Rest In Peace Jarvis DuPont, privileged social justice activist


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.

Thoughts and prayers for Jarvis DuPont, now banned from Twitter. 😢

Though Jarvis may still be alive, it is known if you are not on Twitter, you are essentially invisible and thus for all intents and purposes, already dead.

Truly the social media landscape is dimmer with their loss. No comment from their longtime companion Titania McGrath and others, but it seems like this might've been a permanent removal of DuPont's wisdom, insight, bravery and advocacy upon Twitter.

Good Night brave Anti-Fascist Warrior!

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You know what he was literally warned about this, and tried to ban any one who remotely disagreed with him and people who didn't agree with him enough. We all warned him that they would come for him in time and now it has happened so you know not a lot of sympathy for him now that he's suffering from what he inflicted on others.
Oh my gosh... I just realized... since Elon Musk liberated Twitter, he might have come back.

Oh joy what a glorious day. He did return and he's active apparently! Here's his latest tweet!

Nice to see both sides of the political divide are still engaged in positive forthright discourse on Twitter.

We might've lost Kissinger, O'Connor, Diane Feinstein, Pervez Musharraf, Jerry Springer, Silvio Berlusconi and a bunch of other folks, but at least we got Jarvis DuPont back.

Oh wow...


Are these real articles? I wanted satire... not... 😭

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