France is Nothing if She is not the Eldest Daughter of the Church


Deleted member 1

"Equality, fraternity, liberty: Plenty of examples during the Terreur: Noyades; the decimation of inhabitants of Lyon, Toulon and Bordeaux; mass executions in Nantes; the Pic Puce mass graves; Malesherbes’ suplice; de Launay’s “decapitation” with knives; the Princess de Lamballe’s massacre; the September massacres. And notre chére mère Mme. Guillotine, with its estimated 40,000 victims, man, woman, and child alike!"

Jacques was hardly more than a boy, with a shock of black hair curling about his forehead:

Plenty of men in France these days called themselves "Jacques" and rose up against the gentry, seizing their lands and sometimes their throats, while the national barber did its clean work in the Place de la Concorde in Paris, and blood ran like wash. But this boy was really named after Saint James. And now he sat in a barge with a hundred other men and boys, as the craft floated down the sluggish Loire, westward toward the sea and the dying day.

The sun glowered through the smoke like the eye of a beast. There was smoke all round, and the glare of fires far off. It was cold and bitter. Pere François the curé paused in his prayer to look over his shoulder. Then he turned to pray again.

This was the work of Robespierre and his men of light. They profaned the Cathedral of Our Lady in Paris, parading a whore in place of the Mother of God and calling her the goddess Reason. They seized Church lands "for the republic' and put them up for sale. They made the clergy swear to be state puppets, their electors to include any drunken ruffians or atheists who lived in the parish. If the priests did not swear, there was the barber. They suppressed the monastic life, the birthplace of so many holy works and prayers. They dared to alter the time of God, depriving men of their Sabbath rest, replacing it with the rationalist's decadi, every tenth day, for the exhibition of patriotic sentiment, or else. They stripped religion bare, inventing for social utility the worship of L'Etre Suprême, who was neither Father nor Son nor Holy Spirit.

They sent nuns to the scaffold, their only offense that they would not offend. They laid hands on the kindly King Louis himself and his innocent wife and children. Their enlightened hatred knew no bounds.

"I see what Parisians mean by fraternité," said Jacques. The soldiers from Mainz who stormed his village were not bellowing in French. Assassins for pay: only from the throats of assassins could come sounds so ugly. They and the republican army put the Vendée to the torch, slaughtering every man they could reach, not sparing women and children. The marshes of the lower Loire, rich in pitch-pines, thick with the peaty soil where you could just toss a seed and it would grow — the plains that Jacques and his family had drained and plowed for three hundred years, were laid waste, with a stench of burnt swamp grass and turpentine and bitumen and death. It was Frenchmen murdering their brothers in the name of the brotherhood of man. It looked like the end of the world.

"Why has this happened, Monsieur le Curé?" said Jacques.

"For the same reason it always happens," said the curé. "Men have forgotten God." And the Loire seeped through the cracks of the barge and rose up over their shoes.

Of course, everyone on that barge drowned, because that's what the barge was being used for: Execution

A place to discuss the French revolution and the Bourbon monarchy.
The Revolution was a time of national myths for France, lot of stuff about the time period is forgotten or glanced over nowadays, especially in France itself, the genocide of Vendée being one of those things, the fact that the Bastille wasn’t nearly as Glorious as later told is another one of those.
French education tend to gloss over a lot of the most.... problematic details of the revolution.
I only learned about the colonnes infernales when speaking to a lawyer priest? (Not sure about the name in english) when I was 23.

I’ll happily follow and participate in this thread, once I have slept.
An interesting time and yet not something you'd want to witness first hand since you may end up being the one killed for doing something they don't approve of as Robispierre found out.

I used to be more naive reading this as a kid but seeing it as it is makes me wonder about the cost of the idea of a revolution as it's likely lots of people start killing each other.
colonnes infernales

To this day people supporting the Republican line refer to the people of the Vendée as "terrorists", to try and keep up the legitimacy of an operation literally called "The infernal columns", little more than a systematic application of einsatzgruppen.
I've seen an actual Communist disdainfully refer to peasant opposition to revolution as "the Vendée problem".
Historians aloso tend to gloss over the fact that on campaign, the Napoleon's armies lived off the land, with all the horrors this entailed for recipient population. With Haiti and Spain campaigns being extra brutal, Russian campaign not lagging far behind. One of the reason for retreat from Moscow being so devastating is due to the fact that the army had to retreat on the route they already ravaged during their advance towards the Moscow.
To this day people supporting the Republican line refer to the people of the Vendée as "terrorists", to try and keep up the legitimacy of an operation literally called "The infernal columns", little more than a systematic application of einsatzgruppen.
The Vendéens just wanted their King and their churches.
They got a genocide as an answer.
like the rapes of aristocrats daughters before their executions and actual cannibalism spurred on during the reign of terror.
Yeah, or people getting canonized.
I am also talking about myths like the ones of the Bastille.
The Bastille wasn’t important anymore by that time, it was even losing it’s use as a prison to keep troublesome nobles in, the garnison was small, and barely armed, the protesters went there to find Guns and black powders but there was nothing there, hell, the soldiers didn’t even fight back, they tried to negotiate and calm things down, but the crowds just mobbed them.
Reportedly, the King and his advisors expressed befuddlement at the act; they didn’t even understand it was an act of revolt! That’s how little the place meant.
there are many things like that that are either untold, misleading or outright false about the revolution.
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