Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 129
Deal done I fled from Yoko’s physical domain and headed home to get to work. Jun was in his room getting ready for bed as I flopped onto the couch which was perfect, giving me time to get started.

I quickly started examining the code for Short Circuit. I noticed its benefits and weaknesses pretty quickly.

The hack overloaded the microcircuits of anyone with chrome. Basically it tricked the safeties on the power supply to push everything into the system, which caused immediate electrocution.

It did have some weaknesses. First off, you couldn’t keep doing it to someone over and over. One Short Circuit usually drained the energy out of the chrome. Which meant after a single use, there usually wasn’t enough power in the batteries to do it again.

Of course it worked on basically anyone with chrome though. Unless you were equipped with a grounding system. Most people aren’t going to have that unless they work with high voltage in their day to day, but it was something to think about.

Another problem was as bad as it was to get electrocuted, it wasn’t directly lethal. You could knock someone out with it, and sometimes get their heart to stop, but in the end it was just a powerful electrical shock.

I pulled out the shard case that Yoko gave me and pulled out the shard containing the hack as I plugged it into my laptop that I gathered.

The code bloomed out and I nodded. Whoever made this wasn't Yoko. I recognized her coding by now having done a few debugs for her. This though? It was… corporate. It felt like the sort of rote coding you would see from a group of people all cleaning up a single hack.

It was impressive, but it was irritating, because someone had gone through and tried to black box the hack.

With a bit of checking I found the creator was Militech.

Thankfully I was intending on doing a complete rewrite anyways, but I still wanted to examine how people normally do it. Yoko was good at her job, she had picked a difficult to parse hack, but it felt like it was a little bit of everything. Multiple attack vectors were in the hack, and it had a dense targeting list for how to go about performing its duty.

The problem was size. Like almost every hack I had seen it bloated up with the quality of the hack.

I closed my eyes and hummed as I considered the information in front of me.

What did I actually want from the hack? How could I make it better? I could make it smaller, sure, but better? That needed something else. I had been pretty good at coming up with a gimmick for my hacks that made them exceptional in what way I needed.

This was my first true offensive hack. It was like… Learning lightning bolt for the first time as a wizard, when only having CC spells before.

What did I need a damage spell for? What was the goal?

In the end I wanted two things out of it. AOE, and disabling high end borgs.

Mass groups of enemies were annoying and being able to just take out a bunch of people at once was useful, but it was borgs that were the biggest threat to me, although I guess that meant I was still thinking of it more like a CC spell, than a damage one.

Plus I still remembered Kiwi’s use of Short Circuit from the anime. A single hack that disabled an entire room full of Maelstrom? That was powerful.

I want it.

So I dug through the code, finding interesting bits that I knew I could use, and started tearing away parts of the code that were just garbage.

As usual half of the code was seemingly downgraded. Even Militech kept the best hacks they made for themselves, while only selling a weaker version.

I fell into the rhythm quite easily. It wasn’t hard to just sit there and slowly build up a quick hack. Not anymore.

It wasn’t until Jun came stumbling out of his room the next morning that I looked away from the screen. Once again thankful for my Kiroshi, as my eyes would have been bloodshot after over eight hours of nonstop programming.

“Morning Jun.”

“Mornin… Wait, did you sleep?”

“No. I was working. I’ll get some sleep soon.” I lied to him, it wasn’t very often that Jun noticed I had pulled an all nighter, one of the reasons I did try to sleep often enough that he wouldn’t notice my lack of sleep.

“Well… Go to sleep.” He said blinking sort of blankly at me as he was still half asleep himself.

“Sure Jun.” I agreed not wanting to argue, as I turned back to my laptop. I had made good progress, but trying to work on the versatility of the hack was a time sink. I shook off the idea of just making it do one thing instead of both.

This wasn’t just for me, but hopefully a hack that Sasha could use to keep herself alive. I couldn’t half ass it.


Jun left for work still side-eyeing me and I took a break from programming to do the rest of my attempt at daily exercise.

Downstairs at the gym it was quiet and I found myself doing some stretches with weights in each hand. It wasn’t working my arms, but I still had muscles in my shoulders, chest and back.

I was working through the reps counting the number in my head when John walked over.

“Still interested in that spar?”

“It’s tomorrow.” I agreed and he chuckled. “Deravaja in an hour work for you?”

“Sure. I’ll be there.” I grit out as I ended the reps and stood up. Might as well head over and give myself time to recover.

“Good. I know the kid is looking forward to it, don’t tell her I said that.”

“I’ll think about it.” I teased but figured I might as well head over. Sensei would probably give me that look and demand to see how my training had been again.

So I called for my Kusanagi, and started driving.

The city was as busy as always, traffic beeping and honking and making a mess as everyone tried to get to work.

But I wasn’t in a rush, and I did love driving my bike. It didn’t take me long to pull up to the dojo where an array of Mizuchi were parked, each of them more ugly than the last.

My march towards the dojo was cut off though as I smelled something pretty good and ended up instead sitting at a little meat skewer stand to the side of the entrance and chowing down on breakfast.

Eventually my belly was full enough and I tipped the older man running the stall, as I headed into the dojo.

It hadn’t changed much from the last time I was here. As I walked in, there was a man waiting behind the counter, but I ignored him walking right in towards the dojo proper.

I had a feeling Hayato would have already set up our little spar. She was the princess type like that.

Inside there were the normal sounds of sparring and the clack of shinai as people trained.

I was spotted instantly by Sensei who nodded to me and then jerked his head towards a corner. I looked over expecting to see Hayato or something but it was an empty corner…


I looked back at him and he just quirked an eyebrow at me and told me with just his eyes he expected me to get to work.

I sighed as I walked over pulling off my jacket and adjusting my holsters so they wouldn’t get in the way as I threw my jacket over the Shinai rack that was the only thing in the corner.

With a sigh I picked one up and started practicing my forms as I waited. Under Sensei's stern eyes.

Dangit! I didn’t sign up for this!


“What are you doing?” A haughty voice asked me as I continued to work on my swings. Every time I had made to put the shinai away Sensei had noticed and given me a look.


I don’t know how he did it, but I just kept going instead of stopping each time. Stupid sensei powers.

“Mostly? Getting judged really hard by an old man. Ready for the spar?” I asked, turning to see Hayato had arrived. The girl was wearing a gi, with pads on her hands and feet, and she was looking at me like I was weird.

“Are you? You look exhausted!”

“Nah. I’m fine.” And I was mostly. Finally Sensei’s look was more curious and not a demand to get back to work so I put the shinai back on the rack and stretched my shoulders a bit. Enjoying the stretching of the muscles in my back at the action.

Besides, even if I was a little tired, I had gotten a level up alert for blades just a few minutes ago, so that had perked me up more than any tiredness.

*Blades skill level up!*

Blades 7!

“Hmph! Don’t think I will go easy on you just because you have worked yourself over!” She demanded in a rush, her voice coming out almost too fast for herself to keep up with.

“Shall we claim a space?”

“I already have one. Come!” She demanded and hurried, literally almost jogging as she headed over to space on the main floor that cleared out at her arrival.

I shrugged, taking a moment to finish pulling off my holsters so I wouldn’t have any issues, and as I walked over Sensei handed me a set of pads similar to the ones Hayato was wearing.

The old man didn’t say anything else though which was par for the course.

Sensei wasn’t the type to say something when he simply expected you to know what to do.

I quickly threw on the pads as Hayato was looking impatient and then bounced a little to make sure everything was tight.

“Yes! Now stop wasting time!” She called out in return and charged me.

I rushed her back remembering that leaving her time to act was the worst thing to do.



“You are fine! Stop whinging!” She demanded at me, but like she kicked me in the tit! It hurts!

The matches had gone pretty much how they had last time.

She had proven the power of a reflex booster in close combat, while I had managed to surprise her for some wins as well.

“Say that after I kick you right in the tit.” I snarked back and she gasped like I had said something absolutely outrageous.

“You! How dare! Do not say such things to me!” She finally seemed to settle on, and I just rolled my eyes. Half the time I said anything she was likely to explode on me.

Good sparring partner though.

I had actually leveled up Street Brawler.

*Street Brawler skill level up!*

Street Brawler 8. It felt good, although it hadn’t been enough to overcome her in the last match when she got her last kick in ending our little spar.

“This was fun. We’ll have to do it again.” I offered, we had a few matches, but both of us were pretty tired, her more than me. I bet if we had a few more rounds I would start winning a lot more. I was objectively a stamina monster despite how ganic I was compared to Hayato who had lots of chrome, but even that wasn’t enough to cover everything.

“Fun? Hmph, it was an acceptable match. You should get some boosterware. If you did perhaps I would have a more even opponent.”

“Nah. I can’t stand Kerens. They freak me out.” I admitted and she stilled for a moment at my words. Probably the most still I had ever seen her.

“You fear such simple chrome? How embarrassing.” She said, snooty and definitely a little rude but I just shrugged.

“I’ll pick up a high end Sandy eventually. I have some things in mind for it, that’s my goal, but no way do I want a Keren. I couldn’t stand how long everything takes.”

She was silent for a half a second which must have seemed like a long time to her. As she just nodded. “It is not for everyone. It is a challenge only some are capable of handling.”

I almost snorted at how arrogant that sounded, but on this one, I would give it to her. Yep, not everyone is capable of handling a Keren.

Like me. Fuck that.

“Well, that was fun.” I offered, as I made to leave before she scoffed.

“We still need to set up our next spar.” She demanded and I blinked at her.

“I gave you my number, just call me when you want?”

“That! Fine! I will not be pleased if you refuse!”

I threw her a thumbs up as I headed out of the dojo. She really needs to stop watching so much anime.

Too much Tsundere was bad for you!


The call came in.

*This is Motoko.*

*Hey there Ghost. I spoke to a certain Kitsune and what do you know? She speaks very highly of a little programmer she knows.* Sasha spoke every word like she was going to giggle at any moment. The amusement in every word was something that came through even the call.

But! But she called! If I still had a handset instead of just a phone in my head, I know I would be clutching it with both hands as I felt actually nervous about this conversation!

*Well I’m glad Yoko is vouching for me. I’ve done enough debugging of her work, she had better.* I grumbled, but then refocused. *So I got all sorts. Already finished programs, and hacks, but I also do debugging, or commission programming when needed.* I said trying to sound casual at just how important this was.

Just one gig. I just needed her to get through that one gig. Let me help you!

*Well I don’t usually outsource. How about this? Let’s meet up. I want to get a look at what you have for sale, and I might have a program I could use some help cleaning up.*

*I’m free today. Where and when?* I prompted already standing up from the couch where I had been working on Short Circuit again.

*I’m already hanging around Afterlife.*

*I’ll head over now. I hope you have the eddies. I might give you a discount, but I’m not cheap.*

*Pfft. You’re hilarious! I’ll see you.*

The call disconnected and I let out a long breath. She had called! I had honestly not expected her to call, and Yoko hadn’t said shit!

I shook it away and rushed to get my stuff ready, grabbing my laptop to bring with me. I doubt she would need a direct visual for programming work, but you never know.

Everything on the way was a blur, as I couldn’t stop thinking about what I would say, or what I should do.

I couldn’t tell her, obviously.

‘Oh yeah you have a gig coming up to break into Biotechnica don’t do it?’ She was an edgerunner. If she thought for an instant that someone leaked info on a gig she would…

Well she would never do it…

Okay. Maybe I could use that in the most drastic of moments.

But I needed to make sure she was prepared, and not put in a position where her only option was death.

I wanted her to survive. To bring to light the fact Biotechnica had let her mother die, and be able to live after. For that weight of her past to be off her shoulders and to still live on.

I remember Johnny mentioning in the game once, about happy endings. There I stood at the stairs leading down into Afterlife. The groupies and wannabes that hung around took no notice of me.

Despite everything I had done, I was just another face in a crowd.

“Here, for folks like us? Wrong City, wrong people.” I muttered to myself. A reminder about happy endings in Night City.

About how the path would eventually go, but that wasn't set in stone.

Johnny Silverhand was wrong about most of the gonk shit he said.

Taking advice from him wasn’t something I planned to do.

Wrong City?

Wrong People?

I would just have to change the city. Change the people. One person at a time if I had to.

I walked down the steps with confidence. It was time to save the catgirl!

“You aren’t on the list.” The bouncer told me as he stopped me from moving forward.



“Pfft! You should have said you weren’t a regular!” Sasha was laughing at me a while later. I had eventually gotten access after calling Sasha and being let in.

“I forgot how tetchy this place is.” I replied with a light blush and a shrug. It was kinda embarrassing to need to call for help to get into the club.

“Well that was fun. C’mon. I’ve got a booth over here.” She said sashaying deeper into the club as we left the bouncer behind us.

I ignored the music, and the bar following after the girl that I needed to save. As I walked in, I couldn’t help but notice she grooved to the music as she walked, hips swaying and even twirling a bit as the music pounded.

It was kinda cute, but a little distracting. Custom netrunner suits didn’t leave much to the imagination Sasha. You should be more careful with shaking everything like that. Even I wore actual pants over my leotard.

I followed until she came to a booth and to my surprise it wasn’t empty.

The catgirl turned as she reached it and smirked at me with a look that said she knew something I didn’t, which is weird because I have no idea what she was thinking. No, I was more interested in the fact that Maine was sitting in the booth resting back face covered in those shades of his and sipping something from a glass as he took me in.

I could practically feel his eyes scanning me, both literally and metaphorically.

“Hey Maine, don’t mind us, my cute little contact finally showed up!” Sasha called out as she slid into the booth and then turned to me, patting the place next to her.

“This your contact? Shit, is this a kindergarten now?” He grumbled, taking his eyes off me to focus on his drink.

The temptation to move, to act was there, but that was gonk shit. I don’t care if he insulted me, my skills would speak for themselves if it ever came down to it.

Besides… Maine talked big, but only his loyalty to his crew was something I could respect. The guy had over-chromed, and lost it in the end. So I wasn’t exactly giving much weight to his words.

So I ignored him. Sliding into the space, and then pulling out a few shards and setting the laptop on the table.

“Here’s a few examples of my custom work. Feel free to take a look, but no copies unless you want to buy it. If you have something you want me to check over, now's the time.”

“Oh! Goodies.” She chirped, snatching up the shards like an over enthusiastic cat.

I wasn’t sure how much of that was her real personality, or just her persona to be honest.

It was kinda cute though, especially when she flashed me a smile in turn.

“Ah netrunner shit. Why’m I here again?”

“To look big and tough for me!” Sasha replied shooting Maine a big smirk that he just sighed at and to my amusement decided to just stay quiet and drink in peace.

Then Sasah pulled out a shard of her own.

“Tell me what you think of this.” She asked and I shrugged, took the shard and slotted it into my laptop.

I checked it over and had to quirk an eyebrow as I read through her code.

It was good. Solid. She was obviously no amateur about what she did…

But I instantly felt my teeth grinding as I read through it.

“Why are there so many cat emojis!?” I demanded in frustration! Using Cat emoji’s as part of your code base was just gonk!

“It’s my signature work Nya!”

I looked at her. She continued smiling like the cat that… Never mind.

Instead I pointed at a segment of the code. “Your emoji here got inputed wrong. That’s why this section won’t compile.” I told her, and instantly the amusement on her face vanished as she jerked towards the laptop to look at what I was pointing out.

She might have gotten some laughs at me with this, but the look of relief on her face as I pointed out a problem meant I got the last laugh.

“You caught that so fast!”

“Debugging is a skill, and you have to practice it to be any good. That one was free...” I trailed off leadingly and she smiled in return.

“Well let’s talk deals then.” She offered with a grin. “I like this hack. I heard about it down the grapevine. Would have bought it from Yoko if I could get her to agree to a deal.” she said my Reboot Optics shard waved in front of my nose.

“I’ll have a Short Circuit done sometime soon as well.” I offered, but she didn’t seem very interested which was annoying.

“I’ll take a look at it when you finish it.” She agreed without really getting into it. “So how long would it take you to clean up the code here?” She asked, sounding much more focused on her task.

I ignored the question for a moment instead checking over the code scrolling through it, checking functions and basically just figuring out exactly what it was trying to do.

It was… Fuck I recognized this hack.

“Cyberpsychosis.” I muttered and I looked up to see her grinning in delight.

“You are quick!”

“What’s that?” Maine asked, but Sasha just waved her hand at him to quiet him down.


“If you got the eddies. I can get this done right now.” I told her, and it was true. The hack was basically finished. I mean, it was complicated. Definitely the most dense quickhack I had ever even seen, but it was still just a quickhack.

“Really?” She questioned after a moment like she didn’t believe me.

“You pay the eddies, and I’ll fix your work right here, right now.” I told her, and her usual smiling face was gone as if she was dissecting me before the edge of her lips quirked up and she fell into her normal smirk.

“I want to see that.” Instantly her eyes changed colors, and I got an alert for a hefty dump of eddies into my account.

Challenge accepted I guess.

I turned away from her, pulled my personal link and inserted it into the laptop, and then I went to work.

The noise of my chrome fingers on the keyboard was the only noise in the booth besides the bumping bass of the music playing in the club for a long while.
Kind of funny that Motoko has a big internal monologue about Night City only to get hit with "You're not on the list"

EDIT: Also Motoko can never tell Jackie that she not only has been in the Afterlife but has met Rogue. His pride wouldn't be able to survive such a blow.
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Chapter 130
“It actually compiled.” Sasha muttered in surprise as she watched her quick hack go from just a pile of noodle code to a working, functional hack.

I’ll be honest and admit that I was tempted to copy it myself. Cyberpsychosis was a pretty nasty quickhack, but now that I’ve worked on it, I could just make my own that didn’t have fucking kitten emojis throughout.

“So that mean she’s legit?” Maine asked, and Sasha shook her head.

“No, she is more than legit.” Sasha turned to me, none of the cute kitten persona on display. “Why have I only barely heard about you? If not for the laughing man hack. I wouldn’t know who you are.”

“I don’t really care about rep much.” I admit with a shrug. “I don’t really do the normal netrunner stuff either. Yoko is like my only contact on the net.”

“I’ve met a lot of fourteen year olds. Most of them are just script kiddies. Were you some secret corpo project or something?” She asked almost in disbelief, but I just snorted.

“My mother was a netrunner.” I explained which didn’t actually explain anything. The perfect answer. “And I like programming.”

“What’s so special?” Maine cut in. The big man had to my surprise mostly just hung back in the booth without a word. He had made a few calls from time to time, but had remained silent while I worked.

“Maine. I was planning on spending the next week working on that hack. She finished it in… Two hours?” She looked at me and then just started laughing. “Making me look bad kid!”

“You’re fine. You did most of the work. Just needed some fresh eyes.” I said with a shrug.

“Pfft. If your eyes were what did it, then please tell me what you chipped in, I want some.”

“Kiroshi Mk.1” I said but it was mostly sass and she giggled in delight at my words.

“Huh. The kids got talent then?” Maine asked, and Sasha just rolled her eyes and shot him a look.

“She’s a better programmer than I am Maine. As annoying as that is to admit.” She added with a sigh, then she pouted at me. “Not fair!”

“Sorry not sorry.” I gave her, but she had just opened up a chance for me, that I couldn’t help but take.

I wasn’t interested in working for Maine. But…

To save Sasha.

“You know. I am a freelancer for other things as well. Infiltration, netrunning, sniping. I do combat as well, but I think the big guy already has that covered for you guys.” I explained, but I could instantly tell Maine wasn’t interested.

Just giving me a pseudo grunt of acknowledgement. Even Sasha just looked at me like I was something cute.

There were times my age was pretty annoying.

I looked between the two and just shrugged. Stopping it from becoming an issue. “Well just something to keep in mind.”

Then I rose up. All the deals had been done. Eddies had been transferred and Sasha now had a copy of my Reboot Optics, and I had done some work on her Cyberpsychosis hack.

Would it be enough to save her life? I don’t know.

“I’ll call you when I finish the Short Circuit.” I told Sasha and before she could respond I had gathered up my stuff and walked off.

I couldn’t change the way she saw me as just a kid. Even if she now saw me as a kid with serious programming talent.

If that was the only connection I had, then I would use it.

I just had to create something that would give her the advantages she needed.


I went home and set to work. Hammering the code with all the focus I could to try and finish it. I had no idea when the Biotechnica gig would happen. I just had to be ready before then.

Life didn’t let me bury myself into a hole though. An hour later the door to the apartment opened, and I glanced up to see Hiromi.

“Motoko!” She cheered out as she charged over and flopped onto the couch grabbing me in a hug as she snuggled in and whined from deep in her throat. “Uuuuugh. Motoko! I did something totally gonk brained… Don’t be mad? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-”

“Hiromi.” I cut her off as she was sort of rambling into my side as she hugged me while laying flat. “What’s gotten into you? Tell me what’s up. It’s okay.”

“I accepted a gig… On your behalf?”

I blinked a little. “Well you are sort of my favorite fixer.”

“No I mean…” She sighed, “I screwed up. Sorry Motoko. I got a little heated and I said I had someone that could do a gig and I didn’t ask if you would before taking it. That’s… You don’t do that!” She berated herself.

I wanted to sigh. On one hand I had Sasha stuff that I was in the middle of, but on the other. Hiromi needed help. And maybe a rap on the top of her head.

“Okay.” I said reaching down and pulling her from the hug until we were both sitting and I could see her face. “Tell me everything.”

“I… I may have been bragging a bit… That I have this super cool solo that works with me? I mean I never gave names or anything, but like… Everyone talks about the bodyguards their family has, or the edgerunner they have on retainer to do their backstabbing stuff. So I mean… I got called out today. Everyone said I was making shit up.”

“So you defended yourself and accepted a gig?”

“Right. The gig. So, Asuka Kimigari, she’s in my class. Her ‘rents aren’t like managers, but agents. Not a huge deal, not everyone can be a Tanaka, right? But her parents apparently took out someone on a gig. Some nobody, but he was a nobody that had a brother who isn’t.” She sort of waved her arms a bit before collecting herself, and sending me a text.

Ah. She actually had put together a gig from the information she had.

Asuka Kimigari was a brunette. Almost a disappointment she wasn’t a redhead with twintails, but we can’t always get everything.

“Thomas Anderson, is dangerous. Like he’s got a rep and everything, and he is reportedly going to kill Asuka as the opening act to his revenge against her parents.” Hiromi explained and I was frowning.

The dossier on Anderson wasn’t exactly thick. The guy was a solo, but his skillset included netrunning. So sort of like my own abilities.

He sounded hella dangerous. Unification War veteran. The guy worked with NUSA, and had a rep even back then. Hiromi didn’t have a lot of direct details, what little she had sounded like word of mouth, but that was still not painting a pretty picture.

“Okay so you volunteered me for what exactly?”

“To resolve the issue… Whether that’s killing the threat, or bodyguarding?” She said wincing and I frowned at her a little.

“You must have been really worked up, you’re usually better at negotiating like that.” And I could feel from the tightness on her shoulders that she was not pleased with herself.

“They were making fun of me. Of my parents, just… Of everything. You met my dad, but like… We aren’t super high up in the food chain Motoko. The Mitsunashi name isn’t really respected, or feared. My Dad and Mom do good work so they aren’t really targeted by anyone, but that’s all we can really say.”

“So they were making fun of you, and you decided to prove you weren’t lying when you said you knew a solo. Accepted the gig on my behalf, and that’s where we are now?”


“Well… I’m not angry or anything. I’ll help out of course. Just next time let’s ask first.”

“I will! I’m sorry!” She said, hanging her head and still looking pretty upset.

“Okay so bodyguard or assassination. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to find this guy. So probably just bodyguard.”

“I, I can try to get more information on him. Contacts, and if he has any normal haunts!”

“That can help, but don’t go crazy, this guy sounds like a pro so let’s be super careful… Maybe we should call Ichi and Malcolm in too? Make it a full Section 9 gig?” My words seemed to have the right effect, just as I said it I could see the fire in Hiromi's eyes light up.

“I’ll call them, we could use transport for Asuka, and Malcolm can help me investigate!”

“Sounds like fun.” I tell her even as I itched to return to the laptop, to finish the quickhack. I shook it off. I would do what I could for Sasha but, while I wanted to save her because I felt for her.

She wasn’t my choom like Hiromi.

“Alright. Let’s get everyone together, we should have a meeting with Asuka as well.”

“I’ll call her!”

I nodded as I stood up to head into my room. Time to get suited up.


When all of Section 9 gathered together in a high end garage under Asuka’s apartment, I was surprised to see changes in my chooms.

Malcolm did pull up in his Caliburn which still made me giggle at how over the top it was, but he stepped out of the car with a Militech Saratoga strapped to his chest.

I quirked an eyebrow at him, which he caught.

“I decided to upgrade my firepower. I got some better armor too.” He mentioned to my delight as he showed off the Section 9 jacket that I had originally bought for my chooms had been modified.

It was professionally done too. A few extra inserts into the tough material.

“He isn’t the only one to get an upgrade.” Ichi said huffing a little at Hiromi and I giving so much attention to Malcolm while ignoring him.

“Unlike Malcolm I didn’t spend all my eddies on an overpriced ride.” Ichi sniped at Malcolm with a smirk.

“It was a great deal!”

“So I did some extra work on my van.” He said with a smirk. He walked over to the back of his van and opened the back door.

I couldn’t help but whistle as I saw what he had installed into the rear of the van.

“You bought an HMG turret?”

“Well, bought is a strong word.” He admitted and I looked at him in surprise as he flashed me a grin.

“I helped.” Malcolm revealed as well both boys grinning.

“I’ve been doing some work for some guys I know. Transport mostly you know?” Ichi revealed despite his casual attitude he was definitely peacocking a bit.

“So we had this gig. They were saying someone was going to shoot at me, I told them no. They said they need me. I said not without some protection. They gave me a Saratoga…” He trailed off looking at Malcolm's new gun.

“Which was an excellent gift.” Malcolm added, but Ichi just waved him off as he continued.

“So I said haha no. Eventually they offered me some real protection. They had this thing tucked away somewhere. No real use for it. They didn’t have anything really capable of moving it without having to set it up before the gig. So they offered it to me. Malcolm and I bolted it down into the bed of my Van, and we took it to a shop. So I can open the rear doors from the cab now.”

“You turned your moving van into a pop up tank?” Hiromi asked, and while I wanted to argue that it wasn’t a tank…

But the MK.31 HMG was sorta a tank cannon. A small one, but it did fire explosive rounds…

“I love it.” I admit shamelessly.

“Me too.” Ichi said and we both shared a look of shared delight of HMG’s.

“So now I can set up the van somewhere and have a surprise set up. I still need to armor up the cab a bit more though.”

“That should really be a priority.” I added but Ichi shrugged.

“I only have so many eddies… Speaking of, how is the pay for this?” Ichi asked, turning to Hiromi, who didn’t look super happy.

“Nooot great.” Hiromi revealed. “It’ll pay the bills, but Asuka is paying for this out of pocket. Arasaka student or not, she isn’t…”

“It’ll be fine. We do a cheap gig now, and everyone will know you weren’t joking when you tell them you know a solo, and next time you can charge a lot more.” I spoke trying to calm the tension, and thankfully everyone shrugged.

I guess considering how well we had all been paid so far, it wasn’t a major concern.

“Right! I’ll take a pay cut on this one as well, since I sort of messed up.” Hiromi added, which I was going to argue against, but Ichi and Malcolm both nodded looking pleased.

“Alright. Let’s go see our client then.”

“Sure c’mon.” Hiromi offered, waving us all to follow as we piled into an elevator and she sent us up to the twentieth floor.

We stepped out of the elevator into a long hallway that was pretty nice. Not quite Hiromi’s own apartment level, but probably on par with my own.

Hiromi led us, I could practically see the change come over my choom as she switched from the teenager to the girl corpo.

She walked up to a door and pressed the security pad at the door.

I heard it and shifted. Glaring at the ceiling where an HMG turret had just activated. It wasn’t popping out, but it was there.

Not even giving it a chance I blitzed its defenses, skewering the ICE and forcing it to remain shut down.

“Asuka it’s Hiromi, and the mercs I told you about.”

“Hiromi? You’re actually here? Alright hold on. The security is in full lockdown mode.” The voice came from the security panel, and after a moment the door opened. The teenager looked fully corpo in a way even Hiromi never quite managed. Sure, she had some understated flash, EMP threading going over one eye that was a different color than the other. Although both were optics, so she was just showing off.

But I was most focused on the shotgun in her hand. Tacticians were good home defense weapons, but she really needed to stop sweeping the barrel over my chooms and I.

“Easy Asuka, it’s just me. Can we come in?” Hiromi said smiling as she tried to calm down the girl who was obviously not doing well.

The girl looked over the three of us as she ignored Hiromi, only after she seemed to decide we weren’t the man trying to kill her did she lower the gun. “Come in, quickly.” She demanded and backed up. Hiromi didn’t wait piling in, and the rest of us followed. Entering into an apartment entrance way that had an already active HMG turret.

I quickly shut that one down too. Which startled Asuka as the door had just closed and her HMG had closed up.


“Easy, calm down. I just closed it down. I don’t like that thing pointing at me.”

“How did you even do that!?” She demanded coming up into my space.

Yeah the girl was freaking out, her entire body was shaking. So I did the only thing I could think of and gently reached out and left a hand on her arm. “It’s okay. We are here to protect you.”

My sincere words were instantly rebuffed with a scoff. “What the hell Hiromi. I thought you said you knew some mercs.”

“I do. Motoko takes work from Wakako the fixer, and has contacts all over. She can definitely help.” Hiromi offered with a shrug, but once again my young body fought against me, and Asuka didn’t look relieved.

“Fucking hell Hiromi, what is this shit! You’ve been talking up so much shit, and you bring a bunch of kids in on this?” She looked like she was about to start yelling, but her movements hadn’t kept track of everyone, and she bumped back into Ichi who gently grabbed her to keep her from jerking around.

“Hey, easy. We don’t look like much, but we are here.” Ichi offered, “Something is better than nothing right? Let us protect you.”

I wanted to point out to Ichi that I had literally just said that, when suddenly the girl's back stiffened and she even flushed a little.

She scoffed again, but this time her shotgun was only being held loosely as she stepped slowly out of Ichi’s hands. “Well at least I’ll give you a shot… Hiromi, this better not be a joke though.” She said turning from Ichi to look fully at Hiromi.

“Pfft. I’ve been telling you gonks, that I have an actual merc team!” Hiromi snarked, but seemed to take control of herself. “But we aren’t here for that. Section 9 here for bodyguard duty. Let me introduce everyone. Malcolm, Ichi, and Motoko. Motoko is in charge. She’s a solo, and knows what she is doing.”

“She doesn’t look like much.” Asuka muttered under her breath, but I didn’t take it personally. The girl was twitchy.

I guess knowing that a cyberpunk was after you for revenge would make any teenager a little jittery.

“Well she is. I’ll be taking Malcolm to do some investigating. Hopefully we can find your threat through our contacts. Ichi and Motoko will be staying with you. Ichi is a driver, he has a van ready if you need to run for any reason. Motoko?”

“It’ll be fine. I’ll check out the security of the place, and maybe boost it a bit while I’m here… Is anyone from Arasaka looking into this? Other than your parents I mean?” I asked Asuka who just sort of sullenly looked at me before shrugging.

“My parents haven’t told me much.”

“Okay. I have a contact in Counter Intel, I’ll see if she has anything. Hiromi?”

“Oh! That’s right that V woman you told me about! Good job Motoko. I’ll call Wakako and some others, see if anyone has something.” She said mostly to Asuka who looked a little surprised at the big names being thrown around.

I moved away from the group, looking around the upscale apartment as I went, and made the call.

Gonna have to do something about those windows. One entire side of the apartment was glass floor to ceiling.

At least the place had some automated defenses, but HMG turrets were just asking to get someone friendly fragged if a netrunner was involved.




I started to glare as V very obviously wasn’t answering, but finally after a minute the call went through.

*Kid. What do you want?* V didn’t quite snap, but she wasn’t sounding friendly either. Again I didn’t take it personally. That was just how V was, besides she had picked up. If she didn’t want to be my choom she would have just ignored the call, or blocked it.

*I’ve been hired to protect an Arasaka Academy Student. Asuka Kimigari. Apparently her parents are Arasaka grunts, killed someone's kid brother and now he is after their kid.*

*And I care, why?*

*Even if it didn't fall under your purview, this is a merc gunning for Arasaka personnel. You have any information on this guy? Thomas Anderson?*

The line went quiet for a minute before V just sighed into the line. *You know I can’t just give you anything. I shouldn’t even be talking to you.* V’s tone was pretty firm, and I almost opened my mouth to pull the choom card, but that wasn’t right.

V wasn’t in a job where something like that would just be ignored. I would be hurting her for my own benefit. Not exactly something I would do.

*You’re right. I’m just an outside agent on this. Unless of course a certain agent contracted me out to help handle this. Payment can be a private affair between us.* I trailed off, and the line remained quiet, before a single cut off scoffing laugh came through.

*I’ll send you what I have, the Kimigari issue isn’t my workload, but if you can stop him it’ll make me look good. If you fuck up we never talked and you never got data from me.*

*Of course.*

The line went silent again and when V came back she came back with a beep of a text coming through at the same time.

*Kid. I looked through this shit. Anderson? He isn’t some street punk with a gun. The guy is a pro. Don’t do anything stupid and get yourself killed. Jack will be pissed with me if you die like that.*

*Thanks V. I’ll keep you updated as well. If I get him you’ll be the first to know.*

*Good. I’ll be able to throw it in Carlsons face then.* Then because V too studied the art of Night City phone calls she just hung up on me.
I wonder how tangled Motoko is going to get with Arasaka on this? I think it's very very likely that Arasaka is already hip deep in this case.

I think that because Asuka knows who is coming to kill her. IRL that would only be because someone sent a death threat, but in cyberpunk it could easily be because someone was inquiring about open bounties about her family, is recruiting help/goods for it, announced it for the street cred once it happens, they're already a person-of-interest under surveillance, or he already took a shot at her family. But all these mean the intel went through Arasaka. Arasaka kills people all the time, so they have to have protocols for this sort of thing. We know that counter-intel already has the data, so my guess is that's what V was referring to with showing up Carlson.

Asuka's intel on Mr Anderson means she was informed by Arasaka (probably indirectly via her parents), which means they know and are on the case. Either that or he sent a death threat that's the equivalent of the Navy Seal "300 confirmed kills" copypasta, but I think her hearing from her parents is more likely.

Asuka paying for the gig implies that her parents/Arasaka already have countermeasures in mind and is confident in them. Investing tens of thousands of eddies in a kids' education but just letting them die is bad investing. Plus Araska has to kill Mr Anderson anyways or they'd lose two agents, so it's worth taking him out. However Corpos are gonna Corpo, so they'll do it when they get around to it and won't spend too many resources on it.

My guess is that it went something like this:
1) Asuka parents kill Mr Anderson's brother for Arasaka, so Arasaka put him under light net surveillance as a matter of course.
2) Mr Anderson starts tripping flags. Goes to fixers, buys up guns, and Arasaka puts together that he's likely to hit Asuka first.
3) Arasaka notifies Asuka's parents. Since they're agents, Arasaka lets them know and probably taps them for the counter-hit (because it's bad business to just let your agents get killed, and they're conspicuously absent).
4) Parents notify Asuka that they're going to be away, and she should stay indoors except to go to school. Araska probably says it'll protect her, but the extra stuff is more for psychological effect than effectiveness (eg, the hackable HMG) while counter-intel gets around to killing the guy eventually.
5) Asuka, being a teenager is still terrified and mentions it at school.
6) Hiromi gets roped in by the insults and gets section 9 hired for basically peanuts.
7) V gets contacted by Motoko and sees that Arasaka is on the case, but it wouldn't hurt to help Motoko. And the Insane Gremlin actually has a chance of succeeding and showing up one of V's company rivals.

Section 9 is probably being looked at by everyone as inconsequential extra layer of protection. Arasaka is doing the important work of taking out the cyberpunk, and Section 9 is Kevin in Home Alone. But that also means that they're a level of protection that Mr Anderson hasn't planned for, which will probably end up making all the difference. Motoko will actually Home Alone him when he outsmarts Arasaka.

Which is why I think we're finally going to have Arasaka eyes coming onto Motoko (more than just V's moonlighting, anyways).
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Chapter 131
I shook it off, as I turned to look out the window. My eyes hadn’t been idle as I waited for V to get back to me. I had been scoping out entrances and weak points in the apartment.

But now I had some data to work on. Araska’s Counter Intel file on the guy was a lot more dense than anything Hiromi had. I walked back into the other room, finding everyone still gathered together, Hiromi was on a call, while Ichi and Malcolm both tried to seem calm and confident around the still twitchy client.

I pulled a shard out of my neck and handed it to Hiromi, while pressing a finger to my lips for silence.

She didn’t quite get it, but I didn’t want to distract her too much as she was still on a call.

I walked around the room, almost pacing as I read the file.

Thomas Anderson’s former NUSA career was highly redacted. Of course Arasaka had all that information. The guy was good. The sort of agent that thanks to his dual specialization as a Solo and Netrunner he was excellent at being thrown at a problem and letting him solve it.

He had left Militech after the unification war, but his military equipment, and trained skills put him on a level above the normal street thug.

He was no Morgan Blackhand, but he was certainly more than a Jackie Welles.

A cold blooded killer, and his little brother had been killed during an Arasaka operation. The worst part? Asuka’s parents had been identified during the operation and so now the guy knew who to target.

V’s information was really good. It even had a few descriptions of previous gigs the guy had done against Arasaka. His ‘standard’ procedure, as much as a wild merc had such things.

He liked to go for the kill with netrunning, while using guns and other weapons to put people into position to hack them.

But he also had a mix of NUSA chrome and training in close combat.

I sighed. This was going to be a mess.

I pulled away from the file and looked around.

If I was this guy, how would I catch my target?

Well I would probably just get a powered sniper rifle and figure out what floor and window is the right one, maybe hack in and use that too aim and just snipe them from a while other building.

That was thankfully unlikely. The apartment had big windows, but there weren’t a lot of sniper posts you could use across the way.

Plus Thomas wasn’t a trained sniper.

No more likely he would just rely on his netrunning. When you had a skeleton key it was a temptation to use it for every lock.

Something I had realized about myself as well.

So I put myself into his boots. What would I do? Come in through the window? He probably has access to an AV, it wouldn’t be hard to know the exact windows and come busting in…

But no. That was the sort of shit a movie character would do.

Just like coming in through vents, that shit never works in real life.

So instead I looked towards the most obvious entrance. The front door. It wouldn’t even slow a netrunner of his level down.

The defenses would probably be subverted if he had any talent. So I would have to do something about the HMG turrets…

I could shut them down completely, but that meant when he did show up he might actually realize there was a netrunner on the defense.


If I was going to take this guy out there was only one skill I had that would do the job.

“Okay I have a plan.” I called out to my chooms that were mostly trying to get the client on board.

Asuka still wasn’t fully behind us protecting her, even if she was desperate. I of course just ignored that.

I was here to save her life, whether she wanted it or not. If I walked away and she died then people might think I just outright failed at protecting a client, and that was just not going to happen.

My team perked up, even if Asuka looked sullen.

“Hiromi, go ahead and take Malcolm and get on with the investigation. If we can find him first, then that solves a lot of problems. Ichi you are going to stick to Asuka like glue. As far as our assassin knows I want him to think you are just a useless boyfriend or something. If anything happens you grab her and get out, get to the van and go.” I informed everyone and of course Asuka asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

“And what are you going to be doing?”

“Preparing.” I answered with a smile as I headed out of the living room. I needed to hit all the electronics that had eyes in the apartment, to make sure if Thomas started peeping I would know.

I hadn’t left behind a single hint at my existence on the apartment's security system, but just hacking into the system I had left a little Daemon behind.

One that would do one specific thing if it detected anyone else trying to access the system. It wouldn’t stop the hack, no. It would just let me know that something was going on.

Then. I disappeared, hiding in a closet near the front door. The one advantage I had on this guy was stealth.



Asuka Kimigari

“Do you really think you and your chooms can beat an NUSA solo? He’s not just a cyberpunk, he has actual training! My parents are worried about taking this guy on!”

“I’m not really a solo either, but I trust Motoko. She says she can handle it, then she can.” The boy Ichi offered seemingly while not relaxed, rather calm over all.

“You have to be kidding me.” Asuka moaned into her hands as she bent over. They were currently hanging out in her fathers office. One of the rooms that didn’t have an HMG looking over it. Apparently the girl was absolutely sure the assassin would be able to take them over.

What had her parents paid so much money for if the turrets could just be controlled like this!?

She should have known it was a terrible idea. They were Militech turrets after all. The assassin probably has backdoor passwords right into them!

“Hey, I… I was about to say try and relax but that’s dumb. I get how crazy this all seems.”

“You’re right it is dumb.” She snapped, but sighed, at least Hiromi was gone, leaving the cute merc behind. Now if only this wasn’t a life or death situation, and instead she was hanging out at some high end club or something. The image of the pair of boy mercs serving her hand and foot wasn’t a bad thought to idle on for a minute.

Until she remembered the serious purple hair girl was still in the apartment…


She hadn’t seen her in a while, but Ichinose had gotten messages from her from time to time. Checking in, telling them to go somewhere else in the apartment. It’s why she was forced to sit here on the couch in her fathers office instead of out in the living room watching TV or something.

“So… Is it a landmine to ask why your parents aren’t like… Doing something?” The boy asked, and Asuka glared, his question heavily damaged his cute levels.

“They are! But both of my parents are on a job right now. They aren’t even in the city. It’s why I’m here hiding in the apartment. They tried to get a location in Arasaka tower to secure me until they got back, but were denied.” She said a little pissed. Of course their manager didn’t want a kid hanging around even if the situation was this bad.


“Sorry.” He spoke after a few moments, sounding contrite.

“It’s fine. Arasaka bullshit is something I’m used to.”

“At least you have Hiromi, she pulled us in to help.”

“Yeah.” Asuka muttered not willing to get into it with one of Hiromi’s chooms. They weren’t close. Hiromi had only jumped at an opportunity and Asuka had been too desperate to refuse.

Now she was stuck with a group of teenage mercs trying to save her against an actual Militech assassin.


And she wasn’t even able to watch the TV Or something because her parents had thought it was a good idea to put an HMG turret next to the entertainment system.

And the worst part? Asuka still wasn’t sure that the assassin would go after her. Or go after her today.

Sure the guy wanted revenge. Sure her parents had gotten a message from him this morning. But like…

He could just wait a month and then bomb her on her way to school or something. This was so dumb!

“He probably isn’t even coming.” She muttered aloud.

“Maybe not, but if he is, we are trying to keep you safe.” Ichinose offered with a smile.

Okay fine. He could have a few cute points back.

She just had the thought when it happened. Ichinose jerked in the seat, and instantly moved to grab her.

“Quiet!” He hissed before she could even start snapping at him for grabbing her, but her throat went dry as she realized that it was time.

His golden eyes told her what had happened.

She was pulled from the couch, Ichinose tugging her hurriedly as he drew his pistol and ran her over to the door.

Then they went silent.


“Shh. Just wait.” He whispered as quietly as he could, his eyes still gold.

She shook off his hand for a moment and grabbed her own gun. The shotgun was one her dad had taught her to use in case of any home attack.

Ichinose nodded but continued resting against the door, looking at it, like he was waiting for a que.

The sudden sound of gunshots had him throw open the door. His eyes she had noticed were no longer golden as he grabbed her and they both started running.

There, in front of her, in the living room stood the man that had sworn to murder her, and leave her destroyed body out for her parents to find.

But what was shocking was that he was being pushed back.

The purple haired Solo. The merc was fighting him like a mad woman.

She had a knife in one hand struggling to go for his throat, while her other hand held back his own wrist where a big pistol was inching towards her head. Inches from each of their deaths.

Both of them were struggling on the couch. The girl must have hit him just as he was walking in front of it, and he had fallen over onto it.

Asuka recognized her chance.

“Ichi-” She started, raising up her shotgun. Surely she would just nick the girl a little, for a chance to kill-

She instantly jumped. Ichinose jumped onto her and pushed her to the ground, a moment later shot after shot echoed out and stitched holes across the wall above her.

“Go!” Motoko, the girl yelled, and Ichinose didn’t hesitate.Grabbing her and hauling her up running for the front door and safety.


The first time I saw Thomas Anderson I almost wanted to laugh. Long black trench coat, a pair of dark glasses? He looked like someone out of the Matrix.

I crept out of the closet after hearing him enter the apartment, the door not even slowing him, and then walking past the closet.

As I stepped out my plan to shoot him in the back fell apart.

He had somehow noticed as I left the closet after he walked past. I hadn’t made a sound. Not a one. The hinges of the door had been oiled and the security system couldn’t see me.

Yet he did. A scanner system? Eyes in the back of his head? Audio enhancer? What was it!?

As I raised my Burya he had turned.

We had both fired, both of us ducking out of the way. My Burya Vs. His Liberty. Both big guns, although mine was definitely the bigger. We ducked and rolled, bullets, flying, but the fact was I only had four rounds. The moment I fired my last one, he shifted from cover to leaping at me.

I met him mid air, bouncing off the wall of the apartment to slam into him, the act saved my life as his Liberty was trying to get a shot.

We slammed into the couch in the living room. I was on top of him, but despite my strength, I was still just a teenager, and he was a borg.

My chrome hand gripped his wrist, finding flesh, I dug in, but under his flesh was reinforced bone. I couldn’t break his wrist.

I went for my knife quickly, swiping it out of the sheath with my other hand going for his neck, but that was stopped flat as he caught my wrist, only a small cut for his trouble, and then we heard it.


I barely managed to jerk his wrist as her bodily stood up with me hanging off him, his pistol aimed at Asuka and pulling the trigger.

His rounds skittered up the walls as I forced his hand up.

“Go!” I yelped out, already feeling outmatched as the borg didn’t hesitate in trying to line up another shot.

He had me by one arm, and I had him by the other but it was obvious he was more focused on Asuka than he was me. Cyberpsychosis?

Or just honest hatred?

I raised up my right leg, braced my left against his knee probably to his confusion and kicked his wrist just as I let go. My legs were much stronger than my arms.

His shot went wildly off as Ichi urged Asuka on to get out while they could.

The second I kicked, I used my newly freed hand to quickdraw my Lexington.

I aimed it at his head and fired, but he had noticed and the hand holding my knife surged forward knocking my left arm into my right sending a skittering of bullets across the room and shattering the large windows along the apartment.

It had also knocked my Lexington out of my hand as he bashed my arm into the couch, breaking the back of the furniture, and I felt something in my shoulder decide that was it.

I pushed away the pain.

Asuka was out of the apartment, and his glasses were not fully focused on me.

Okay you matrix cosplaying fuck, lets go.

He charged, not even wasting time finding a weapon and just throwing out a combo of punches, that I was desperately backpedaling to dodge.

He was fast. Did he have a Keren? A Sandy? Or just a fuck ton of reflex tuners?

I blocked a punch, pushed it away, kicked out, only to be blocked by his own leg, each of us blurring into a quick flurry of kicks, but he was stronger, faster, and more skilled. And taller.

He shifted, almost kneeling down, trapping my leg with his own.

Which was bad. He punched and punched, and all I could do was weather the blows as he pummeled me. Instantly I felt my right shoulder start failing. Whatever was broken was making it really hard to hold out against his punches.

So I pulled out my trump card.

The pummeling immediately stopped as he heard the whine of machinery from behind him.

He might have taken over the security system, but I had hours to prepare this place for an angry netrunning solo.

The HMG turret near the security system? I had pulled it completely from the security system. Literally pulled the wires physically and deleted the information in the security system about it.

He probably could have noticed it, if I hadn’t been fighting him since he walked in.

The HMG turret had a single target.

My leg was freed and he dodged away, his eyes already focused on the turret, trying to shut it off.

Which is why I instantly attacked with my strongest hack. Reboot Optics slammed into him, and then he was fighting a two front war.

He was good.

He was really really good.

His speed on the net was a blur, so fast I could barely keep up with it, as his ICE fended me off, almost like I was trying to punch him while he just poked me with a rapier from afar.

He managed to flatten my breach, and get the turret to shut off.

I was breathless as we both stood staring at each other.

I spit the blood flowing out of my nose as he reached up and adjusted his trenchcoat.

So this is what it was like fighting a real professional without Jun to back me up.

“Not bad kid.”

“Not bad old man.” I agreed.

Then we moved, his right arm opening up into a Mantis blade, as he charged, and I pulled out a grenade and tossed it into his face. I leapt, back, aiming for cover. The entertainment system was one of the inset ones like we had. It was the best cover in the apartment I could reach.

He didn’t care, his other hand burst out and palm striked the grenade away from it, sending it flying right out the now broken window.


I rolled as I aborted my dive into the inlet and instead faced him.

I was down to just my fists, and he had already proven he was my superior there.

“Can’t let you kill her.” I spoke, deciding that diplomacy might be my only chance.

He just shook his head.

“The girl is dead, she just doesn’t know it yet. So are her parents.”

“She’s just a kid. She didn’t do anything to you.” I argued but he didn’t even register it.

“It’s a shame, you have some real talent for a kid.” He stated and then the battle resumed.

He charged me, I jumped, leaping over the couches in the apartment and trying to rush for the door, but as I reached the front entrance I instantly turned around and leapt back.

The deafening sound of the HMG turret opening fire blowing holes in the walls of the apartment, but missing me.

I rolled painfully on my right arm, and got up just in time for Thomas to reach me.

There was no escaping him…

At least not without taking something.

But unlike a normal gonk teenager, I wasn’t afraid of a little stabbing between friends.

He was thrusting his Mantis blade. Trying to skewer me down.

Using my right arm I reached out and clamped onto the innards of his Mantis blade. Even with my busted shoulder I pulled him in.

Uncaring that he had pushed his blade into my chest. No, I dug him in even deeper, bringing his entire body right into range.

Then I rabbit punched him in the throat with everything I had in my left arm.

He gagged, flinching back, but I went with him as I was clamped onto the innards of his arm.

I went to punch again, but he deflected the punch with his free arm and spun me.

I screamed.

I couldn’t help it. The feel of the blade sliding a bit sideways into me was excruciating.

It weakened my grip, unable to hold the blade down, and he ripped it back out. In a blur he spun and kicked.

I couldn’t dodge, couldn’t block, taking the size twelve boot straight to the stomach as he launched me away, and then the apartment disappeared.

He had kicked me out of the window. Out into the open sky of Night City.
Chapter 132




I jerked awake, at the noise, confused and in quite a bit of pain. Then I realized what was going on.

I blinked away the blood from my optics and looked around. I remembered…

Falling. I had fallen until I managed to grab at a pipe and break my fall. I remember holding onto it with all my grip sliding downward trying to slow down. A painful feeling and then smashing into something…

I was laying bent over a sign I realized. An electronic sign board. Quite thoroughly smashed as I was wrapped around it. Arms hanging loosely down the side, blood dripping down my chrome fingers falling out into the long drop below. My right arm still had the piece of pipe clutched in my hand. My fingers literally bent into the old pipe.

I coughed and more than a little blood came out.

Not a good sign.

I moved my arm and was able to get to the pouch on my other shoulder with a little fumbling.

The MaxDoc pressed into my mouth and suddenly I went from pretty weak to feeling at least kinda alive.

Considering I was stable and was going to need a few minutes, I decided to go ahead and just answer the damn ringing in my head.


*Oh thank God! Motoko! I got Asuka out, did you flatline the guy? I’ve been calling you for like ten minutes.*

*He kinda kicked my ass. Don’t come back, don’t know where he is right now. I’m gonna… Well I think I’m gonna drag my ass to Viks.”

*Shit… Are you?*

*I got a little stabbed, and he threw me out a window. I’ll live.* I slowly inched up my head from where it had been resting against the broken advertisement.

Soulhiker energy drinks huh? Sounded absolutely disgusting, but maybe I’ll buy one in thanks.

*What do we do?*

*Call Hiromi. Set up a safe house for our client or something. I’m gonna need a visit to Viks. Ichi, You got this?* I asked him because this was definitely a step up from our normal work situation.

*Well if he kicked your ass, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop him.*

*Don’t need to stop him Ichi, just avoid him. Go to ground, make sure she doesn’t make calls and stuff. I trust you… I need to hang up. Gonna need to figure out a way down.*

The line was silent for a moment as I started grunting and shifting myself so I wasn’t just sprawled over a metal sign.

Was my head bleeding?

Ah it had been. Looks like the MaxDoc fixed that up, but I was still covered in blood.

*Don’t die Motoko, I’ll keep Asuka safe.*

*I’ll be fine, I just need some time. Drive safe.*

I rose up a bit and felt the advertisement shift under me.


I spotted a good enough spot just below. An apartment had a small Balcony. I surged upwards, pushing myself off full strength and just managed to leap for it as the sign finally broke after the Motoko missile had damaged it.

I landed roughly, coughing and sputtering but I didn’t smash my head so it was just pain, and pain would pass. I reached down and found another MaxDoc and huffed that down as well.

I looked over and blinked.

A kid blinked back probably wondering what this bloody teenager was doing landing on his balcony. There was a kid just inside the apartment, one hand had a toy gun in his hand, and a cyber goggles on his head. He must have been playing some game.

I smiled and waved.

He waved back.



I didn’t see Thomas that fucker in the elevator as I took it down. Little Johnthan was nice enough to let me in, so I didn’t have to jump down the entire apartment block.

Which was good, because I was full of ow.

I flopped into the Quadra and started driving out of the area. I would meet up with the others later, but first, I really did need to get to Vik. My right arm had basically stopped working, which was kinda a bad sign.

It hung limply no matter what I did. Something was definitely broken, and I don’t think it was just my bones.



I sighed, as I got another call. This time I was coherent enough to check the caller ID.

*Hey Hiromi.*

*Motoko! Are you okay!? I talked to Ichi and he said you got hurt!*

*Yeah I’ve been better. This guy Thomas Anderson? He’s good Hiromi. Like really good. I’m glad Ichi managed to get Asuka away cause he took me apart.*

*You’re okay though?*

*Beaten, but already on my way to Viks. No idea how long it’ll take to put me back on my feet though Hiromi. So if you guys continue this gig? You need to hide. Go to ground completely. Don’t call anyone and tell them where you are, and hell just stop calling people entirely. Go hide somewhere. The man is a netrunner.*

I turned into a spot in front of MIsty’s with a sigh.

*I just pulled up to Viks. Hiromi. Stay safe, and call if you think he is coming.*

*We’ll… I’ll make sure everyone stays safe Motoko. I promise.* Hiromi sounded pretty upset, but for once I just wasn’t in any state to try and comfort her.

I pulled myself with a grunt out of the Quadra and walked around and then over to Misty’s ignoring the looks I was getting as I limped down.

I wasn’t bleeding anymore after all. Everything just hurt.

“Welcome to Misty’s Eso- Motoko!?”

“Hey Misty… Mind letting Vik know, I need some help?” I called not even feeling up to raising a hand to wave at the woman.

A few moments later I was attacked as she grabbed me and started hauling me out the back to Viks.

Yeah that was good. I could use some help.


“You did some real damage to yourself kid.”
“Don’t I know it.” I reminded Vik as he pulled away from scanning me down.

“Your arms connection port disengaged from the bone. Tore the nerves and muscle right out.”

“It was already broken, and I needed to stop my fall.” I almost shrugged but didn’t because my shoulder was currently…

Vik had taken my entire arm off to check the shoulder port.

“This is gonna take some real work kid. If not for your… Healing.” He muttered making sure to whisper the last part. “I would say you are looking at some real recovery time.”

“Good thing I have it, and I have you then Vik.” I offered with a weak smile. I wasn’t really feeling perky at the moment.

“Yeah kid. You got me. I can fix this all up for you, but you have to be more careful. Those arms of yours might be chrome, but there is only muscle and bone between them.”

“For now.” I muttered darkly. He caught my eye as his eyebrow quirked up and I felt myself going more grim. “But that needs to change. Vik. I need some chrome.”

“Never a good idea to chip something while injured kid. Especially something like this.”

I scowled, because he was right. But also I didn’t mean right this second.

“I know. I’m still on a gig right now! I need to be back on my feet soon. Can you source some stuff for me? Some good stuff.”

“Yeah kid. Let’s put you back together, and you can tell me what you want. I’ll start gathering it up for you.”

“Vik… Thanks.”


I took an eight hour sleep on Viks chair and woke up feeling much better. As I had said none of my chooms had contacted me, which was good. I headed out after giving Vik a big hug for putting me back together, and then went back to Asuka’s apartment.

When I got there, I very carefully let myself in, only after making sure I could hack back into the security network.

Like I expected, the moment I was in, I found a Daemon had been left behind.

Asuka or her parents would have had a nasty surprise when they came home only for their own security system to activate to kill them.

It took me a few minutes to clear it out and reset everything to how it should be and I walked inside.

Instantly I sighed in relief that my stuff was still laying around. Thomas had picked up his own gear, but left my stuff behind. No looting? Kinda disappointed to by honest. But it made my life a lot easier.

Burya and Lexington holstered, I was digging around trying to find my knife. It had been knocked out of my grip along with my Burya, but it had gone flying as it was a lot lighter.

Then I heard it.

An alert from the security system.

I leapt up and found some cover behind the broken couch. Burya drawn and ready. Was Thomas back? If he was, I doubt I was ready, but I would give him another fight!

I instantly lowered my weapon when I saw who it was. A woman in Araska gear stepping in, her Nowaki checking every corner as she entered.

I lowered myself down, so I wouldn’t be easy to shoot and called out.

“Friendly! Don-”

I flinched as a half dozen rounds blurred through the air above me.

“Don’t shoot! I’m a friendly!” I yelled out then gave it a minute, when no more rounds fired I slowly raised both hands up above the couch so she could see them.

“Identify yourself!”

“Motoko Kusnagi! I’m a merc hired by your daughter Asuka.”

“Where is she! Where is Thomas! What did he do?” She demanded and I was rushed as she came around the couch and instantly attacked, slamming me into the ground Rifle in my face.

“We got her out when he attacked the apartment. I don’t know where Thomas is. He threw me out the window about nine hours ago.” I said pointing at the still broken window.

This close to the woman, I could make out a slight resemblance to Asuka. Funnily enough they both used the same Arasaka optics, but was what kind of cute was the fact they had both chosen the same Pinkish color.

Her face was glaring down at me though, so I ignored the eye color to focus on the woman. Her Arasaka armor showed she was here for a fucking war…

I could use that.

“Where is my daughter!”

“My team is currently with Asuka, I don’t know exactly where, we split up when I was hurt, and I didn’t want them telling anyone where she is over unsecured comms while running from a netrunner. Ya?”

“If this is some fucking scheme from Thomas. I promise I’ll put a bullet in you.”

“I don’t work for that asshole. He stabbed me and kicked me out the fucking window. I want him dead.” I ground out before sighing. “We were waiting for you or your husband to get back. We can meet up with Asuka and my team, and come up with a plan to kill that fuck.”

“I don’t need some teenager. Tell me where my daughter is, and get lost.”

“The only reason your daughter is still alive is because of my team.” I pointed out, and then reached up and slowly pushed the rifle out of my face so I could sit up. The woman backed up tactically, never fully removing the barrel from me.

I stood up and wiped myself down a little. “Let me send a text to my team. Let them know you are back. Okay?”
“Get on with it.”

I nodded and did just said, sending Hiromi a picture as well.

*Motoko: The mother showed up, she’s pissed. Don’t tell me where you are, but get ready to move for meetup.*

*Hiromi: Finally. Been fighting with Asuka for the last few hours to get her not to make any calls. I’ll move her to a secure location and call you.*

“Alright. My team is moving her from where we stashed her. She’ll let us know once she is somewhere we can meet up.”

“Just tell me where she is.” Asuka’s mother growled and I shook my head.

“I don’t know. I’ll get a call soon with where she is.” The answer did not seem to satisfy the woman but she slowly not quite lowered the weapon, but at least stopped looking like she was going to kill me.

Then she started side walking around the apartment, checking locations while keeping an eye on me. Closets, and cabinets and things.

“What are you doing?”

There was no way someone could be hiding in the cabinet she had just checked, so she wasn’t just looking for people.

“Thomas sent a message about an hour ago. That he had left a surprise at our apartment.”

I blinked, tucking that away. “You expected to see Asuka-”

“Unless this is a trap.” She said, looking to me and I just raised my hands and shook my head. “Then something… He did something. I’m sure of it.”

“Oh. Probably the trap he left in your security system.” I told her bluntly, regaining her full attention.


“When I got here, I checked the security system before entering, the guy is a netrunner after all. He had the turrets set to kill any of your family that showed up. I fixed that before entering.”

She blinked, for the first time actually showing an emotion besides anger.


When I got the call back from Hiromi about where she was, I couldn’t help but laugh at where she had fled to.

Driving across town with a very twitchy Arasaka agent in my car wasn’t the most comfortable thing, but walking into Arasaka tower was even more so.

It took just a moment for Asuka’s mother to get access, but they stopped me cold as I had weapons on me.

Thankfully it didn’t matter as my team was right there with Asuka.

Not even our assassin would walk into Arasaka tower to try and finish his kill.

“Mom!” Asuka called out and ran over ignoring the annoyed looks from the security guards on duty, but mother and daughter didn’t care, and I relaxed as well. I had felt like the woman had a gun to my head the whole time we had waited for Hiromi to reach back out.

I stopped trying to get through security, not that they were going to let me in. Hiromi was chatting with Asuka, probably discussing the final payments and stuff. I went ahead and sent an update message to V.

*Motoko: Still alive. Failed to kill Thomas, he was good. Scary good. Nearly got me, I’m okay though. Asuka is alive and fine, and meeting up with her mom in the lobby of the Arasaka building. Sorry I couldn’t kill him to hype you up. Chat with you later.*

By the time I was done composing the message, Hiromi and my team came to me instead.

“Motoko! You’re okay!” Hiromi called out. As my chooms all surrounded me and checked me out.

“I’m alright. Vik took good care of me.” I reminded them, thankfully no one had seen how bad I was beaten up.

Of course that didn’t stop Hiromi from poking and prodding to check.

“How’s our client?” I asked mostly to distract her, seeing the teenager hugging her mother tightly was nice, not something you see in Night City much.

“Nervous, but probably feeling a lot safer now.” Ichi said and I watched his shoulders slump. “You had us worried there boss. Try not to pull something like that again, yeah? Not knowing if you had died, and I just ran off?”

“The gig was to protect the client… But yeah…” I muttered. I couldn’t help but try to keep everyone else out of trouble while I fought, but maybe having Ichi bring his gun to bear. Have Asuka help… Maybe we would have won instead of merely keeping the gig going.

I could have died. I took a deep breath and let it out. I had a lot of ways to keep myself alive. A lot of tricks and things with the System, but I really needed to stop taking on risks.

Thomas Anderson was out of my league. Going solo against a borg, like him? I should have known that was dumb.

Sure, if my stealth had worked I could have taken him out, but it hadn’t because of course a solo like that would have some ways to keep an eye on the area around him. That was the point. The difference between street thugs and professionals. Talent, skills, equipment.

“I’m glad you got her out of there Ichi, but yeah. I probably could have used your help.” I admitted and he looked both unhappy with the admittance, and pleased.

“Next time then.” He decided, and I did more than just agree.

“Next time… Next time we will be more ready. If we are going to take gigs like this we need more tools than what we have brought with us so far. It’s time to start upgrading.” I told my team and everyone looked interested in my words.

“Hey! Hiromi. Ichinose… Umm, Motoko, Right?” Asuka called out as she stood on the other side of the security area as she called out.

“Asuka.” Hiromi responded, turning fully to the girl and giving her a look.

“Hiromi… Thanks. That cyberpunk would have definitely flatlined me. So like, thanks. I owe you my life, and stuff.” She said awkwardly.

“The and stuff, is what we are more interested in Asuka. The contract was until your parents got back.” Hiromi said instantly, strictly professional. Aww Hiromi, Asuka was being all heartfelt. At least smile and give her a hug.

“Right. Yeah, here.” She offered and I could see both girls' eyes going blue as Hiromi was transferred credits.

“Asuka. I’m glad you’re okay.” Hiromi offered, sounding honest. Now you are nice? Hiromi! “Don’t forget Section 9 for any future bodyguard, or information gathering requirements.” Hiromi literally snuck in a slogan as well.

I snorted, and face palmed, unable to resist. That’s our corpo alright.

With that the gig was over. Asuka hurried back to her mother that brought her deeper into the tower, and Section 9 walked out of the front of Araska tower.

“Glad we are out of there.” I muttered.

“Yeah, tell me about it. Gives me the creeps.” Ichi and Malcolm both comment, earning a huff from Hiromi.

“There is nothing wrong with Arasaka tower.”

“Stepping into the front makes me feel like I’m about to charge into the tower to try and blow it up or something.” I muttered being honest with my chooms.


“That’s kinda cool.”

“YOU CAN’T!” Hiromi squawked and leapt at me trying to throttle me.

“Okay okay. It’s just how it makes me feel. Not something I plan on doing!”

“You better not!”

With Hiromi’s little overreaction I stilled and looked to my chooms. “So… After gig party?”

“Yeah!” Malcolm called out instantly, nearly jumping into the air. “This gig sucked, let’s party!”

“That’s because all you did was follow Hiromi around. Motoko and I are the ones that actually faced the borg.”

“No way, I’m glad I didn’t face this super borg! He took out Motoko!” Malcolm said pointing to me and I just huffed.

I was still irritated that I had been beaten so easily.

Sure I wasn’t like Maine, all seven and a half feet of chrome and death, but I had thought I could at least hold my own, but Thomas Anderson had taken me apart.

I would need to grind some more. I needed better equipment, better stats, and better chrome.

“What was it again?” I muttered as I threw my arms behind my head following my chooms as we all sauntered down the sidewalk to our cars. “High time I chrome the fuck up?”

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