Instead it won't be just climate activists only, who face grass roots retaliation sooner or later.
Something worth pointing out - insanity like the greentards are pulling was part of why the Nazis came to power. In the late stages of Weimar Germany, normal people trying to about their lives were being attacked on the streets by Communist mobs.
And then the nice people in smart outfits showed up and gave the Communists a thrashing.

"But how could normal people support the Naaazis???" do I hear? Well, the National Socialists were not the ones who wanted to destroy your livelihood, and treat you as a criminal just for existing.
Unless you were Jewish, of course. Then they'd do all that and worse.
But how the Nazis were towards Jews, the people the Nazis showed up to fight against seemed to be towards everyone.

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