What If? Imperium of Man meets Composite Isaac Arthur humanity

Winston Bush

Well-known member
How would the imperium react to meeting another human galactic power?
How would the Isaac Arthur civ react to the imperium having such distant social values. Some feats of the Isaac Arthur civ:

How would the imperium react to meeting another human galactic power?
How would the Isaac Arthur civ react to the imperium having such distant social values. Some feats of the Isaac Arthur civ:

Fight.Becouse there could be only one humanity,led by Emprah.He really belived that he is last humanity hope,and see them as another Federation doomed to fail.So,he must conqer them for their own good.
Fight.Becouse there could be only one humanity,led by Emprah.He really belived that he is last humanity hope,and see them as another Federation doomed to fail.So,he must conqer them for their own good.

I don't think the Emperor wants to remain, the Emperor, he'd be satisfied with this human civilisation taking over his own.

Well, hopefully they have a way against being corrupted by Chaos and I think Isaac Arthur's civilisations do have ways of preventing the extreme boredom that could lead to the sort of hedonism and decadent laziness and complacency the Eldar had alongside possible interests in exploring the universe or multiverse and other realms of existence

One thing I think Isaac Arthur, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein and even Robert E. Howard would all agree on is that humanity needs something to keep them from growing "decadent" and in-part that involves ambition and interest
How would the imperium react to meeting another human galactic power?
How would the Isaac Arthur civ react to the imperium having such distant social values. Some feats of the Isaac Arthur civ:
Most of the shit the imperium does is actually legitimate survival strategies for their shithole of a verse.

How does the isaac arthur civilization deal with daemons and their mind affecting properties? How do they deal with psykers who open rifts to let daemons loose into their nice dyson spheres? How do they deal with machine spirits? (daemons born in the physical world inside machinery or artifice, and as such not corrupted by the warp initially and susceptible to becoming friendly to humanity via religious worship of the machine cult)

If the two civilizations meet in 40k's verse, then the isaac arthur civilization will immediately start breaking apart due to daemons and the warp. with segments of it surviving by converting to worship the emperor for the defenses it gives. The imperium would be bolstered by them, but chaos would be bolstered more

If the two civilizations meet in the real world. Then the 40k civ suddenly finds itself without FTL drives (since their FTL is based on travelling through literally hell, which does not exist in this scenario). And will not really be a threat to anyone.
Isaac Arthur cyvilisation would deal with Chaos just like Federation would do,if it not falled - WITH SCIENCE.
Anti-Chaos guns, and anti-Chaos fields.They would take lose,but Chaos would lost.If they were really pissed,they would go to Eye of Terror and close it.
The main problem with Isaac Arthur Humanity is that despite all of their many videos, Isaac Arthur is still pretty ardent in that FTL travel is a pretty big stretch scientifically. And even FTL Communications would be very limited compared to even very basic Science Fiction settings.

So that could lead to very interesting butterflies with such ridiculously advanced technology wherever these Futurist Humans ended up colonizing in number and yet (without tech sharing/stealing) still need upwards of years/decades/generations to get anywhere or even send a proper e-mail. :p

Unless I missed his wormholes episodes... or other episodes that covered FTL flight, which I fully admit I could have.

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