Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

Huh, I had always thought the opposite because the Nazi's were such roman fanboys. I still think that the EU basically counts though. I mean, it's a non-democratic, German lead 'nation'.
Indeed that's what the HRE was supposed to be the "heir" of Rome. See also the German monarch Kaiser literally means Ceaser.
How each quadrant deals with food shortages


I had no idea that Centrists were such heartless monsters. The Commies at least could tell themselves that the people they were murdering were enemies. But to cook your own dog alive over a fire? That's a moral event horizon.
To be fair Kaiser whilhems son couldn't possibly do a worse job of ruling germany then freaking hitler.
Speaking of which, here's an excerpt from an article in which Wilhelm the 2nd gives his opinion on Hitler:

“There is a man alone, without family, without children, without God....He builds legions but he doesn’t build a nation. A nation is created by families, a religion, tradition: it is made up out of the hearts of mothers, the wisdom of fathers, the joy and the exuberance of children.

[Of Germany under Hitler he says]....an all-swallowing State, disdainful of human dignities and the ancient structure of our race, sets itself up in place of everything else. And the man who, alone, incorporates in himself this whole State, has neither a God to honour nor a dynasty to conserve, nor a past to consult....

For a few months I was inclined to believe in National Socialism. I thought of it as a necessary fever. And I was gratified to see that there were, associated with it for a time, some of the wisest and most outstanding Germans. But these, one by one, he has got rid of or even killed....He has left nothing but a bunch of shirted gangsters....

This man could bring home victories to our people each year without bringing them...glory....But of our Germany, which was a nation of poets and musicians and artists and soldiers, he has made a nation of hysterics and hermits, engulfed in a mob and led by a thousand liars or fanatics...."

Interview with the Kaiser

Considering that he gave this interview in 1938 only a couple of months after Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich agreement with Hitler, it is clear that he had a far clearer understanding of what was forthcoming than many of his contemporaries did.

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