Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes


When your spare short-barreled upper receiver is that same brand as the lower receiver on your regular AR.

"Secret regulations"
Once upon a time, nations were governed according to laws, which were passed in a public process by democratically-elected legislatures.
But that's too old-fashioned for some people. Or something.

Remember, no-one can make Zyklon Ben look like the rational one but the people he’s criticizing.

This cartoon was published nearly three years ago. It predicted our future, which has now arrived in full, ugly bloom.
Actually, I’m not much of a prognosticator and my crystal ball broke a long time ago. In 2017 the incidences shown in this cartoon were already occurring. Now they’ve all become worse.
Holy shit. He predicted it all.

Well, to be fair, it was easily predictable just based off the slippery slope argument.

We were just constantly reassured that it was crazy and they would never go so far.

Sigh. To be young and innocent again.

Everyone saying slippery slope was 100% right about everything and now we have to try and claw our way back up somehow.

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