Gender and voting trends


Well-known member
Someone once said that this isn't so much a "culture war" and as "gender war". Leftist demographics are dominated by women while right wing demographics are dominated by men.

Specifically white women

White women are also a major base of support of black nationalist movements.

And those same movements get all butt-hurt when white women don't vote for them.

Amusingly, there was also a film about the civil rights moment in the 50's that depicts it being driven by white women, which while heavily criticized at the time for dis-empowering black people, also has a ring of truth to it.

Long lead up short; why is this the case?

I mean, I could make pithy arguments about how "other cultures know how to control their women" or "this is why we never should have given them the vote" or "bitches be crazy" all day, but that doesn't get to the root of the issue. Especially when deeply rooted political divides also parallel gender boundaries and thus often interfere with dating and relationships to the detriment of both groups.


Well-known member
Its very easy to understand.

Look at who statistically pays taxes and has to fight in wars.

Now look at who is protected from drafts and conscription and gets the most government benfits.

People vote for their self interest.

Now lets say your married with children, and now those taxes are being taken out of your wallet and now your husband and children are at risk of dying in some sandbox...hence why a lot of married women end up changing how they vote.

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