Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

Because people only now about the ''country for jewish people'' part of their program, which makes them nationalists and all nationalists are authoritarian right. The fact that Theodore Herzl wrote his program with strong socialist note and his successors took it to heart is completely unknown to most people. Even those who heard about kibutzs mostly think they are the same as settlements of the religious loonies. Which made it funny to read about all of this in time of Yugoslavia, which was an ally of the Arabs (except Jordanians), but in some publications you could read between the lines that countries have a lot in common.

How many people know that the state of Israel was initially backed by the Soviet Union?
Someone did an easy to digest breakdown of political lines

The Right
Conservatizm = We want whatever liberals used to want.
Religious Conservatizm = Jesus says abortions are naughty and I'll vote for any muslim, divorcee, banker, shyster or fraud who agrees.
Gun Conservatizm = As long as I can still buy a gun with a permit, and background check, for use on private property or at a state designated range and adter an appropriate cooling off period - well then that's all good.
European Conservatism = Maybe small businesses aren't the enemy, as long as our friends get rich.
Economic (((Conservatism))) / Neo-Liberalism - Behold the Line! Line Go Up! More browns for the line god!
Neo-Conservatism = Nothing is more important than sacrificing plebs to Moloch in the middle east. 'Merica!
Libertarianism = Everyone's free to buy children. I believe everyone is identical. I should be allowed to buy rocket launchers and heroin on the deep web. Instead I buy anime pillows.
Religious Extremism = This is my interpretation of why I can have six eighteen year old wives and it makes god happy.
The Racist Right = Some people are brighter and better than others, so perhaps we encourage them and not the lesser ones.

The Left
Democratic Paty = Nothing is more important than sacrificing plebs to Moloch in the middle east with slightly more people being able to afford medical insurance. We love our minorities.
Democratic Socialism = If we win you'll never need vote again. Manna from heaven and maths from kindergarten.
Communism = We must nationalise the means of production. And then queue, hoping we actually produced something.
Liberalism = Group A is hurt by Group B! Give me power to help group A. Repeat.
Leftism = My identity is my politics and the world must be remade to improve the position of losers, like blacks, browns and me.
Social Liberalism = Watch me justify my deviancy.
The Racist Left = Some people are brighter and better than others (for cultural and economic reasons), so perhaps we discourage them and not the lesser ones.

The Centre
3rd Way = this is bad, and that is bad, so if we combine them it'll be good.
Nazism = Communism is bad and nationalism is good. So if we combine them and remove undesirables it'll be good.
Boomerism = As log as my 401k goes up, Shaniqua gives me my blood pressure drugs and Carlos keeps cutting my lawn, I'm fine.
Apolitical = Both sides are wrong. Lets compromise so nobody is happy, nothing works and we get the worst of both worlds.

Eco-Leftism = I want cheaper weed. Those doing it are highly visible.
Eco-Rightism = A Kaczynski meme page run off you I-Phone X. Those actually doing it are almost completely invisible.
SWPL Ecoism = I buy carbon neutral quinoa and let my wife cheat on me.

Constitutional Monarchism = THis person's great x12 grandfather was a great man. They should be too. But just in case we'll give them no power and institute a system that doesn't require them at all.
Gaullism - We are angry that people speak English and we only had a bottle of Vin de Table for lunch. Lets dump a pickup truck full of manure somewhere.
Religious Retreat (Benedict Option, Distributism) = As long as people who don't understand me, hate me and my beliefs and stand to gain from destroying me will leave me alone then I'm happy. I hate the state but trust it not to do anything bad to my farm, compound, camp, family or settlement.
European Socialism = The state knows better than you, pleb. The state can provide things better than you, rapacious hook nosed gentlemen. Shut up pleb.
"Self"ism = Wanting to put your identity group, area, nation or region above all others. You like people like you.
Anarcho - Socio -Communi - Prefixism= My own theory which I cannot explain is best for reasons you do not understand. Theory making sense is inversely correlated to body fat percemtage and/or neck measurement.

Meta-Right = Order can only be achieved through great men doing great things. This result in a hierarchy. Legalism, bureacuracy and managers kill it. It is a process, not a goal, it only lasts for a short time.
Meta-Left = Equality can only be achieved through beings of great understanding, "education", and compassion being given great power. Results in never ending change, general anarchy. The goal is the process, which never ends.

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